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I am scared to try again.  I am worried about being agitated  and eating and gaining weight.  I need hand to mouth motion and calmness.  I will try again and hopefully won't gain weight.  LOL zLOL

8 Comentarios

there is a tendency to gain weight if you substitute food for smoking. smoking causes a dopamine release. food causes a dopamine release.

nicotine speeds up our metabolism 100-200 calories a day.

chew on a plastic straw, keep a cinnamon toothpick in your mouth.

you are the one who has to make this work.





overcome the dopamine loss by these other means


come on dede i worry about weight gain. but lets deal with one thing at a time.  when is your quit date/?


keep your blood sugar even too.

the 3pm blahs (circadian rythym) work against us.

stay even. stay hydrated. move


Please remember one thing when contemplating another quit....HEALTH & longivity.

Sure, you may gain a few extra pounds in the process of quitting smoking, but which do you think would make the biggest difference if a health crisis should arise for you? The added weight or the smoking?

I can tell you right now that the health care system will have no problem with you having a few extra pounds on, but if you're a smoker your not going to get an even shake.

Gaining weight of course effects our vanity, but our vanity seems to forget when we smoke our teeth are ugly, we stink, and we are producing wrinkles! Go for the smoking quit lady. You won't regret it in the end 🙂


I gained like 15 lbs in 100 plus days now lost 7 so health wise a few extra pounds and now can breath so sure can get in better shape than befor it's so worth it it's more scary to keep smoking than to quit if you think about it carrots strawberries all berries nuts all fruits and some reward food is what I would do if I did it again and sugar free gum I did you can do it 


So what if you gain weight at least your not smoking . You don't have to eat junk  food eat. Carrots apples those kinda things . I don't understand why everybody is always so worried about weight gain its gonna happen no matter what . It's still better then smoking 


I have 40 + days quit......but I actually started this quit 90ish days ago....messed up and had a pack midway.....

My point is that since the beginning, 90 days ago....I have lost about 7 pounds....

Yes, I have consumed lots of candy in the beginning of my quit.....but I tried to keep moving....keep exercising.....

Also, was more careful about what I ate....ate plenty, but none of it was cake.....not true (some of it was cake), just not a lot of cake ; )

Increased fruit intake greatly.....

You need not worry about this.....because it can be controlled, and if you gain, so can be taken off later.....

You will be fine.....good luck on your quit


Get your quit under control. I'm six months in and deciding to lose weight. The smoking is the main thing!! Quit, quit, quit and read Very important that you learn all you can about nicotine addiction. Lose WEIGHT later!!

Candy      d202