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I have had to take my not smoking one day at a time lately even though it's been over 6 months since I quit. My Ghillie starts a steroid treatment this evening and a new antibiotic, but the steroids make him VERY sick. We are hoping he can stop those in 6-8 weeks when the cancer drugs start to work. I know he is a dog and so many of you have much worse things going on, but we love him so!

My "acting" director has been trying to get rid of me since she became the "acting" director by default. Yesterday she thinks she succeeded. She confronted me with her boss in a meeting I thought was routine, accused me of policy violation, which was absurd, and I became so emotionally upset that I was sobbing and told her I needed to go home for the rest of the day and could not return to my room to care for my babies in this state. She demanded I sign the phony charges against me. I told her I needed to look them over first. I barely made it to my car before falling apart. I have been there for 10 years and feel that God lead me to this place. I love the babies, their families and the center. I was just devastated.

Three hours later I received a message from her saying that since I refused to sign the papers and left the church without her permission, that was considered my resignation.  I called her this morning and told her I did NOT resign and was coming to work. She told me I could not. I asked if she was firing me. She said NO! So then I requested a meeting with the Executive Committee of the church. They will meet on March 7th and I may send them an appeal in writing. I'll ask a few of my families to also help.


Sorry this is so long and whiney! But I have had to take my quit one day at a time, and several times, one hour at a time. I will NOT smoke, but these are huge triggers.


sorry you are so stress out, you stand up for what you think is right, hang in there OH keep your quit, 6 months is great, hugs


Laurie, all those (((HUGS))) you've given others we give back to you. So sorry about your pup and really appalled by your troubles on the job. Prayers coming your way.


Hey Laurie....don't apologize for doing what works....reaching out when it gets tough...and I can hear how the (2) stressors you are dealing with YES DEALING WITH are affecting you right now.    I will say a prayer for you and Ghillie.   I have a feeling that the families of the children you care for are behind you!!!   As you said , God lead you to this...he will surely help you either stay if that is in your best interest or lead you to another place that you will surely grace!!  Keep sharing , keep will make it through these situations SMOKE FREE!!!


Laurie stand ur ground. You quit smoking now you can do anything. Bring them families in . Don't smoke you got more important things to take care. Hang on friend things will work out. 


(((((luv you laurie)))))

i don't think God is going to let this acting director bully you out of your job.

He writes the script.

i'm sorry your Ghillie is so sick.

Nothing can make you smoke unless you give yourself permission.

hang onto your money, your clean aura, your self respect.

thats what He wants.


I'm sorry that you are going through a very tough time right now....I don't know if it will help but whenever I am feeling overwhelmed and have lots of negative things going on around me  I remember that " The will of God will never take you , where the Grace of God will not protect you"....  It reminds me that I am not alone.  and YOU my friend are not either...

Hang in there , We are here for you. 


Hugs and prayers to you. 


Dear Laurie,   I am so very sorry that you are dealing with so much right now. Stay strong about Ghilie he is blessed to have you to take care of him.

Regarding work.  I will just note some things you can ignore or think about.  

1,  Always say a little as possible.  Never answer an open ended question.  Try to make your boss state a question in a manner that can be answered in a simple manner, possibly yes or no answer.  Never  make long statements.  You can always answer a question with another question. You can always state you are stressed my the meeting and will need to think about your answer you don't recall.  You can refuse to be taped.  You can ask to take notes during the meeting writing down their questions and your answers.  You are not required to give them a copy of your notes.

2. If you stated you were leaving the work area to your boss or co-workers  and you were not "directed" to remain at work then your boss technically gave you the ok to go home.  Also, if they say you leaving work crying, and did not direct you to stay or call you and tell you to report back to work - they actually gave you an "OK" to leave.   I would ask for a copy of the document they wanted you to sign.  I would state you will be taking it home and reviewing it and will get back to them if you have any questions.

3, I would make an MD appointment ASAP in the AM or online if your HMO allows you to make on line MD appts. If you are in for a "battle" it would be helpful to document the stress your "acting boss"  creates in the workplace - possible harassment.  I would  talk to your MD about your stress in the workplace.  I share that  you are having anxiety and would like to have your BP checked and ask the MD to explain and educate you on the difference between anxiety,  panic attacks and heart attack.   I would than have your MD write a up a visit summary and his recommendation to deal with workplace stress.  Keep this document to provide a reason for leaving work due to a medical concern. 

4.  Also, I am not sure what "policy" your boss is quoting.  But, is there an actual written documentation  the shows  you were trained/educated on the "policy".   Your boss needs to keep records that you are trained and know policy and procedures.  Is it spelled out what actions your boss or HR is allowed to take if the there is a possible employee violation?   Also,  if there are any policy revisions were your retrained?

5.     Human Resources (HR) and your boss can fire anyone, anytime for any reason and with out any proof..    Union or Non union shop alike.  In the past five years, it has been  unreal how employers are treating employees.  

6. Show up for work.  I  would even bring treats for your co-workers.  I would also make an appointment with the church elder, just to make sure you inform someone that you did not resign.  Be the positive employee.   

Sorry, for the rush typing.  I hope this makes sense.  I just wanted to give you a few things to think about.  I have faith in you.  I know you CAN do it.  I sending your prayers.  Take care, M

Laurie - I only wish I could come to wherever you are and help you fight these battles! With Ghillie I know - and you know - that you are doing everything possible......that is all you can do. Love him.......we will continue to pray! As far as this! I know from personal experience with a few former principals that there can be a lot of junk going on in school settings - things we would never expect. You will need to be strong...and we know you can be VERY strong! So, my money is on you! I know the power parents, I certainly hope you can get them working for you!! Give this your best! We are here for you. You know you won't smoke over this....and we know it. Keep protecting that quit - no matter what! Take care dear Laurie!


I do not know you very well, but what I do know, is that you are a caring, giving, lovely individual who cares more about others than most people, I actually "know".   I hope you challange this person and show her exactly what you are made of.  Lady, YOU have God on YOUR side.  Keep your quit and do exactly what you know is right.  Hang in there and take care.   (((HUGS)))


Laurie, So sorry for all of your stress going on in your life right now.  I have kept you in my prayers and will contiue on.

I know things will get better for you and just protect your quit  min. by min. I know you can do it. 

Take care and sending lots of HUGS your way....



I am SO sorry to hear of what you are going through.   I know coming here and sharing what you are dealing with can make a differnce and help get you through a rough time!!!   Sending my prayers for the best outcome for your sweet dog Ghillie and your work situation!!    Hang in there Laurie!!!! 



Wow! Go with the M plan! That all sound like great advice! I have no words of wisdom! I am only here to tell you that you are facing nothing alone! The seeds of kindness that you have sown here have bloomed in to a huge crop of support! You have no idea how much support you have here! None of us will ever know the number of prayers that are going up for you right now! God knows who you are, and He will not fail you!


Sending Prayers" />


I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. I hope your dog gets better soon or is at least as comfortabe as possible. Don't let your boss be the excuse to end 6 months of smoke free living. You have been so supportive to others, hold our support for you close and let it help bring you through this hard time. Remember faith is very important, have faith in God and yourself and you can deal with anything. (((HUGS))) and more (((HUGS))).



Laurie I am so sorry you are under so much stress. I agree with the others get the parents behind you they have a lot of power. YOU ARE IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS.


I second or third the M. plan Laurie, life just sucks sometimes, be honorable and hang on to that beautiful quit!  Ghillie is counting on you!


Ah, Laurie...........{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Ok, so let me at her/him!! Want me to come there and kick her/his ass?????? No? Rats......

Hey, you're such an angel, my dear, always there with support and caring for everyone else. Please take what is being offered to you and just immerse yourself in it.

You deserve it!

Hugs to Ghilllie, too!!!


Dang what a great group of friends you have here Laurie as you have been such a great friend to us. Stand Tall and keep posting. Mike


Laurie, I am so sorry I did not see this blog last night but I am sorry for your troubles. You are too kind of human being to be going through this mess.....Your director sounds like a real butthead. I would document  everything!!! Make sure you have all your facts correct and  on paper. Protect yourself!!!!  Stand on your ground and keep that pretty chin up high!. You are right and you need to protect your job.... just like you have done protecting your quit! YOU ARE STRONG!!! 

You are much loved here and we support you Laurie! 

Love, Kat


Laurie,  God never gives us more than we can handle.  You will make it through, quit intact.   My prayers are with you.


I am praying for you and Ghillie...I know you're a good Christian woman, but I would call your acting director back and let them know that "when I resign, YOU'LL KNOW I've resigned."  Keep us in the know!  We can all carpool for a butt-kicking in MN if necessary 🙂


I hope things get better for you.  You have been so good to me since I quit, always praying hugging and smiling!  As for your baby,  I have a boxer that I love as much as anything.  She is truely a part of our family!  Prayers for you!