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Share your quitting journey

Smokers, can you relate?

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Before I left the house, Id count how many cigs I had in my pack, it was never enough. Always opened a new pack to take with me. If I was gonna be gone for the day, I always took a spare pack.

I always bought cartons. heck they are cheaper that way 🙂

how many packs do I have left in this carton, lets see, its gonna snow tomorrow , so even though I have 3 packs left, I better go get a new carton now, in case we get snowed in.

I always arranged my packs of cigarettes,neatly in a row, stacking them in the freezer, side by side, counting them, ok that should last til next wednesday, so Tuesday I will go buy more, then count the money I had in my purse and make sure I had enough to cover it.

after an hour of shopping at wal mart, approaching the check out, waitin g in line I grew more furious by the second, to myself thinking HURRY UP MAN I NEED A CIGARETTE, feelin my heart beating, getting mad, tapping foot, causing myself stress, not talkin to no one, not doin anything but focusing on that cigarette, then you hear "NEED A MANAGER ON REGISTER 3 PLZ" OMGGG are you kiddin me man, whats her problem

I burned somany dinners cause I was havin a smoke break.

each time I put a cigarette out, I was already thinking of my next one. "ok Im gonna go do the dishes real fast, then I can have another one"

I smoked while I vacumed, even flicked the ashes on the floor and vacumd them up LOL I heard some place it was "good for carpet" LOL

I smoked while my bath water was filling up, THEN i lit one to smoke while i was soaking in the tub "relaxing" stretchingggggggggggg to put it out in the toilet, before relaxing in my bath

Man I got to the point where I smoked so much, I never bought cigs at the same location 2 times in a row, Id spread it out between 3 stores.

I used to sneek around my neighbors, who knew I smoked, I just didnt want them to see me smoking again ALREADY - my neighbor even said to me, you're always smoking aren't you.

I always scheduled break times to smoke, no matter what I did or where I was. Constantly planning ahead, when I was gonna smoke.

I live 5 min from wal mart, I smoked 2, sometimes 2 on the way, then again on the way back.When I went to the mall, Id go outside to take some breaks, then go shop some more.

every time I left the house, grabbing those cigarettes and counting them, sometimes Id forget my lighter, not realizing til I was down the road and come alllll the way back to get it.

Basically my whole life was planned around smoking, my every thought, every minute was consumed by smoking, if I wasnt smoking, I was planning for my next one.

even when I started smoking outside, Id smoke one in the back yard, come inside and go right out the front door, where I sat, talked on the phone and enjoyed 3 or 4 or 10, whole time, looking around like an addict "did anyone see me? I hope no one is watching me

I had at least enough to get my through the morning, ususally a whole pack, then go buy some after I enjoyed an entire morning smoking, and drinkin coffee.

I used to fill up ashtrays to their MAX, look at it in disgust, hated what I saw, hated me for doing it, then Id dump it out, and fill it back up.

things is, everyone of these times I mentioned, I was deep down inside HATING WHAT I WAS DOING. Smoking stressed me OUT! Its so nice to leave the house now and not count cigarettes. Its nice to have the same amount of money in my purse now, as I did a week ago. Its nice not having to get out in the cold and buy cigarettes. Everything I mentioned were signs of an addict.


share you own must have times

11 Comentarios

Aboslutely, I relate.  The only way we differ is that I didn't keep them in the freezer.  One reason was I smoked them so fast they didn't get "stale".  The other reason is they were in my dresser so no one else would notice how many I had or how fast they were disappearing.  I usually bought them with groceries so the charge card would show as groceries or I paid cash at the cheap tobacco place.


course I live alone, but if I had visitors, they were moved to the dresser as well. When I was married, I had them in the closet, bought them with groceries too... yep been there

lol @ so they wont go stale, I heard that !!


I travel much lighter these days. Just my wallet and car keys and I'm good to go. Very nice not to worry when I leave the house about how many cigs do I have left, do i have enough. Let alone if I go away for the weekend or on vacation then I just fill my suitcase with cigs and extra lighters etc. Not today. Now i can justgrab my car keys and off we go. Love it. Great reminder Thanks.


Can really relate. However, this year..."bring on the snow"! I don't have to go shopping for smokes in it! 🙂


Totally relate, sounds JUST LIKE ME!!!!!!!!! Except we don't get snow and I didn't keep them in the freezer, but everything else is me.  Especially the check out line aggravation, the mall shopping and breaks outside to smoke, all me.  I am still finding lighters, I had them everywhere.   


hahahahaha ! That was me 100 % !!! I got so bad I was driving across state lines to LOAD UP on cartons !! Id open a pack n think WOW didnt I just open one ???

Now ! I take my cell in the bathrm while my waters running hahahaha read magizines anything to occupy my time ( :

My breaks at work are so LONG sitting down n having a cuppa coffee n NOT standing outside chainsmoking 2 maybe 3 smokes FAST cough hack cough !

I have to remember just how ridiculous my habit had become ............... to appriciate my smoke free FREEDOM !!

Im on 3 weeks 2 days Wooo Hoooo !!


thanks for sharing that blog...


You were much better organized than I was Jo. I used to drag my sorry smoking butt out of the house almost everynight just so I would not be out of smokes in the morning. I refused to buy a carton because that would have meant that I was a real smoker. So for 20 years I had to go to the store 2 or 3 times a day, unless they were running a 2 pack special. I am not a smart man.


I could relate to all that, it is funny that we went through all that and it never dawned on us that we were addicts,!!! Thinking back on the dependence it is crystal clear that anything that rules us like that should be a problem. The light bulb finally went on for me almost 200 days ago, not a habit, an addiction!!! It was my changing moment. Thanks for the great blog.


course, I titled this SMOKERS and only EXsmokers replied lol

for me, I really never tried to quit, cept once many moons ago for my husband.

It was just who I was, a smoker. Even my friend of 10 yrs said, after I told her I quit, "wow cause thats always been your thing" yup MY thing. and now its not.

I convinced myself... im gonna open a new blog... never mind to be cont .... LOL


Smoking has been such a part of my identity that when I'm not smoking, I don't feel like myself at all. It's a very uncomfortable feeling that is hard to explain but I don't like it.  Has anyone dealt with this ? when does it end?