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Share your quitting journey

Something weird this way comes...

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  I suspected that Autumn would cause weirdness within my Quit.
  You see, I was hooked on cool-weather smoking. Nothing seemed more cozy and comforting than standing outside on a cool and breezy day, swaddled in a hoodie, sipping pumpkin spice coffee, breathing crisp air, and smoking a cigarette. Inhaling that mentholated smoke at the same time as inhaling chilled air…well, that was like icy-cool ecstasy to my particular species of addiction. 
  Now, cooler days are coming…and Autumn is getting romantic with me. Right now, it’s just seductive whispers of what‘s yet to come, but I know that it will soon turn into teasing caresses. I need to put a stop to the touches now before they turn into heavy petting and groping!
  I am   not tempted to smoke. Let me make that perfectly clear. I am   not struggling with the urge to use cigarettes again. No. What I’m saying is that the nostalgic romance of the season has returned, and will be here for   the next 5 months. That’s a really…  looooong…wave to have to ride out, so I need to gather up some new “surfing skills” as quickly as possible. Rewiring and unraveling these old associations needs to be my focus right now.
  Staying indoors until March of next year is not an option because that’s just ludicrous.
  Doing nothing about it and white-knuckling my way through these romantic flashbacks is self-inflicted cruelty, and I’m no masochist.
  So, the only option is to   TACKLE it, head-on, and   COEXIST with the nostalgia until I can   MASTER it with   CLOSURE. Psychiatrists would call this “immersion therapy”, and a crass jerk would call it “getting over it”. Either way, I need to be able to put on that hoodie, sip that flavored coffee outside at the patio table, enjoy the coolness of an autumn breeze…and just not smoke or feel loss over cigarettes. That‘s the end goal.
  So, how do I prepare now? Well…
   1. I will go back to using aromatherapy, which helped me tremendously in the first month of my quit. Whenever possible, I will use my fresh-smelling colognes with my sweatshirts, hoodies, and sweaters. I will avoid seasonal air fresheners (spiced apple, evergreen, pumpkin, etc.) inside my safe space (home), and will stick to the fresh scents that remind me of my springtime quit (rain, ocean, waterfall, linen, etc.)
   2. I will   not avoid seasonal coffee flavors, however. If I am going to disassociate these beverages from smoking, then I have to actually drink them and enjoy them without smoking. So, I will make a cup here in the safety of my home (there are no cigarette “stashes” here, and I refuse to buy any). If sipping a toasted almond cappuccino triggers an urge, then I will either   ride it out, dump it out, or switch it out for something else. Whatever I discover through my experiment, though, I‘ll deal with it…without smoking.
  See what I’m getting at? Reciting “N.O.P.E.” alone doesn’t cut it in a situation like this, and deep-breathing fresh air outside is literally part of the problem here. No, what’s called for is the safe practicing of reconditioning and desensitization exercises, so that I can rewire these nostalgic associations I have with the change of season. That’s going to be my mission for the next several days.
  Do you have a   specific exercise or technique you think might help? Feel free to share it here. (Crass jerk comments will be ridiculed before deletion. Hehehe!)
   STORM: 207
20 Comentarios
Good Lord Stormie Buddy! That is a "romantic" blog and makes me want to smoke! And er cuddle. Shame on you!!! :-). Seriously tho it's true. Flavors and scents are some of our strongest memory paths! I know you said fresh crisp air is a problem but I'm thinking of treating myself to a bicycle for fall riding. Bike riding is one of my long lost loves. And for me smoking and biking never went together.

This is where the getting through 2 seasons smoke free is so important to me.  We have a chimenea on our back deck that we sit out at almost every evening and have a fire in.  Used to be what I thought was my favorite time to smoke and sip hot chocolate.  Finding now that I can sit by the fire and still drink the hot chocolate and enjoy it and hardly ever think about smoking.  Once in a while a memory will come floating back that will make me think wow a smoke would be great right about now but then I remind myself that I don't do that anymore and I realize its just the addict in me then I dismiss it.

It also helps to have alot of tennis balls laying around that I can start throwing around the yard and run after my dog as he tries to get them all.  Yes I run around the yard sometimes and know I look stupid but it helps and makes me laugh at my weirdness!!!


I wish I could book mark your posts.... Thank you have NO idea how beneficial these posts are going to be when my quit date gets here... I will be cyber stalking you 😉


Its all in the way your "drink" your seasonal coffee Sir Storm.  Look at that cup and its contents in a total different way than you have in the past.  Instead of breathing in crisp  cool air and inhaling metholated( toxic chemical filled) smoke and imagining the icy cool ecstasy, hold your cup with both hands ~loop your thumbs thru the handle.  Peak out of your hoodie first to the left then to the right (make sure no one is ease dropping) when the coast is clear lift that cup to your lips, smell the pungent aroma, take a healthy sip and swish it around for a few seconds and let the flavors burst out of their beans.  Repeat this several times until the heavy petting urges pass and you see the bottom of your cup.  If this doesn't work put a cloths pin on your nose and run around the block 6 or  7 times.

Hope these techniques work for you!

My Best!


I had a similar problem with going outside and sitting on my porch. That was "my" place to sit with my morning coffee and watch the wildlife and birds as I smoked. After I quit smoking, I would romance cigarettes everytime I went out I stopped sitting on my porch and it made me sad. I was missing a part of life that I enjoyed so much. I blogged and received so many helpful suggestions. For me, the answer I needed came from Giulia. I think she was trying to advise the “immersion therapy” but I read her advice and decided to go with the tried and true "Get Over it!" 🙂

Here was Giulia's advice"

"Perhaps after more than a six month quit, it's time - instead of fleeing that trigger - to face it down. Just a passing thought here. I sure wouldn't want to make such a suggestion and have you lose your quit. But part of re-inventing our "normal" is inhabiting those old smoking areas of ourselves with the new non smoker that we have become. The porch will change if YOU change the way you perceive it. And you do that a little at a time by exposing yourself to and experiencing the new non-smoking reality you have created out there." Giulia

F. Scott Fitzgerald Quote Free Printable | On Sutton Place

A Fall Bucket List to keep you busy!

fall bucket list cuz im basic


May I recommend creating some new romantic memories to replace the old ones? How about a hot mug of pepermint or candy cane tea so you can inhale that crisp cold air and crisp minty pepermint? If you are really craving that pumpkin too, might I recommend some pumpkin cookies to go along with that hot peppermint tea?

You are right to not ignore your favorite old memories and white-knuckle it until springtime. However, it is time to make some new healthy memories so don't delay, start experimenting!


Try drinking that coffee drink with your OTHER hand in a place outside different from your old smoking one.  Perhaps stroll around the yard (or the block?) with it?  If your ritual included sitting on a porch or deck, rearrange that furniture so it gives you a different view. 

Inhale that wonderful crisp autumn air - and follow that breath in and out, going slower and deeper with each one, and visualizing its travels.  Notice it doesn't make you cough?  How free your bronchials and lungs are as they fill and empty?  How wonderful it is to really SMELL that drink and the leaves and the clean air? 

Why would you want to pollute that?  Of COURSE you wouldn't!  So - DON'T!



This is exactly how I feel about Fall. I might have to add some aromatherapy, as well! I normally stay plan and simple (water, breathing techniques) but maybe some nice candles and just trying to enjoy all the senses will be helpful to.

And think about it- we can experience these flavors and smells to the fullest extent, now! That's pretty cool. I am going to eat all the pie. Mmmmmm, pie.


Wow-I need a pumpkin spice latte bad after reading this blog...There is no trick or technique involved. Just go outside with your beverage, savor it and be confident that you will enjoy it even more than you did  before you had to smoke with it. The key is that as you drink it,  you already know that you don't need to smoke to enjoy it. You will prove it to yourself.


Reading some of these descriptions make me think that if you want lagniappe with your warm autumnal beverages, that chocolate might do the trick.


Storm, you are NOT going to smoke, you don't even LIKE smoking.  How can you stay in shape to go on your kayaking journeys if you are smoking?  You CAN'T and you cannot take care of yourself if you are a smoker...I know you better than to think that you really are at risk just because it is Fall.  You can get past this and be stronger than ever!

I fully expect you to post all of the things that WORKED!  

Peace, Ellen


WOW--the blog was sexy and the comments were great, what more can you ask for! Print this out and read it along with your drink, cool air and on and on. As for me, I live in Florida so I have friends who send me pictures of the seasons and I enjoy looking at them. Makes me feel at home sick sometimes LOL. But, I don't have to cut firewood, clear off the ice, or any of that other stuff--Iam to old for that anyhow LOL.

Please blog soon, we are all dying to hear another blog (I mean) how you are doing.

Keep on adding those smoke free days.



Storm----This will sound really dumb but I too wanted to hang on to my coffee (mine was choclate almond nut roast from Green Mountain). What worked for me was....................

(here it comes---really dumb but it worked)

If I held the coffee with two hands...sort of snuggled it in there like I HAD to use two hands...and smelled it as I took sips......I did not even MISS the cigs. As a matter of fact...the cigs would have gotten in the way because of the two hand holding and the nice smell of the coffee versus a cigarette.

I also heavily used and still use aromatherapy for relaxation........not just from quitting.


The quiet call of something once enjoyed is hard to ignore.

I think that once you have successfully made it through a couple/few of those moments the rest of the 5 months will fall into place.  You'll occassionally have that twinge (the lightening we once discussed) but you won't suffer near like you think you might.

Also, I have faith in you.

Also, "ridiculed before deletion"?  I'm dying.  It's the best things I've read all day.


I too loved fall smoking.  Lots of things that were great to smoke at!


I have lived through all of my favorite things in the fall without smoking.  It is better now. 

 I'm never going back to that place again! 


Thanks for the post - as always, I enjoyed it!


Storm, so sorry about your smoking memories!  I have so much faith in you and your quit I have no doubt you will get over it in no time.  Carry on, Bud!!


Ohhhh Storm! I read this blog from my phone earlier and had to comment. I think you should write a romance novel titled "Esctacies of Fall, what to do and what not to do" 😛 You knew you would comments from us, women LOL. 

Ok on a serious note, you got good advice above. If you drank plain coffee, i would make it stronger. I did this when i first quit cause the taste resembled to me a cigarette taste but then again my tastebuds were probably messed up anyhow haha.

Now i want some spiced apple cider, pumpkin spice latte and my Pumpkin cinnamon cologne spray MMMM 

Love the cuddling the cup idea! Yes once you make new memories with your favorite flavors you'll be all set!!! Chocolate ----- ❤❤❤❤

Your romantic autumn was my sizzling summer. How I enjoyed sitting on my patio in the evening just enjoying the warmth of the day and a cigarette. I was not looking forward to summer this year because I felt like I would be sitting there alone without my friend. I must admit I did avoid it for about 2 weeks and then thought this is ridiculous , I'm not going to miss these beautiful evenings so I did it 🙂  doesn't bother me catcall anymore. So Storm, grab that cup of flavored coffee, close your eyes, take in a deep breathe of that cool crisp air and think how great life is 🙂


This is my friend 

inches bag of york young man breaking open a regular size black hills ...

and she reccomends

History of… York Peppermint Pattie

to get that crisp, cool feeling when you breathe in. ; )