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Unmotivated and uninterested. Trying to drag myself around to to the necessary things! I haven't been on EX much and I know that some of you worry! "This too shall pass!" Not a thought of smoking untill 6 pm last night! That's a good thing! I have an appt. with my thearpist, but not till December 18th. I have had these periods of time in my life for a very long time! I will check in as often as I can drag myself here! I will not Smoke! I don't even want to smoke anymore! Please don't worry! It goes away on it's own most of the time. I try to use positive self talk to make it leave, but that's not working right now! PROTECT YOUR QUITS!  Terrie  135  DOF            xoxo


I think it's going 'round, Terrie.  Hang tough because I'm hanging on to you.

= )


Terrie - Sure hope you feel better soon. Please change that appointment if possible - if you feel it is necessary. Your commitment to not smoke is great! As long as you know to come here whenever you need a little pep talk - hopefully that will help!

Take care and congrats to you on always protecting your quit!


We're here for you, Terrie! 

Take care of the basics like breathing! I have recently found that yoga helps there a lot! Reward yourself for the little things and spend your time doing things that bring you joy!  It will pass but no fun in the meanwhile! Be kind to YOU!


Terrie, please move up your therapy date!! Call first thing!! These so-called little things can turn into bigger things. Call your therapist, PLEASE!!! I have a Master's degree in Counselling if you would like to pm me. Last ditch effort!! Love YOU!!



Hi Terrie, Catching up on some of the blogs lately I see this IS going around!  I was just saying I have S.A.D. This time of year does a huge number on me and the getting dark so early just puts me in hibernate cycle. Holding on to my quit but that's about all I'm doing!!!  Haha!  Anyway just want to say I empathize and I'd take Candy's advice and move the therapy appt up. That's what it's for!!!  oxox


Hang in there sweetie!


You mean too much to us now Terrie. We'll be watchin out for ya.

Keep on keepin on my friend,


I am affected with the same thing Terrie we will hang in together until it passes !

I too find it to be quite a common thing in my life but I do not like it !!!

We will  not smoke over it !!! ......

                  SINAP !.....

      NOPE !

                         This to shall pass .......


                 One day at a time !


Hi Terrie, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down.  I do believe this time of year is hard for alot of people...not trying to diminish what you are going through; I know how depression can rob you of all your energy.  You seem like you know the right things to do and I'm glad that you know that smoking will not make anything better!  xoxo  CP


There does seem to be a lot of this going around here these days - so sorry that you are feeling sad!  You are a big asset to this community and you are missed!  I hope that you are feeing better soon!


Please take extra good care of yourself Terrie  (((((♡big cyber Hug♡))))) - I have been a little down the last couple of weeks. Maybe for me it's weather related but stay strong my friend. 



Hey Terrie...It is that time of year as well. The clocks turning back, the shorter days, dark long before I leave work or leave for work depending on the schedule just more DARK...

I have a life long history with the 'blues' anyway so at 59 years young continue to find new ways to keep my head above water when they hit. I do my best to stay away from the mind altering chemical fixes...alcohol, chocolate, shopping. 

I focus on helping others and staying focused...hence my appearance here on EX after an extended absence. Gotta stay connected where there is love and understanding.

It is a challenge and overcoming them brings it's own special joy! xo


Hang in there!!!  You can do this!  One thing that really does help me is to turn on some relaxing meditation music and just go into a zone!  It relaxes me in a minute!  


I'm sorry you're down right now.  That's a hard place to be.  You mentioned a therapist; do you take anything for depression?  If not, it's worth considering.

Thinking about you and feeling inspired by your pushing through the weight of depression to get here.


Hi Terrie,

You have a lot of friends pulling for you.  Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and as you said comes for a while and then it goes... I'm sending vibes for it to go away now.  

Be thinking of you,  Victoria


Terrie, I completely understand what it's like to feel uninterested in everything, it's certainly not fun! I'm glad you have an appointment with your doctor, and also that you seem to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. You're right, "This too, shall pass". Sending positive vibes your way, you can beat this!


Hey Girl, this is one time that most everyone is in a similar place.  what do they say?  Misery loves company.  So I guess all of us that are sad, or SAD, or feeling down, or blue, well, it's like a big party.  We are singing the blues.  I think it's time to find a new computer game.....I like the Hidden Object ones where you look for stuff.  And it is time to teach your parrot a non smoking phrase.  "Butts Out, please"   not sure how long of a sentence he might learn.  because "I don't do that anymore" might be too long for him if he only talks when he wants.  Maybe NOPE......or spell it out   N    O   P   E

Don't worry about not getting anything done, it will get done eventually and you will have to do it again sometime, so make it worth it!  

Hopefully, just knowing you are not alone is helping you out a bit.  


Hey Sunshine, I was wondering where you were.  I hope you get better.  Sorry for being selfish but I need you the most.  You always brighten my day.  Take care of yourself.  I miss you.  You have my #.  Use it.


Sorry dear Terrie, this time of year is tough for a lot of us. But we are your family, and we love you and we'll all go through these days together. Speaking of days, 135 is a pretty amazing number of days!


Just remember you have many friends here , and don't live in that dark place , find something to be grateful for every day . And drag your ads out side , at least for a few minutes every day.


Hey Terrie- you have been the bright spot in the day for a whole lot of people here on a very consistant basis. We love you. Might be a good idea to get your dr. appointment moved up. I also like tht advice to get outside a bit every day if you can. I know when the weather is decent- it makes me feel better to get outside at least for a little while. Wish I knew of something that would be just the thing to cure your blues. Just know that so many care about your well-being, and are sending good, caring thoughts your way. Hope you feel better soon!!!


Sending you a great big ((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))

Feel better soon



You are too beautiful to be sad, Terrie!  My advise, spoil yourself rotten!  Just like if a friend were down, you need to love on yourself, nurture yourself.  Care for yourself, be patient with yourself, be kind to yourself.   Hope this helps.  I'm sending lots of love your way!  xoxo (((Huge Hugs))) Jamie


I've been trying to come up with something different that might help.  Haven't found it yet.  That you have said "This too shall pass" is an indication that you know the SAD state you're in will not be there forever.  How do we motivate ourselves when we've reached that ebb of our flow?  I haven't personally found that positive self-talk helps me all that much.  I know some people swear by it.  But it will only take you so far into happy lalala positive land.  Platitudes only nourish up to the point when we recognize that they're platitudes. 

Motivation has to come from within.  When I was in a particularly morose time I wrote a bold sentence on a little card that said ATTITUDE STUPID!  It's still up there stuck on a portion of my desk.  It helped me then and it helps me now when I get stuck in a morose mood.  It reminds me that it's my attitude that creates my perception of my life.  And that I have a choice as to that attitude.  

Sometimes we may not be able to find the positives, but we CAN turn away from the negatives.  If that makes any sense.  Re-focus.  Take the closeup lens off the camera and use the wide angle.  It gives a new perspective. 

Just as we do not have to be victims of our addictive thinking, we do not have to be victims of our sad thinking.  I'm a long way from mastering it.  But I know in my gut that we CAN do it.  And just as it takes practice to get our minds off cravings, it takes practice to turn our thinking off those negative thoughts that are so easy to come by.  Sheri seems to be a Master at it. 

Fortunately, despite anything, you don't smoke.  No matter what.  And THAT's a positive! that you can cling to!

About the Author
Hello, I am a 59 year old female, name Terrie, still growing up. I have moderate COPD. I am an oxygen patient, currently not in need of the 24/7 or night time oxygen. Thanks to all the great support and education I got here on EX. My original quit date was 07/06/15 on day 519 I relapsed and started over in less than 24 hours. I want to go to the great beyond being a former smoker and I shall! COPD is not choosy! and not pretty! May 1rst, 2017 I am using Dale's suggestion to put off a cigarette each time and I am down from 50 to 20. I am looking forward to my old(7-6-2015)/new quit date 7-6-2017 May 4th, 2017 I started with Marlboro reds. Nicotine is a very assinine addiction. Once addicted I found I would smoke any of it including the little cigar/cigarettes, and it's still true since I threw away my quit and stopped being true to myself. I will smoke ANYTHING with nicotine in it to get the fix. I hate smoking! I am not having a problem stopping it's staying stopped, that I am not doing! I do not buy anything but regular tobacco but if caught without it I will do anything except vape to get the fix. UPDATE POSTED 04/24/2018: Getting ready to set a quit date and begin again :)