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Share your quitting journey

Saying What's On My Mind

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Either you are  going to quit or you' are  not. Smoking DOES NOT solve your problems. It doesn't relieve the stress. This is just your addictive mind telling you this. PLEASE!!!! JUST STOP!!!  Love and believe in yourself!! You can do this! Just say you're going to quit and mean it. It's simple N.O.P.E! ( Not One Puff Ever)


Here is a repost of Pir8fan aka Tommy wrote:


Repost From A Freedom Train Long Ago


What was old is new again! And just as true today as it was back then!


I have noticed that some of you seem to be struggling! I read a blog yesterday morning from someone who was hoping to get through the day smoke Free. I looked at it in much the same way one would look at a suicide note! I read it twice and realized that it was to late to save this quit. As it turns out, I was right! Folks please lose the junkie thinking! Lines like; I hope I can, I don't think I can, I wish I could, I do not believe I can, wish me luck. These are all signs that you are not committed! There was a time when I was not committed either, although there were a number of people who thought I should be! I have said this before and I will say it until everyone agrees with me! You have to grow a backbone where your wishbone is! Stop wishing and get it done! If you learn nothing else from all the writtings and stories here, please heed the advice: Before you light that cigarette, reach out to us! It does not matter how! Blog and wait 10 minutes for responses! Ask the audience! Phone a friend! Do not lose your quit before you use your lifelines!    Tommy


The Original can be seen here:


Ya Go Shawn

Happy committed New Year

I would rather breathe than smoke

I hope everyone finds a good mantra to carry them through.

I don't have to do that to myself anymore,

I carried a pic of my family with me in it, I don't want to make anyone

cry over a disease that could have been prevented.

warm regards


quit date 5-5-09



Thank you for sharing


Happy New Year Shawn!

Yes...people think they can quit any time...but can they quit IN time?

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Very nicely said........I will agree that on my first attempts years ago..... i only went throught the motions of quiting.....but deep down i really didnt. I was doing it for someone else. This quit, i knew was the right time for me and i am not looking 53....

All the best everyone



I am also at day 53 and hanging tough.  Happy 2014 to you all and wishing you a cigarette free, blessed New Year!


Ms. J


Thanks Shawn for this repost. In the word of the great Henry Ford " If you think you can or think you  can't you're right". In the words of the great Dale " Just keep the cigarettes away from your face"

keep calm and carry on




Well said Shawn AND Tommy!! People, there is some SUFFERING involved here!! No magic involved until you work thru the craves, and hang on for dear life. A simple program that involves studying and reading first. Make a PLAN!! Some of you are flying by the seat of your pants with no idea how to WORK THROUGH A CRAVE. A slip is a relapse because nicotine is back in your system.

Candy    d114


Thank you for this blog! I am flattered that you used my words to make this point!

This is serious folks! Use everything at your disposal to Free yourselves from this addiction! And yes, like it or not, you are an addict!



I LIKE what's on your mind, Shawn!  I'm a firm believer that quitting is a skill that can be learned.  Even the  serial quitter has learned how to quit.  They just haven't learned how to maintain it.  All the successful people in life, the Champions, worked real hard to get where they are.  They studied, they listened to those with more experience and knowledge, they applied themselves, they practiced, they persevered  through it all until they reached their goal.  They allowed no defeat.  You don't have to want to quit, but you do have to commit to it.  The wanting will come when you discover the Champion in you.

Thanks Shawn for the repost.  Thanks Tommy for the original.


Thanks G. That just reminded  me of the Winter Olympics coming next month. They have been training faithfully for 4 yrs now to compete. They made a commitment Whether they win or not, doesn't matter, as long as they are in the competition. Nicotine addiction is all the same but every quit can be different too. Just hang in there people and never give up on  yourself.


If I may jump back in here? The olympic athletes can have a total committment, but are restricted by skills and talent! Smokers need no talent or skill to quit! All it take is FD&C! Focus, Determination, and Committment! Support makes it go smoother, and we provide that!                  Tommy


Happy New Year Shawn. Great blog for beginners and us in NML. Love Nonna


Ah, G, WE are the champions, of the world!

That is the quitters!

EX rocks!

About the Author
I am 51 yrs old and live in the Greater Cleveland area. I started smoking at a young age. I think it was more peer pressure at that time and just a few cigarettes a day until i became "LEGAL" to smoke. I then started smoking a pack or more a day, using stress as my excuse to smoke more. In reality, I realized after i quit smoking that there is no excuses for smoking. I am approaching 4 yrs next month, but I still have to work to protect my quit. I am here on Ex faithfully helping others and in return helps me. We call it here on Ex "Collateral Kindness" here is a link to my blog, 1 yr later that explained my trials in the the beginning of my quit.