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Share your quitting journey


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I really appreciate everyone's advice on here, I have went through a whole week without smoking, and not one of my family members said, Good job, or anything, but you all congratulated me, and give me confidence that I can do this, I lost my mom at the age of 67, she died from upper respiratory failure, smoked like a nut, sometimes I feel like had she not allowed me to smoke at an early age, I might not have, my children don't smoke, and i am so proud of them, hope I can make them proud of me, have a great day, everyone!!

11 Comentarios

Good job on seven days.  Your family  can't truly understand what you have accomplished that is why this support group is the best place to hang when I was quitting I came here everyday for the first few months.  Keep them away from your face!


You made it through the first week now onto week two, you are doing great and stay as close as you can to this site. Stay strong because you are stronger than the cravings, you can and will succeed in your quit. 



Good morning Janet, congratulations on seven days.  I know it feels grand to come in for a home run.  Keep swinging that bat and hitting the ball. N.O.P.E>  I am a non smoker.


Good morning Janet, congratulations on seven days.  I know it feels grand to come in for a home run.  Keep swinging that bat and hitting the ball. N.O.P.E>  I am a non smoker.


Congrats on one week! 


Congrats on kickin "Hell Weeks" ash Janet. A great start.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Congrats Janet you can't expect much from the family members who are still smoking I am sure they have very mixed feelings like being jealous that you are able to quit , abandonment because they may feel left behind ,uncomfortable because they feel weird or awkward around you because you are not smoking with them, guilty because they no they should quit too.Whenever anyone goes through a major change in there life it affects the people closest to them just don't preach that will draw you further apart and as others say come here for the congrats and cheers !

You are doing great and it is so nIce that your children do not smoke ! My daughter quit over 10 years ago and I have 2 sons who still smoke . 


Sometimes those closest to us may seem to be the most thoughtless.  My take it that they assume we know they're on our side.  It's always nice to hear someone give accolades.  Well, we're a different family here and we all know the addiction of smoking.

Breaking away from this crutch is the hardest thing any of us have ever done.  I have quit 1/2 dozen times in the last year or so, and finally believe that I've got this!!  Two things are important to me hear on this journey ... the comraderie we all share is a hugh motivator for me, and the Love of God leading me.

I am not approaching day 70 tomorrow and have made it through parties, exposure to others smoking, and temptation.  I have not had a puff of any kind.

You keep strong and know that we all support you!!

Have a great, smoke free week!!


We become a "family of choice" here because we do all know what it's like to deal with and gain freedom from this addiction..  We feel joyful for each other because we can so totally relate.  We get excited when someone hits a milestone either in front of us (to which we aspire) or behind us (because we know how happy we were when we got there.)  Janet, we all know how challenging that first week is, and you've done a great job.  It does get easier.

You can do this!


Congrats to you Janet, no smoke the first week is big. Sick with EX, we will cheer you on. Support really helps, stay close to this site.


Janet congratulations on a week of freedom!!!!! xo