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Something in the air!

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So today was a tough day for me as it seems it was for a few other people. Not cravings but just feeling like something is missing. It is fall and I have gotten into my reading mode, I will read a 300 page book in a week. I used to smoke alot when I read. I realize most probably because I really enjoy reading and get into it. Back when I used to smoke there would be times at the end of the night I would look down at my pack and go "Jeez how much did I smoke. It seems I just got so into the book it was nothing to smoke maybe a half a pack in one nights reading alone. That's alot. Anyways my point being it seems I am still relearning living without smoking. I guess I should anticipate getting hardcore smoking memories when I am chritmas shopping, wrapping and freaking out about So I did what I usually do now when a day like that hits, I keep getting on here, I am on the web reasearching copd and the negative health benefits, I am looking up smokers face and images, I keep looking at my face and asking kids if I am losing wrinkles. LOL MY 16 yr old told me 60% to 75% are gone, now I just look my age, lol smart ass girl. I reread my earlier blogs to remind myself why I wanted to quit and to refresh my memory on how hard it was the first two weeks! I think of myself as an addict and wonder when I will ever get Stay strong everybody 🙂