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Share your quitting journey

So this is it.....

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So this is it... time to start, or stop or whatever the case may be.  Somethnig has to give, I am tired of dying and I want to live.  I am out of smokes, out for good.  I will not allow myself to buy another pack.  I am going out and spending the day with my mom and my aunt, both avid nonsmokers.  That will get me thru a better part of the day.  My husband gave me his best wishes for this before he left for work.  I want to do this for him, for us.  He quit smoking a couple of years ago and says it was the best thing he ever did.  I wish I could do it as easily as he did.  He just put them down and never looked back.  He is my hero. 

So, here goes.  The beginning of my journey.


you can control how hard or easy it is with your attitude.


choose a positive state of mind and be happy about it


Use you husband as support he has the knowledge also and I am sure he wants you to succeed. I agree with jonescarp you are in charge of this quit you decide how hard or easy its goon abe . I prefered easy. Yes there will be bad day but we have bad days as smokers also they will just be healthier bad days..Much sucess to you and come here and read you will learn alot from others who have went through the process and have become nonsmokers......Deb


Congrats on your decision to quit - you will not regret it. I suggest you get a plan together. These sites are full of good ideas. Then set a date and make a promise to yourself. You have to quit for YOU or it doesn't work. Most of us were scared, too but the fear of quitting is much, much worse than quittting actually is. Go to and learn about the nature of nicotine addiction. It really opened my eyes.

Best wishes to you - let us know how you are doing.

Listen to your husband - he wants you to stick around!!!   😃


"I wish I could do it as easily as he did.  He just put them down and never looked back. "

You can do that, too! It's not half as hard as wel imagine it to be in our minds. Having said that, here's a little secret just between you and me about your tough-guy husband from another husband who just put them down and walked away: it probably wasn't quite as easy as he's lettin' on. I'm fairly sure that he had his moments.


You have a perfect set up for quitting. Quit and BE HAPPY!


Hey Lucy,

That's pretty much what I did too. Ran out and decided this was it. That was over 3 weeks ago and I still ahve not had a puff since!! You can do this!! It's perfect that your husband has been there and will know & understand what are you feeling! I did  find that I had down times and moments but the more I looked at the good in quitting the easier it was!! Try to be upbeat and whe you are having a hard time come here!! Best of luck! ~ Kim


Remember We were not born with cigarettes in our mouths and it's not natural to put something up to your face and set fire to it! That helped me in the beginning and sometimes today

Thanks for your blog and welcome



Good luck Lucy! a lot of support to be found here. Take advantage of it and hang on for the ride!


Your journey already has begun this is just a new chapter. A better chapter!