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Share your quitting journey

Sky? No. Grounded.

0 32 142

Bad experience at doc today.  Nice doc.  Rest of office staff was insensitive to someone in pain who could not write legibly with left hand.  Asked for assistance in filling out multiple forms.  Was told "sorry, we have our own jobs to do."   No smiles, no helpful attitudes.  When I was told if I couldn't get forms filled out in next 10 minutes, I'd have to reschedule appointment, I started to cry.  Asked for FIVE minutes of time from one front desk person to help me.  Was refused; "we're not allowed to do that".  I finished, even though it was mostly illegible, and saw doc.  No surgery, thank goodness.  BUT..hard cast and NO flying for at least 12 days. Cast Tech (Giulia, isn't that a theatre position?) defies me when I ask for plain white cast, telling me that a "sweet pastel" will cheer me up.  THIS is a "sweet pastel"????  Then, they charged me $80(!!!!!!!!!) for filling out my forms.  Even though they wouldn't even help me fill out those leave of absence forms and the FMLA forms that they sat there watching me crying in pain trying to fill them out myself.  Their explanation?  " The doctor's signature is what you pay for".  SERIOUSLY???

Too frustrated to keep on typing with one finger lefthanded. 

more later.

32 Comentarios


thought id help you out... thats wweet pastel?


I'm so sorry Sky!!! That was aweful of those people and I certainly would write that doctor a letter as soon as you are able.  I've been watching the guy I work with deal with the exact same thing for the last few weeks and his left handed writing is getting pretty good. 

I wish I could do or say something to help!! Please let me know if there is anything!


That's quite the cast Sky. And as for the dirty ba*t*rd doctor's office, ggggrrrrr. How dare they treat you that way. HUGS


is there some way you can file a bad report about this office? i have never heard of any one being so heart less, i am so sorry you had to go through this. try to get some rest !


OK.... before I became well... disabled... I was an office manager for  an ortho office so I'm a bit steamed at the treatment you received.   it is TRUE that you have to pay a fee for the forms.... and some forms they cannot fill out but it's not your foot... it's your right wrist!!!  They should have had someone help you... and I agree... sweet pastel my ass....  and that sorry we have our own jobs to do????  THEY HAVE A JOB BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!  I did NOT allow that type of insensitivity in my employees.... I am so sorry you are being treated in this manner... completely unacceptable...  SO NOT OK.... I am with you in spirit... I am glad you won't need surgery...  hugs


That sure is pastel! Not sweet, though.

I wrote a letter to my doc's office in VA, because they were so awful to me, and I sent it restricted delivery so those mean ladies couldn't intercept it. I'm glad you like the doctor; I bet he doesn't know how bad his office staff is.

I hope you feel better, friend.


wow thats shocking hun nice cast tho hope your day gets a litlle better ((hugs))


Hey, can I call you tonight? Can you hold the phone with your left wrist?


HAND! I meant HAND! You probably can't hold a phone with a healthy right wrist.  Geez!


Ugly sweet pastel – but it won’t show the dirt as much.  (And probably clash with all your clothes!)  I would definitely write or say something to the Dr.  Hope you fee better soon!  You will laugh about this one day.


beautiful cast

lousy break

but if you can hold a spoon

you can make it a flan tastic day


prayers still your way my dear. Feel so bad for you, wish I could have been there to help you:( Hang in there.....hugs to you


Nancy. I am mad at the way they treated you. I belive in Karma.  Those witches, will get what they deserve. I'm glad you don't need surgery.. I know their are some forms, that they can't fill out,They could have offered you a waver, to fill out the forms.

Renee 12 and counting


Oh, geez!  I'm sorry you were treated that way!  The way they handled it was completely unprofessional and rude!

Are they gong to be the reguluar ortho you go to?

Feel better soon!


You guys are so sweet.  But not "sweet pastel", thank goodness.   I really am feeling sorry for myself,

You shoulda seen me trying to open that bottle of Pinot Grigio with only my left hand when I came home. 

I am planning on writing a letter to doc about office staff's lack of compassion...

xxxooo.   Grounded


Oh Damm, I'm so sorry that you had to go thru this with unsensitive people Nancy...LOVE you very much and am praying for your healing...It is hard to understand WHY they were so "un-feeling"   LOVE YOU!  ♥


Eighty bucks? Jeepers...they could've at least actually filled the forms out for you for that price...I like going to the doctor's office more since I quit smoking, but I still don't actually like it that much, and your experience is exactly why. Snooty attitudes really irk me and I'm so sorry you had a hard time. Nice work opening the pinot grig...where there's a will there's a way...take care. (((((Hugs))))))


You can contact the Better Business Bureau and report the incident. In this situation you are considered disabled and assistance must be provided. You can also ask your doctor if that is standard procedures in thier office. If he/she says yes, then find another doctor. You are a human being, not a number and if you are not shown the proper respect from the start of your visit, what is to say that you will be given the same respect thru other future visits. You may need to call the doctor for info or more meds, you can not let them brush you under the rug. If you need help you are taught to ask for it, if you told no in a professional polite way because of the law, you accept it, but never allow anyone to disrespect you. Like someone else said, they have a job because you are one of the customers/patient. Make them work thier paycheck. Be assertive and polite. Also, they can not put a time limit on completing forms, you are paying for the visit, they must see you. If you don't complete them by the time the doctor is ready to see you, you bring them with you and the doctor can finish filling them out with you. Problem solved.


I want to carry a picket sign for you! What an awful much of people for a doctor's office! Hope the Pinot is enough for the pain! So sorry you are going through this! I guess if we need a silver lining , at least you have Y@H Nancy to commiserate with! XOXO

Please tell me this will not muck up your vacation plans for August!?!


Nancy, I want to punch that person right in the nose for making you cry! How dare they mistreat you like that! ............... I hope you are feeling better with your purdy cast!


That cast is crazy!! That's not your wrist - it's your whole arm! So, so sorry dearest Sky! And - oh my gosh the treatment by the office people - unbelievable! I am glad to hear you are going to write a letter. They owe you a big time apology! 

Please - take very good care!! Sending even more good thoughts, wishes, and prayers your way! 


I hope you got that bottle open when you got home.  I think ortho docs are the worst.  I went with my husband for a consult.  There were 20 people with a two o'clock appointment for multiple docs.  It took half an hour standing in line to check in.  Many of these folks were on crutches or canes.  We sat for 3 hours in hard chairs before being seen.  I hope you enjoyed your wine and have good pain pills.  A good night sleep to you.


Sky, Cool cast.  So sorry for the bad treatment at the doctors office.Some people should not be working with he public,Take care of yourself, Sky and enjoy that Pinot


Hi Sky

You deserve so muh better than the treatment you got. I wish the people who treated us in health care centers were as kind and as compassionate as you are.

  My God you look like a rain forest in that cast.  Where are the poison dart frogs????  That sucks big time.  A bunch of assholes in need of a big fanny.  Sorry.  I seem to be in crude mode at the moment.  The cast is stupid.  For an adult.  Maybe kids need happy faces and art deco designs. And hey, maybe some adults do too!   I mean PULEEEZE.  We're such a namby pamby society.  And yet no one in that office would be simply KIND enough to help you?  Well, NO.  Of course not.  We have Hippopotamus laws now.  Which actually mean NOTHING because if you've ever been in a small doctor's office where everybody can hear what you're saying to the front desk  people... I mean, come on.  It's all bureaucratic nonsense because of some stupid lawsuit somewhere.....  Ooooooh.  Don't get me started. 
  So why didn't you ask someone who was sitting there in that office to fill in the form for you?  You, Ms. people person.  I would have.  They don't know me.  I don't know them.  I could care less if they know I had a hysterialectomy or vaginal WARTS or I’ve been in deep rehab for believing in UFOs.    If they looked like they had any semblance of comprehension and weren't just gazing open-mouthed at the flat screen TV-keep-your-patient-calm monitor that was staring at them from the wall, I’d ask them to put a pen in their hand and “repeat after me!”  
  Uh..I'd just better shut up now.  I'm in high dugeon (or is that dungeon?)  rant mode because of the way your were treated.  Learning  to use your left hand can be very instructional.  And since you have no choice at the moment - figure it out!  Snarky in Tennessee!!  And PS - things happen for a reason, I've learned.  And when you dig deep and discover the reason, it is a light bulb going on.  There’s a journey to be had here.  Relish it.   

I dont think Sky has that cast color. New life shared a random pic



Pastel Hugs for a Pastel cast! Hope you feel "in the pink" soon!

Write to Angie's List or something about that office staff! If I was there they'd all be wearing pastel casts about now!


Oh, Nancy.  First you get a broken wrist which is bad, bad enough, then that f-----  office tries to break your spirit.  Screw them.  Can you call your primary doctor and report this?  On another note, I don't think the cast is 'that' bad.  But, being an adult woman it would have been a bit better if it was just one light shade of color.  You should somehow demand your $80 back.  I've never heard of such a thing!  Please feel better soon!!!  Love, Deb.


Quite right Renee.  I wasn't paying attention.  But it got my funny bone and dander up and that's not a bad thang!




How did I miss this???
I'm so sorry you are injured, and medical office staff people seem to be required to be rude, I swear.....
I'm so sorry you're grounded, too, honey.  Hope you did get that bottle of Pinot Grigio opened.  Something tells me you did.  I am sending healing thoughts your way!!! 
xoxo Kristin


Sky, sorry to hear you are having to go thru all of this.  What a load.  Cannot believe the dr's office.  Argh.

Please know I have been thinking of you lots and hoping you heal quickly!!!  I am glad you do not have to have surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't imagine having to deal with that cast and then have them tell you the color will cheer you up.  Jeepers.

Anyway, please know you are loved and that I pray you have a smooth, speedy recovery.

Hugs, Stac

Acerca del autor
I'm a 64 year-old flight attendant for a major US airline. Prior to that, I owned an ice cream store and six hot dog carts and put my five kids thru college on hot dog earnings! Prior to THAT, I was Director of International Administration for Domino's Pizza, Inc. I was married to my H.S. sweetheart (dad of my 5 kids) for 17 years. I've been with Jeff for 23 years, but we just finally got married in 2016! Jeff & I live in Cape Meares, OR right on the beach. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI, where many of my kids/relatives still live. My flying base is Washington, DC, where I have a condo that I stay in when I'm between flying trips. My dream is to retire and stay home with Jeff and my two cats, Kenneth & Barbara...not happening soon, though. So I go home whenever I can get a week or more off. I LOVE to meet up with other EXers in the cities where I lay over. I usually blog about what cities I'm laying over in, so let me know if I'm staying near you! I'll buy dinner!! Xxxooo, Sky