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Something in the air!

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So today was a tough day for me as it seems it was for a few other people. Not cravings but just feeling like something is missing. It is fall and I have gotten into my reading mode, I will read a 300 page book in a week. I used to smoke alot when I read. I realize most probably because I really enjoy reading and get into it. Back when I used to smoke there would be times at the end of the night I would look down at my pack and go "Jeez how much did I smoke. It seems I just got so into the book it was nothing to smoke maybe a half a pack in one nights reading alone. That's alot. Anyways my point being it seems I am still relearning living without smoking. I guess I should anticipate getting hardcore smoking memories when I am chritmas shopping, wrapping and freaking out about So I did what I usually do now when a day like that hits, I keep getting on here, I am on the web reasearching copd and the negative health benefits, I am looking up smokers face and images, I keep looking at my face and asking kids if I am losing wrinkles. LOL MY 16 yr old told me 60% to 75% are gone, now I just look my age, lol smart ass girl. I reread my earlier blogs to remind myself why I wanted to quit and to refresh my memory on how hard it was the first two weeks! I think of myself as an addict and wonder when I will ever get Stay strong everybody 🙂


Hey there Ginger!  I know we are really close in quit time.  Tomorrow will be day 80 for me.  I have absolutely no nicotine in my body for many weeks now, and still it will seem as if I just quit.  Today I had an overwhelming crave, but not because of any singular incident or trigger, it just came from out of the blue.  I was driving, which was a time I smoked way more than I ever realized before coming on this site and logging my smokes.  Anyway, I had this crave and said 3 to 5 minutes it will be gone.  I looked at the clock and said in five minutes it will be gone and you've waited a lot more minutes that that to smoke in the past.  Look at the clock, when it's 10:30, it will be gone.  And . . . sure enough it was.  I can remember other times I tried to quit, and I'd freak out about something and say, "okay that's it, I'm going to go get some cigarettes."  Then when I got to the store, the urge really had past, but because I said I was going to get them I did, and I smoked one, and at the time I remember thinking I really didn't even need one, so why did I do that?

So now, I just watch the clock and ride it out.  I know what you're saying though.  I guess we all expect to wake up some day and never want or even think of a cigarette again.

I know several non-smokers with quit time of 10 years in some cases who say there are times they still want to have a cigarette.  But you know what?  They don't.  So, that's what we have to be prepared for, I guess as long as we are quit.  We'll always have that additive nature and voice saying "oh come one, you can have just one."

Let's hang tough together, together we will be stronger, and go at least one more day without smoking.

Hugs!  Sharon


Hi Ginger, Remember, your first year will be the year of firsts and how you prep yourself will mean a lot. There's always goint to be something that comes up in life that you would have most likely smoked about. These are the times that preparation will really come in handy. Always stay vigilant.


It always amazes me that people with long quits still have cravings. Does that mean they never completely go away?  I'm only on day 32 and the urges seem less strong and less frequent, but I really do dream of a day when I won't think about cigarettes or have urges at all.

NOPE....keep going forward, one day at a time!


It must be in the air because I see a lot of post on this subject...But hang tight an N.O.P.E. ..Just for insight of what I have read an reread to remind myself is we r ADDICTS an we woke up theses cells in our brain an they multiplied with every puff we took...So maybe we were born with 5 of these cells but over time we now have thousand of them  an they slowly go away but over time...

We woke a demon in our brain with the 1st puff and he will never go back to sleep till the day we die...


its always a choice for anyone.

think of disconnecting from it.

and pursue that.


A lot of people get cravings when the air gets colder. I hardly doubt it's cause they want to go outside and smoke. lol. But anyway it's a change. Maybe make some nice tea, get a new habit to do while you read. 

Good luck, sounds like you are doing good. 

Honestly Marti, I hardly ever crave cigs, but I really hated that I smoked for quite a while before I quit. Sometimes when I'm stressed, but i think that is the nicotine, I don't crave to smoke, uck, yuck. so glad I don't smoke anymore. Just so you know there are some people who quit and aren't always craving cigarettes for a year.