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Share your quitting journey

Sometime you have to be your own Cheerleader

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I have seen several posts about the lack of support from family/friends/Ex-community members and I decided to write a blog about how I feel about it.  I hope no one take this the wrong way…It’s just my two cents.

When I announced to my family that I had set a quit date of course they were happy for me but not one of them asked in the last 82 days of my quit how things were going.  Does that bother me?  NOPE.  It doesn’t bother me because I am not quitting for them, I am quitting for me and that is what’s important.  My feelings aren’t hurt just because they don’t ask how I am managing my quit.

After only being quit 5 days I had my biggest challenge.  My son left a pack of cigs and lighter on a shelf in my garage and World War 3 did not break out…..I simply told him to remove them and not to bring cigs in my home again.  I could have easily taken his lapse of memory personal but I did not because my quit is for me and no one else.  Getting upset would not have erased the memory of seeing those cigs. and besides he is 'relearning' the fact that I don't smoke anymore.

It’s really nice when I blog and I get comments from you guys and I thank you for them.  However if I never get another comment on this board that will be fine too.  My blogging is for me....  to release any frustrations, express challenges and successes I may have encounter on a particular day.    So if it seems like your friends or family is not concerned about your quit try not to let it bother you….It’s going to be OKAY.  You are going to be OKAY because you are quitting for YOU.  Sometime we have to be our own Cheerleader.

The journey continues.


Your blog is so true! I have been having a day of mourning.  It is only day 8 and I feel like I lost an arm or body part.  I have to get through this day and reading your blog has helped. thank you for this. Gracie 


Right on!!!! Your quit is YOUR work of art. YOU have to design it, create it, polish it, and be proud of it...even if no one else appreciates it. It's YOURS.

And the vibe you've shared here goes hand in hand with the idea that you have to be genuinely comfortable with your quit in the quiet time when there are no chores or self-made "busy work" to constantly distract you. 

As for blog posts, publish things that you want to have a record of in your "journal". Cultivate a "resume" you can look back on. It's for YOU. Some items will get 2 dozen comments, some will only get 6. Doesn't matter. The worth comes from the content, not the comments.

Good post!


Amen. Smokers will be massively threatened by your quiiting. Non-smokers simply have no idea what you are going through.

I guess it's like the advice Steve Earle gave to inmates in a prison when he went back to perform a concert as part of his parole conditions:

Walk slow, drink plenty of water, and do your own time.... 


You have a great attitude on quitting, it is for you. You are doing great.  I think its a shame your family is not more supportative but mine didn't ask about my quit either but I did not let that stop me. I just celebrated 4 years this month.

As for comments on blogs alot has to do with what time thay post, I had blogs with only 2 or 3 comments but like you I was blogging out my frustrations.

I try to be as supportive as I can because I know how rough quitting can be at times. If ever I can help you just let me know.



It is nice to have people in our lives who care to cheer us on But if we don't we must pat ouselves on the back but I know I am doing much better in my quit because I come here for support and congrats !

If  I just blogged for myself as I have in the past in a journal it is helpful but having real people who care is what makes EX special . I also like to think even in my small 50 day quit that I may just be helping someone else in there quit even if helping me helps them !

In AA a big part of the program is giving back and that keeps members sober .


Everybody's quit is their own, and how they do it and what they need during the journey will be unique.

But one thing I DO know - blogging "HELP" here, regardless of your previous participation, is a MUST if you feel yourself succumbing to the addict's whispers in your ear.  We CAN put some distance between you and that fatal crave.....

Don't forget to take advantage of us if you need us!



Being your own cheerleader - great idea for so many aspects of life! Congrats on 82 days! 


congrats on 82 days, we are our best cheerleader, we the people on ex are the great supporter,    SUMMER


Excellent blog , rain!!!!!! I love the concept......soooooo true.

Absolutely - you got this!!! Yay!!!

And you are the breath of fresh air a summer rain brings!!! I LOVE this blog lady! xo