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Share your quitting journey

Some Uncomfortable Truths (warning: tough love enclosed)

1 25 198

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

Boy did Gloria Steinem get that one right. When it pisses us off to hear the truth, it’s probably because deep down we KNOW it’s the truth, but we’ve been lying to ourselves about it, choosing to live in denial. The truth can be tough to face sometimes.

For addicts like us, the first truth about smoking we must face is that we are addicts. It’s surprising how many smokers don’t understand this. Or aren’t willing to accept it. We see it on the boards all the time – new members who vehemently deny being an addict, are truly insulted by the accusation, and argue with everyone about it right up until they relapse.

This goes hand in hand with the next uncomfortable truth – we were wrong. Smoking is bad, we knew it was bad, and we did it anyway. And we had all sorts of excuses why – I can remember my cousin and I defending smoking to each other, and discussing how no one in our family ever died of cancer so obviously we have good cancer-fighting genes. And all those people, those friends, family members, doctors, coworkers, who chastised us over the years for smoking, dammit they were right, of COURSE they were right, and we were wrong, we KNEW we were wrong but did it anyway, defended it anyway, and quitting smoking is like admitting you were wrong, isn’t it? Pisses you off, doesn’t it?

Another truth that frequently sparks some argument is that the physical aspects of withdrawal simply aren’t that bad. Most of the drama and pain is in our heads. The distress on our bodies is like having a cold for a few days, that’s all. Cravings are mildly uncomfortable and pass quickly, if we let them. This thought makes us angry because we feel what we feel, and don’t accept that we might be creating those feelings ourselves. (good timing on your blog Dale, looks like our minds were in the same place today)

As for the emotional aspects of withdrawal, well, that first month is something I never want to go through again. But let’s be honest – the uncomfortable truth is that while quitting is hard, most of us make it harder than it has to be. We have been brainwashed that quitting is stressful, painful, overwhelming, society has stereotyped “quitting” for decades, made us believe we will become homicidal maniacs if we try to quit. And our own failed quit attempts seem to support this. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. We believe it will be unbearable, so it is. We believe it will drive us to the brink of madness, so it does. We believe we’ll give in to the first bad craving, so we do. The truth we don’t want to hear is that we can choose to believe something else.

One of the truths that seems to be the hardest to accept is that smoking wasn’t enjoyable. It didn’t relieve stress. Think about it – most of the cigs you smoked, you were on autopilot. You weren’t sitting there thinking about it. You just did it. Grimacing, coughing, blinking the smoke out of your eyes, brushing ash off yourself, rubbing at the old cigarette burn on the arm of the chair, already thinking about washing your hands to get some of the smell off. Yeah, that sounds like enjoyment. Sure.

New quitters will often put this right in their first blog – “Let me start by saying that I truly enjoy smoking” and they definitely don’t like being told that they’re lying to themselves. Do you know what kept me smoking for a solid 3 years after my last quit attempt? Here it is: “What’s the point in quitting if I still enjoy smoking? I’ll just fail.” Sound familiar?

Many quitters cling to the “enjoyment” lie for a very long time; some never fully accept that the “pleasure” was nothing more than stopping the pain of withdrawal. This is the truth that will really set you free, that will take you from quitting to quitting forever, once you accept it.

Are you willing to accept these truths? Are you willing to let go of the past, of the lies, of the defensiveness? Get pissed off. It’s okay. But don’t use your anger as an excuse to retreat back into a cloud of smoke. Use it to propel yourself forward.

Your future is ahead of you – stop looking over your shoulder, dragging your feet, dwelling on what you’re leaving behind. You’re leaving nothing behind but useless garbage, baggage that has been weighing you down for decades. Move forward!  USE these truths to set yourself free!


(thanks Dale, Break, Cindy, and Nancy for your contributions to this one)



25 Comentarios

Ouch! You got me at every turn with the TRUTH! And there's no smoke cloud to hide under any more! But once I've faced these truths I became FREE to move forward with gratitude for LIFE and BREATH! 

Thank You, Sarah (and gang!) for this Gift of TRUTH!


Well I guess 'this ain't no bakery' Sarah...

Actually all of the above has been a huge RELIEF to me...I was so terrified about putting down cigarettes and all the suggested reading about nicotine addiction took the 'shame' aspect out of being a drug addict for me...if I smoked again I would have a reason to be ashamed because now I KNOW what is going on chemically in my brain...I can't pretend it is actually me liking it... The nicotine withdrawl was so minor with the right attitude also talked about endlessly by all of you...I may feel irresponsible about not taking care of myself & for purposely allowing myself to live in denial and I may wish I had googled how to quit smoking 5 years ago instead of living in my head about it...what the !!!  today is here...That's all I've got...Thanks Sarah for helping protect my quit today...xo


If knowledge is power, there's a whole lot of power in this blog. A big part of being a successful quitter is acknowledging that yes, you are an addict, and yes, you were wrong. You can't correct a mistake if you won't admit that you made one. 


Sarah, This is an amazing and oh so truthful blog. Thanks for posting this!


thank you Sarah!!  That's exactly what I was trying to say in my earlier blog!!!!  And when you get down to it, the truth is so much easier to accomplish than what we were so afraid of!!


Break said it, that is one powerful blog. I did all the things you mentioned, made excuses to keep smoking. When I finally admitted I was wrong I quit and never looked back.  You cannot dwell on you are losing something but embrace the FREEDOM you are gaining.


@Jordan -- you've got it exactly right -- the fear is much worse than the reality! That's the kind of thing most people will never believe just because someone says it, they have to experience it for themselves. And my oh my, it's such a relief when you find out it's true, isn't it? 


yes it is!!!  I can't put it all into words the way you did.... I'm reading them saying "yea, that's it!" So thanks again for sharing.  Its a relief and a high for me to, not just know the truth, but to believe it. I have to remember to keep my guard up, but knowing that i will never smoke again is just.... well, there aren't words for this kind of relief.

I need to learn to roll with it, too, and remember that people won't hear the truth until they are ready. That's hard for me, since this is life or death... but I'm learning. Can speak the truth, but can't make people hear it.  

I'm just so thankful that you guys never stop speaking it cuz it took me more than one hearing to get it!!


Ooh ya, that was me too. I just love these slimy cigarettes! (not to mention the chemicals were covering up my tastebuds) Ooh ya, these just taste sooo goood (*oh em gee*) I had honestly forgotten what anything tasted like, not to mention the cough and stench. Ooh ya,I 'll just die happy with these cigarettes.(while I had already started on the road to financial ruin and my health wasn't all that great )  Oooh ya, got to die of something. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! LOL   Thank you Sarah for the best blog that you have ever written! I'm framing this one!!! ♥


@Break -- thank you so much for the "we were wrong" piece. We talk about the "we are addicts" truth all the time, but "we were wrong" is a subtle but oh so important difference. No one likes to be wrong, and it taps into the stubborn streak we all have inside of us. 


VERY well written Sarah......ya done good!!!



@Jordan and took me about 2 months here on this site to finally understand that I didn't "love" smoking. That had kept me smoking all those years...the psycological part. THAT was the last bit of brainwashing that I still had in my head...SO when I tell people here to do the reading and then to "dig deep' and find out what brainwashing is still left...that's what I mean....Once you find it, you'll be able to change the way you think.(thank you Dale too)


Coming to grips with this being wrong part is probably the most difficult part for me. Yes, I said is, present tense, as I still deal with this anger from time to time.  I am an intelligent person, so how could I have been SO wrong? When this question comes out it makes me angry. Angry that I could have been so foolish. Angry that it took me so long to see it. Quitting smoking is a lot more than quitting smoking, it is a lifestyle change, a new awareness, and a whole new beginning. It is correcting a mistake. 


who's wrong? LOL


for me,  quitting was all a lot of built up hooey. hard hooey.

anybody stepped in hard hooey before?

when i looked up and ahead i didn't even see any of the hooey around me!

focus ahead people not in the hard hooey!


i was a troubled teen and when I think back I remember everybody being alright with my smoking. I didn't do drugs or steal or whatever, so their attitude was gratitude that smoking was "all" i was doing.

I think it was an excuse, a way for them not to have to face the facts that I was killing myself in front of their eyes. By "everybody" i mean doctors.

My friend has that attitude about her now 16 yr old. "She could be doing much worse things!" Yea, as she is diagnosed with asthma and has had broncitis twice so far this year. 

I have no problem admitting I was wrong, because deep inside I knew that was as full of it as they always were. I have a lot of anger about the "hard hooey"!


Sarah---great blog!  Should be mandatory reading for all EXES and wannabes


I'm reporting this blog to Admin so if they know what's good, they will put it on the featured blogs list.

This is great.  A mini-course or intro to the reading in Carr's book and quitsmoking sites.


And yes, I am still angry.  A counselor of mine believed all anger can be traced to fear. . .so, what are we afraid of?


Fear of change? Fear of admitting we were wrong? Fear of trying and failing? Fear of finding out we quit too late, that something medical caught up to us? Fear of having to face the things that we used smoking to avoid? For me. all of the above. 


there was a time i enjoyed smoking and it left about 5yrs ago but i continued to smoke i remember when they(CIGS) turned against me and i started to feel tired all the time and tired to breathe and catch air ....its been almost 3months since i smoked and my mind forgets to remind me of the bad parts and it tries to make me want to smoke but i got a secret that witnessed and it works ...EVEN IF MY BODY WANTS TO SMOKE I UNDERSTAND THAT I CREATED THIS PATTERN AND ITS GONNA TAKE SOMETIME TO RE-CREATE ANOTHER PATTERN BUT IN THE MEANWHILE IM NOT GONNA SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!   i wasnt born smoking,, sooo i dont need to smoke to survive my grandmother always said .....GURL,,PEOPLE IN HELL WANT ICE WATER... GREENGIRL 8/23/12 NOPE


Someone sent me here to read this blog and I'm really glad they did. You're an inspiration.


This post is the best.  Just what I needed today.  I copied it, printed it and posted it just above my computer.  Thank you so much

Community Manager
Community Manager

It's an old blog but hey it had a lot of comments so people found it valuable. Maybe we can do a Throw-Back-Thursday?

EX Community


really like this blog~  Thanks for writing it Sarah and friends! 

