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Small Cell Lung Cancer

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My Grandmother, Mary, 84 has small cell lung cancer. This was origninally diagnosed around September, 6 months ago. We were told this type of cancer is caused by smoking. My Grandma has never smoked, but..... both of her husbands did. Her 1st husband (my grandfather) died of a stroke, her 2nd husband from emphysema.

I have heard people say that second hand smoke is a bunch of BS. Well, I guess not. My Grandmother is probably the sweetest person you will ever meet in your life. Up until this diagnosis she was so healthy she could probably outwalk even me. She has always taken good care of herself, always eaten right. She would have been a sure ticket to live to be 100, I'm sure. Instead of living to be 100 she will die at 84, probably within a few weeks from now.

I hear a lot of people say, well, she's lived a long life. True! But, it's still being cut off short becuase of cigarettes, though not her own. These cigarettes that were smoked in her home but not by her are now robbing her of probably 15 or 16 more years of life. Shame.

Today I am 3 weeks nicotine free. I quit nicotine cold turkey on March 6th 2009. I haven't smoked a cigarette since March 1st. I will never smoke again. I don't want my children to smoke!
Kimmie I am very sorry about your grandma, my Mom died in October from lung cancer, she was 80 and she was doing pretty good until the cancer. She wanted to live to be 100 as well, and was pretty pissed off that she was not going to. She was a smoker who had quit. I am sure your grandma is very proud of you for quitting! Enjoy the time time you have left with her and stay strong with your quit!
oh bless your heart - it's so hard to see a love one sick - you hang in there for her and stay smoke free:)
Hi Kimmie... I'm so sorry about your grandmother! I know what a devastating thing it is to discover a loved one has cancer. I hate second hand smoke now! I don't know how I ever exposed anyone that I loved to it, but I did for all those years. The last 15 years I smoked outside, but always before I smoked in the house. Even outside now, I can't stand to be around a smoker! You think when your a smoker that out in the fresh air, it isn't hurting anyone and that they aren't getting any of it. I was so wrong! If someone is 20 feet or so away, my sinuses still get clogged up from it. Well, Kimmie, you enjoy all the time you have left with your grandma! I'm sure she's really, really proud of you for quitting!
I am so sorry to hear about your gran. I believe second hand smoke does harm others and You stick with what you are doing. Your kids may not appreciate this day, but one day they will and so will you!
Kimmie, I am so sorry about your Gradma, but one thing for certain, I know that she is proud of you that you have quit, Cancer is a funny thing, My 83 year old aunt who is probably more healthy then me was diagnosed with liver cancer, She never drank, She did not have hep c, After they did her PET SCABS they said that it was contained to her liver, we thought for sure it was coming from somewhere else. It has now gone to her bones. Cancer is just a horrible, horrible disease and for us to watch our loved ones die of it is even worse. Be proud that you can now say that you are a non-smoker, Grandma would have loved that more then life itself. One other thing, if she has peace with her MAKER, she will die a very happy woman...I shall pray for the whole family of your tonight, God Bless.
I wanted to say thank you to everyone for your prayers and nice words.