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Share your quitting journey


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So I am really trying to get serious with myself about my smoking. I mean I know that I really really need to quit, but in my mind I can do it anouther day, right? I have been waiting on this " magical" day forever it seems.

I have had times when it seemed that I totally had it, the sincerity, the drive, It felt like I could" really do it this time, I just know it!"  These times came and went, over and over, year after year. This time I want to try different stategies, things like this website, meetings, different smoking cessation products, exercise and more social interactions.

I keep trying, hopefully this time I can do this!

good day and good luck!



The product that works is between your ears.

   WELCOME to EX! You’re here because, like us, you finally want to be rid of cigarettes. We can help you with that, yes.
  There is plenty of useful information and activities right here in the EX program, and there’s more information at the other “extracurricular” websites that a few of our quitters will mention to you. Explore every resource made available to you, but only keep the ones that work best for you.
  Please, do all the exercises here, in order and in the time required, especially those that ask you to PRACTICE quitting BEFORE you actually quit. We’d prefer that you PRACTICE being without cigarettes, and to TRAIN yourself to do something in place of them. The last thing you want to do is quit without having any of these skills under your belt.
  Finally, you don’t have to do this alone. We're your support group, so communicate with us, and report on your progress so we can help you and encourage you. Also, be sure to leave comments of support for other people, too, because it‘s a two-way street around here. We believe in “paying it forward”.
   Welcome! (Thought you could use a slightly friendlier welcome...)

I understand where you are. You are just tired of being tired of smoking.  You are at the right place and this is the right time.  Quiting smoking requires work.  There is no magic to it.  I like you wanted to quit .  I wanted it to happen.  I had to make i happen.  You can too.  Stay close.  Here are a few points to help you get started. 

1.  At EX our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE “Not one puff ever. I suggest that you follow the websites instructions along with watching the videos/tracking, reading and writing blogs and comments, studying, researching, joining groups and making friends.

2.   Here is a link to Allen Carrs book, “Easy Way to Quit Smoking”.  It is an easy read which is suggested by the “Elders” (those with 1+ yrs. quit).

3.  Also, check out For additional info.  Look for Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101        

4.  Stay close to the site, learn, and ask questions

5.  If you should need something to do for craves, here is a link that will help until you develop your own.   http:// Welcome to EX.   You have come to the right place if you are willing to commit to quitting s...

You may  have some of this information but here are a few pointers to help you get started in your f...

569 days free from snioking. 


WElcome to the community. This is a great place for support. Make sure you do the reading above it will help you understand the addiction. Congratulations for deciding to quit. Read, blog, Get Ready, Get Set , Go educate and prepare.


Welcome to the site, please read the links above, I finally realized a couple of years ago that there was never going to be a good time to quit smoking and I had just found out that I have copd, so I decided to bite the bullet and just quit. I found this wonderful community and pickeda quit date but when it came, I wasn't ready so I reset it for July 14 /14 and did lots of reading and blogging right here on this site and you can do it too, so stay close and take back your life because there's definitely life after cigarettes and it's great!


Hi, I felt just like you. I read all the material outlined above and thought I was really trying but I screwed up my 1st quit. Then I messed up and again and again. Before I set my 4th quit date I re-read everything, went back over some of the blogs, most are really great help, Some of the tips were not for me, some I tweeked, but most were a perfect fit. Do keep a jug or big bottle of ice water with you with a big straw in it. That for me is a necessity. I also still keep a pile of big straws cut to perfect cigarette length to grab when I answer my phone. A trigger I hadn't thought of at first. So track your cigarettes, it is such an eye opener. I changed my last quit date 4 times until I had my confidence back then went for it. I am only at 9 days but this time is for life.

The important thing is that I kept in touch, kept reaching out to this brilliant community. Nobody made me feel ashamed of my failures but me, everyone offered nothing but encouragement and help. If I can do it, I guarantee you can. Maybe not on your 1st try, or the 8th try, but DO NOT give up. You CAN do it.


Wow, thanks everyone for the great resonses! It's so good to know there are other people out there who understand. thanks again!


So glad you are here!  You will be getting a lot of advice....some good and some well-meaning and some spot on 🙂  Take what you need and leave the rest and really focus on you and your quit.  I'm not sure if you can do that as well as comment and offer support to others as well.  You are most important in your quit so just pay attention to you and your needs.  Everything else is secondary. 
I believe you can do this.  Of course you can!!  But you have to believe it as well.


hop on my page either by clicking my picture or name at the bottom of the post.  We all started out exactly how you are at one time or another....... welcome to the first day of your new life !!!!