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Share your quitting journey

Silver Linings

4 9 164

I'm actually kind of grateful for quarantine.

Quarantine has forced me to be away from the smokers in my life. I can hear my best friend smoking on the phone, but I don't smell it. There is no temptation to snag myself a pack while she buys one, because I am at my house. I don't drive past gas stations on my way to work from home. There is no limbo commute time where I could leave a few minutes early to sneak in a smoke in a parking lot somewhere. Bars are closed, if I am drinking it's one beer and I am at home, where there are no cigarettes. It's easier to resist temptation when there is nothing to be tempted by. I don't have to feel bad about avoiding all of the people and places that would trigger me.

1 month, 15 days, 10 hours, 12 minutes of freedom. 

I feel really good. Kinda bored, can't keep track of time/days, struggling to be productive, trying to figure out how to manage projects and time at work at home. 

Quarantine isn't forever, but my quit is.