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Day 9 and feeling grumpy! Tired and get worn down around now from feeling off. I know, I know...breaking addictions and healing is tiring. I’m gonna keep pushing forward but grrrr!

Thought of writing my big list of complaints, but since I’m trying to keep this last quit more positive, I’m not gonna document all that. There is a reason I’m extra tired today tho and maybe getting that out will help...

Watched Elton Johns Rocketman movie last nite. I had the pleasure of seeing him in concert and was amazed at his energy. The movie portrayed that well. But some of the details of his life story had me so sad I couldn’t fall asleep. Wish I could give him the biggest hug!! 

People...let’s just love each other! Parents ur children! Let them be who they are and let them create what they’d like. It’s ok if people are weird or eccentric or different than u. We all have one basic need in common and that is Love. How about if we just love each other regardless!

Also noticed, drugs, alcohol, od’s...but Elton didn’t smoke! Thankful for that and for his health, his voice, his recent happiness, and for all the songs that have so touched my life! Love and hugs to u Elton John 


Congrats on your 9 days.  You already know, being grumpy can be part of the process.   It will pass.   I enjoyed Rocketman also.   He made it through to the other side.  It was amazing how he was presented with the lyrics and just created the music to accompany it.  Did you see Bohemian Rhapsody?  Excellent.



Agree, amazing! Agree again, bohemian rhapsody was also excellent. 

Oh “he made it thru to the other side” that statement! I can do that too right? Stepping out of the dark we go lol  


Absolutely.  We're all a work in progress.


Congrats for you on your day 9! Also, I appreciate your posting on here. Haven't watched Rocketman, nor Bohemian Rhapsody, but I will hopefully sooner than later. In the meantime, you've helped me by mentioning Elton John. I'm always looking/trying to think if different artists and playlists to change things up a little. Keep going!



Congratulations on 9 days of FREEDOM and Sobriety.  Love your post. Love and being Loved is All Life is about.  


What a great, positive post Marz727‌ ! Love for others and for ourselves needs to be a large part of our quits in order to be successful. And. music~ we all have our favorites that lift us up, cause us to DARE to tackle this addition and BELIEVE we can succeed. May we find those songs and play them often~ Suzy


In case you missed this.  One rendition of Rocket Man that is out of this world.  Literally.

Cheer up.  You're nine days past the worst day of quitting.  Rah Rah!!!!  Dwell on the good news of life, rather than the bad and sad.   and    


Awesome thank u Giulia and thanx for the links  maybe I will rah rah all day tomorrow! lol


Congratulations on day 9.  I also love Elton John's music altho I have not seen either movie.  I wish we could all be greeted by acceptance and love. Thank you Giulia, for the links and video.  


Great rendition but that's Space Oddity by David Bowie


I keep telling myself I am Elton's biggest fan by far but I know I'm not! Since I was 17 his voice has lifted me out of dark times and made me happy during good times. I've seen him 3 times and get to see him again in May. If you like to read books, get his autobiography. You will love it and you will no longer be sad because HE CONQUERED HIS DEMON! And so are you! Great inspiration for you!


Well, DUH.  It says so right there on the video.  Total mind burp.  I saw the words "Rocket Man" and my mind immediately went to Chris Hadfield's of "Space Oddity."  lol

"Amoreena" is one of my favorite of Elton John's songs.  That and "Love Song."


OMG! I have this album and just purchased the CD and I absolutely LOVE Amoreena! I am a huge fan of Elton's !


Love Elton John.  Keep up the good work and being positive I have been a little negitive so this has made me think about myself thanks


Hey Julie1960‌ : So you've been having negative thoughts? I see your recent post on playing around with the idea of smoking again...You've just hit a temporary rough spot, that's all. Hang in there. You are almost at three months' quit and it's not uncommon to drag a bit at this point. It's kinda like the honeymoon period of the quit is over. It's takes work to stay clean. And, contrary to what your addicted brain may be saying to you, smoking a cigarette will not make things any better. It will just fuel your addiction. As they say, one is never enough; these bad guys travel in packs, after all. 

Sometimes humor helps. Here's a rerun of a past quitnet post, compliments of aolski‌ which may help: 

Keep reading and posting. Remain active on the site. Recall your reasons for choosing to quit-post them where you can see them. Drinks lots of water. Get up and move around; walking is helpful for many. Stay focused on the benefits of your not smoking. For one thing, you must smell a heck of a lot better??

Do you need to update your quit plan? To come up with new ideas for distraction when the urge to smoke nibbles at the edges of your mind?

I wish you well and strongly urge you to stick to your quit. It sucks to relapse! ~ Suzy


Marz727 Oh my I watched “Rocketman” with hubs this past Saturday night.  I cried at the end, like you I was so sad for him.  It had a good moral, no matter how much fame, success, money, etc., all we want is love.  Hope today is better feeling for you.  Sunday I couldn’t get his songs out of my head.  LOL...kept singing “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”...

Glad you came an wrote your feelings on your 9th day quit, that is so healthy and good.  Welcome to Day 10 are now in double digits.  Happy Wednesday ... Colleen 422 DOF


There are some classic albums.  One of them is Madman Across the Water!


I was 13 when I went to my first concert. Wanna guess who was playing?  


Elton John?!?