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Share your quitting journey

Shop 'til you drop (the habit)!

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Today, my mission is to shop for all my quitting supplies. Here's my list...


TRUCK: I do not smoke in my vehicle, but I'm going to clean it anyway, as a positive reinforcement. I'll vacuum it out and swab the cab with Febreze, which I am extremely fond of. Then, I will wrap strands of Mardi Gras beads (on the store shelves now) around the gear shift as a colorful reminder to celebrate my decision.


WORKPLACE: I will keep a few tins of Altoid mints at my desk. They are "curiously strong" and powerfully refreshing (and mint is one of my favorite flavors). I will pop 2 or 3 when one of my mild workday urges to smoke creeps into my thoughts. The burst of cooling mint will remind me that I'd rather have a fresh mouth than a sooty yap-trap with teeth and a tongue stuck in it.


HOME: I do not smoke in my house, but I will still use Febreze inside to create a fresh-smelling "comfort zone". Since I smoke outdoors on my colossal wooden deck (you could park 4 cars on it, with room to spare!), I will be scrubbing my patio table and then moving it to the other side of the deck (change up the rut). I will place a decorative terra cotta bowl in the center, and every time I go out kayaking or hiking or mountain biking, I will bring home an interesting rock and put it in the bowl. Each rock will remind me of the exhilirating liberation of being smoke-free in the great outdoors. And as the collection grows, so will my resolve. Oh, and I will also dump out the kitty litter and cigarette butts from the flower pot I use as an ashtray. I'll scrub it and then fill it with potting soil so that I can plant flowering bulbs (it's that time of year). As they grow, they will transform a once-filthy ashtray into a blooming reminder of new life and new promise.


SNACKS: I'll stock up on my all-time favorites: sunflower seeds, pistachios, party mix nuts, trail mix, clementines, and apples. I love veggies, too, so I'll grab some organic carrots and cherry tomatoes.


I can't remember the last time I was this excited about going shopping!


(NOTE: my morning quit plans are going to be the MOST involved, so I'm saving those for a separate post later.)


You amaze me and make me proud on so many levels! You are a thinker..and I like that. You are a planner..and I like that. You have a wonderful, upbeat attitude..and I like that. But most of all...You are a fellow Southerner and that makes me even prouder!  Every time I read one of your blogs it makes me want to jump up and yell.."He%l Yeah!!!" He's got this!


Wow, thank you so very, very much, Marilyn! You totally just made my day!


And you made we are even 🙂


You are doing this the RIGHT way and I am so happy to see it.




Thank you so much, Nancy! (I will rock with my bowl of rocks! Hahaha!)


I am so happy and excited for your forever quit to begin.  I will as all others on this site will be right along next to you on your journey cheering you on!


And I'm going to need that, Louise, specifically because I've never had this type of support and community. I'm already grateful to my core that I'm not having to do this alone this time.


You got this Storm...

Your preparation work is very impressive and very smart...

You have winner written all over you...

I look forward to you experiencing the good times you have coming your way!!!!!


Thank you, Cheyenne!


You ARE a man of action, Storm. I like that about you. 

I think collecting the rocks is fun idea. They will display nicely out there on the big, sweeeet deck of yours. Your mind is in the right place and your preparation has been excellent. Its fun for me to watch your excitment grow. Good job my friend!

btw, Are you going save the extra smoke money in a mason jar for new hiking eqiupment or your next vacation? . Its amazing how quickly money adds up? 

Kevin d114


Glad you like my "rock garden" idea, Kevin. I already feel that I'm going to be fond of it, too. And, yes, I have plans to "pay myself" $5 a day for not smoking. $120 a month! I can snag some sweet new gear with that kind of moolah. 🙂

Thanks for being there for me, sir. I have appreciated it so much.


Sounds to me that you are READY ! Great job on all of the prep work.

I started a cookie jar account too, every morning I deposit $6.00 into it and so far I have $338.00 saved up.

C'mon March 1st



Way to go with that cookie jar, Luxie! I sense a sweet reward in your future...


Dude.  Your Rock.  You have thought all this out and have one of the best plans I have ever heard.  Great ideas.  Your are the ALL NEW AND IMPROVED non smoker.  Congratulations man



Thanks, Jonny! High five up top, dude! (do the kids still high five these days?)


I second, third, and fourth all of the above! You've got the right quititude, and a really awesome plan. I'm excited to see your forthcoming blogs!


Quititude? Just when I thought I'd heard it all. Hahaha! That's cool, Brenda!

I like your ideas. Your creativity is amazing...especially because i am stuck on a mental block. Hopefully i can come up with some strength and ideas of my own.

Ladykarrde, please feel free to borrow any of mine while you're dreaming up new ways to customize YOUR quit, YOUR way. I'm sure there is something out there that will speak directly to you. In the meantime, I'm sending you creative thoughts and energies...


Wow.. All this positive energy will carry you to your quit date and through the gateway tto FREEDOM from smoking.  Your creative thinking and actions are great ways to get yourself prepared.  YOU CAN DO IT!!  All these strong, helpful thoughtful quitters will be right there with you.  I am at 20 days and have this support system to thank!!  Keep up your great work Storm!! 


Sounds like you've put quite a bit of thought into this!  Way to go, Storm!  I stocked up on Altoids too!  And sugar free chewing gum!

LOVE your plans regarding your deck!  I am a bit jealous!  Living up in Pennsylvania, I won't be able to do any real gardening until after Mother's Day!!  LOL

I really excited for you as you embark on this journey!  Keep up the great job, Storm!


i can smell it here in ARKANSAS , NICE


This is a great start.  I would suggest adding a physical errand to your Altoids; movement does help pass the craving.  

So have an Altoid, or six, then go get a cup of ice water.  Next time go get the mail bag.  The time after that walk around the block once.  I don't know what your workplace environment is but, as I've said, a specific plan is a good thing to have.

Like everyone else, I'm impressed with your planning.  This isn't easy to do, but being prepared makes it a hell of a lot easier to manage.  You'll be re-learning and the more control you take over that the better it will work.  

I'm rooting for you.