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Share your quitting journey

Rescue vs. Relapse

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  Our blogs and inboxes are always turned on, 24/7, and they are there to help in a crisis. We get instant notifications on our devices, so we can respond rather quickly. When a quitter here is on the verge of collapsing, rescue help from the community and our collective library of blogs is just a mouse click or screen touch away.
  But, sadly, we too often see that relapsers do not choose the website or the community in a crisis.
  When they snatch up their car keys and stomp out the door, we are all standing in their driveway saying, “Please, don’t do this. Go back inside and let’s talk this through. Let‘s wait this out for 3 minutes. It will pass. Let‘s look at that list of cravebusters and try a few of them for 3 minutes. The Lemon Bite, The Freezer Head, The Pillow Punch. C‘mon, let‘s put those quit skills to use, just the way we promised we would.”
  But, they get behind the wheel of the vehicle, anyway.
  In the car, we’re sitting beside them in the passenger seat, saying, “Just sit here a moment to think about what you’re doing. Throw the keys over into the passenger-side floorboard, and then just sit here awhile. Breathe deeply…in and out, in and out, in and out…and calm down.”
  But, they crank up the engine and hit the gas.
  On the road, we suggest that they drive to a place that’s in the opposite direction from the corner store: a local playground, a nature park, the library, a trusted friend’s house, the courtyard of a church, the fishing pier of a pond…anywhere except the store.
  But, they squeal up to the doors of the nearest Qwikie Mart.
  In the parking lot, we urge them to call someone for HELP: a quit buddy, a sibling, a parent, a best friend, a coworker, a fellow EXer…anyone who will help stop them before they make a hurtful decision.
  But, they march into the store, instead.
  At the counter, we beg them to not ruin their quit, to not smash their quit clocks, to not throw away their quit date, to not disappoint the EX community in a sorrowful blog of confession.
  But, they buy the cigarettes and a lighter, anyway.
  As they slap-slap-slap the pack and peel off the wrapper, we holler at them to throw the whole thing in the trash and walk away. To just toss them in the dumpster and walk away from the store, before it‘s too late. To walk down the street, and then walk around the block, and then scream and kick and just shake it off.
  But, they light up the cigarette and they smoke it. 
  And the quit is ruined. The clock resets to zero, and it’s back to square one.
  It never has to be this way! We do so many things here  to actively help one another stay out of danger: write blogs, share information, support friends with comments, be special pen pals, be trusted lifelines, send encouraging pictures to message boards, and share the skills and techniques that have proven to work for so many of us.
   STORM: 326
  (I wanted the newest among us to see a demonstration of how a crisis might play out, and see examples of how to work free of a potential relapse, moment by moment, before it goes too far. So that they might choose a fighting chance over a losing battle.)
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I've been the guy behind the wheel a couple of times and you're right, the quit was ruined. I don't think I really I wanted to quit back then. Everyone else wanted me to but I didn't.

When I got it in my mind that I really wanted to stop it made a huge difference. Fighting the cravings was easier than I had ever experienced before. Sometimes it really is "all in your mind."


And, try reminding yourself that there is never a good reason to smoke; there are only excuses.



Storm you are so right.  If people would only stop and wait a few minutes and do some deep breathing and come here. This site has helped me numerous times keep my quit and I can honestly say now at almost 500 days and I am here because of the wonderful people who have helped me and still help me on this journey of freedom.  don't give up on yourself people, come to this site and rely on us to help you through!


Magnificent blog! 


One of the best blogs I've read -- the passion of quitting when it's working brings out the best in us, and that includes writing something that inspires others.  Storm, I had goosebumps reading this.  I could visualize this loving and caring community in the driveway, in the car, at the store.  Wow!


Great blog, Storm. I WILL ask for help this time, already have this morning. Wrote a blog yesterday that if you're having a bad day, change your mind, and start your day over anytime. I am ever more cheery now. A couple of years I asked for HELP in a blog at night. It took about 15 minutes for YOU beautiful people to come to my aid. I can still thank YOU today. Just REMEMBER TO ASK FOR HELP BEFORE YOU SMOKE!!!

Candy         8   DOF


My first thought when I read a blog about relapse is: "Where is the blog before this, asking for help?"!

The saddest are the ones that I go back to and find that the cry for help was there, and I just did not recoginize it! When you ask for help, be Bold! Be Blunt! Be Proud that you have friends that you can trust to show up when you need then! Don't just throw out a hint and a clue and EXpect us to interperet it in time! This is too damn important to be shy! This is your very life, and  we live here day by day to help you reclaim your Freedom!                     Tommy


LIKE...a lot


M n @

As I sat here reading this I could feel myself start to go into panic mode from hearing what a relapse would feel like. I don't ever want that to become my reality.

As a very new person here... THANK YOU! 


I can just picture all of our little bobble heads on the dash board, in the council, riding on the rearview mirror and the outside mirror with the wind blowing in our hair, popping out of the glove box wagging our little fingers. No, No, No....

OMG, sorry it was the first thing I thought of!

Have I told you I love you latley Stormie!!!





Very insightful, thank you 🙂

Storm------------EXCELLENT. Thank you.


Become an Ex bobbleheads!  Holy crap!  That's what we need.  Wagging 'no' fingers!! 



Amen, Storm. We can make every excuse in the world to go backwards. Why? Because we are addicts.


I'm a newbie and it was very enlightening to know that you guys are here for support and help... thank you! 

Tommy- your blog almost had tears come to my emotional to know that you are so committed to helping others achieve their quest. Thanks!

I so remember the day my 8 year quit came to an abrupt end. It was in July 2007. After a family crisis, I woke up that morning fighting back tears as I got into my car to head to work. I saw the gas station and pulled in. I sat there for maybe a minute. I was so distraught that I felt there was no other way to make it through that day. I went in and bought a lighter and cigarettes. I've been smoking ever since. Started Chantix 4 days ago.