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Hello all!  I'm on day 73 without vaping and day 19 without any nicotine. Yay 🙂  

I'm posting to get feedback on sleep issues.  I'm only able to sleep maybe two hours before waking up. Fortunately, I fall back asleep quickly, so that's good.  But the waking up is certainly wearing on me.  

I'm wondering how long sleep issues lasted for you all?  What did you do to get better sleep?  I did a Google search, and the internet says that sleep issues could last up to a month.  Does that sound right to you all?

Tonight, I am going to treat myself to a hot bubble bath, calming music, relaxing herbal tea and then read until I pass out.  🙂

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Good Job on 19 Days of Freedom @RikkiJean Super Job…!

As far as sleep issues, hopefully more will answer your post…seems to be a big issue by many early in their quit…I was the reverse, I slept better after I quit.  I do read before I go to bed and find that it relaxes me and I fall asleep…I think all the things you are doing tonight are a great help to getting and/or trying to get a good nights sleep.  

Sweet Dreams ~ Colleen 1528 DOF 


A couple of other things to try:    Be sure your bedroom is cool and completely dark.  Turn off ALL screens several hours before bedtime.  Stop caffeine (including soda and chocolate) by mid-afternoon (caffeine has a stronger effect when you quit nicotine).

Hope one (some) of these help.

73 days is GREAT!  Congratulations!





I always heard it affected most quitters during the first month.

I can't say  I recall how long it affected me.

You've head the saying "what goes up must come down?'

Well, what goes to sleep must wake up if still alive

so accept the waking up with exuberance..

Things will even out.

Heck, my cat wakes me up a few times a night.


I had trouble for 6-7 months. Google "ASMR rain and thunder cozy room" for soothing soundtracks. It helped me. You are doing great with your quit.


Insomnia, the pits.  To make a long story short. I made up my mind no matter what I had to go through so be it.  It was worth it. 8 years smoke free.  I think I was into like almost 60 days before the insomnia ended. This too shall pass,  


@RikkiJean  Many quitters have problems with insomnias.  Can't say I did from quitting.  That's how my sleep is all the time.

Congrats on 92 days right? 



I did not have problems sleeping, but I can see why you might.  I am sure you are avoiding caffeine.  You can also do a search on this site, "not sleeping" and you will get alot of results and hear other people's stories.   73 days of not vaping is outstanding!!!  I want to congratulate you on your success.  Glad you are falling back asleep quickly.  You just stay strong and keep going!  We all had different "side effects", and hopefully this will work itself out. Quit day 145.  


Good morning everyone.  Thank you for your perspectives.  It's really wild how quitting impacts us all differently.  Some had no sleep issues, others had issues for months.  I guess it is what it is, and anything is better than being a slave to nicotine.  I am happy to say that last night's sleep was a lot better.  I think I got about 5-6 hours before waking up, and then I fell back asleep easy.  The hot bubble bath was so great for the tense muscles. Then I listened to relaxing soundscapes all night and read my book. So, I think a calming bedtime routine needs to be a regular thing.  

Also, I quit caffeine in December!  So, that's not an issue anymore. 😄

I can say that, even if I wake up tired, I feel better in my body and mind than I did when I was vaping like Gollum from Lord of the Rings (My preciousssss! LOL).  

@Barbscloud I'm on day 74! That's when I started the patch.  I finished the patch program 20 days ago. 🙂 


@RikkiJean Thanks for the clarification.   I think I said this before.  Count from the day you quit, patch or not!.  You have 74 days of success.




Lol, my precioussssssss.   It's good to look at vaping in real terms, isn't it?  Something you once idolized, you now see it for the enemy that it is.  Our mind is an incredible thing and we are able to manipulate it so well, so we get our way.  



So maybe the month begins when you stop using nicotine?

It makes alot more sense to me now that you clarified because the body adjusting to no nicotine is the likely culprit.


I always have insomnia so I can't blame it on quitting. I think it's menopause but who knows? Sleep medication of any kind is wasted on me. I sleep about 4 hours a night. Every once in a blue moon, I fall asleep in the afternoon. 

I get anxious over lack of sleep because I know that it can lead me to depression. My doctor wants me to do a sleep study but I'm not sure how it could help. My Fitbit shows me how little I sleep.

@Barbscloud do you have problems sleeping too? If so, have you found anything that helps? I've tried Ambien in the past but apparently it made me call people in the middle of the night and I had no recollection. I was worried that I might start living a secret nightlife without my knowledge and that scared me so I stopped it after 5 weeks 10 years ago. They've given me Clonidine, Trazadone, Xanax, and others I can't remember and I have tried Benadryl, Unison and other Over the counter sleep meds with no relief. I can fall asleep at night just fine, but after 4-5 hours I simply cannot sleep any longer. 

I have tried the sound machine, I don't turn on electronics, I feel like I have tried all the things and I am just not a sleeper.

Not applicable

Insomniac here too . Have been for years . Not easy , Glad I’m not up smoking tho . 


@Kimshine I actually do take a nap now, so I probably don't need as much sleep at night.   I started dreaming a lot the last few years (I rarely remembered them before).  I do wonder if it's connected to quitting smoking?  So dreams do wake my up.   I know they say to turn everything off, but I find it easier to fall asleep when I leave the TV on for awhile.  It actually distracts my brain from thinking about all the other "issues" in life which definitely keeps me awake.




I should’ve mentioned this before: I’m a big fan of the Calm app. They have so many guided meditations, several that are sleep focused. There are also the sleep stories and soundscapes. I usually play a soundscape at night, like rainfall or the wind blowing through trees. 

My sleep has gotten a little bit better. I ordered a couple new pillows off Amazon. They should arrive today. 😄

About the Author
Hello everyone. :) I enjoy hiking, camping, photography, reading, volunteering, cooking, spending time with friends, good conversations. I have no kids, but I have a sweet little cat. Happy to be here and happy to have support on my quitting journey.