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So wanted just one more last night!

0 10 17

I did OK all day.  Thought about smoking a lot but stuck to my schedule.  I am at 8 a day until Saturday when I cut back again.  But last night I had a weight management meeting and took my one evening cig a little early as I was driving there.  DID I WANT ONE AFTER THE MEETING!!  But that would have put me over.  I did fight off the temptation.  Also discussed with my group what my goal was and they were very happy to hear it.  Also one lady is an EX smoker herself and told me to call her anytime I need to be talked down!!  Or just need to talk.  She is such a sweet person.

That is great.nice the lady will give u support

Hi Crafty Lady! I am just curious if you have read Allen Carrs book Easy Way to quit smoking or been to I do not like to see you torturing yourself.... I found out that cutting them all out was sooooo much better instead of dragging it out for days and weeks craving after craving after craving after craving after craving after craving feeding the addiction train... when I could have freedom!! Good luck on your quit  We are here to help you in any way we can 🙂

I agree with Janie! I did cut out my important ones while waiting on quit day, like the 1st one in the morning, the last one at night, the ones after a meal. I tried to do it like you a few times and I just wasn't close to strong enough. Cutting the main ones though and quitting was easier for me. Im just one of those all or none people. Congrats to you (: being free will be a Great Feeling

Last time I went cold turkey.  I understand the pros and cons of both ways.  I do thank you for your support.  At this point in my life I just felt that tapering would be right for me!  I do agree with anyone who is at the point of just wanting to be done with it.  Honestly, if I had the mental strength right now I would do that too!  Too much going on that is causing anxiety in my life.  Just proud of myself for being able to stick with the tapering down at this point.  I thought I was smoking about 10 a day but after evaluating it I was smoking closer to 12 to 15 a day and some days even more.  Like dieting sometime we can fool ourselves about what we are doing.  More than once I've gained weight and been shocked until I stopped and looked at what I was eating.  So almost half is a good cut for me.  As I get to the end of every pack of cigs, I do stop and do an evaluation.  Is it time!  One day and within the next 2 weeks the answer will be yes.  Maybe tomorrow, maybe not.  Don't want to set myself up for failure.  Want to make the decision at a point that I am as confident as I can be that I'm ready to take on the withdrawls that will come.


Next weeks tackle is going to be that first one in the morning!  I really think if I can defeat that one I will be ready.  Right now I still roll out of bed REALLY wanting it!  And with my tapering it is one I still have.  This weeks challenge I took on was peer pressure!  I work with smokers and going out is a very social time.  I was afraid of feeling left out or excluded from my 'group' since most of them are smokers!!  But everyone is so supportive.  Just about everyone of them wants to quit and a few are starting to make their plans too!  Who knew I was a trend setter??  LOL


This is why I had the one I would've missed the most in the morning and then quit instead of waking up wanting one..

It was my plan


Here's hoping that happens to me too!!  CONGRATS!  Matter of a fact CONGRATS to everyone who has been able to quit!!  What an accomplishment!!  Hope to join you really soon!!


you make it happen. you choose for it to happen.

this isn't a comples thing

all the excuses we make are what's complex




I know!!  I over analyze EVERYTHING!!  LOL  It will be less complex when I finally just say it is time!