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Repost ..... Someone is in need of this today

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  A Prayer To Wise-One Above
  Great Spirit, You who knows the heart of all men, hear the thoughts I send to the sky worlds on my breath. 
  I bring the sacred mix for the pipe. 
  I burn the sacred woods in the hearth. 
  I bring the sweetgrass and sage bundles.
  Know my heart as true. 
  Guide me as I tread Earth Mother and keep my path straight.
  I ask you with humble heart to watch over all who today travel the hanging road to the lands of the ancestors. 
  Guide them to the hearths of their ancestors. 
  Fill their bowl with much meat. 
  May they be happy there.
  Watch over those of us that are still in this world you have given us. 
  Guide us down the right trail. 
  Smooth it as best you will for our moccasins. 
  Heal those that are filled with the spirits of sickness. 
  Make them whole and well once more. 
  Heal the heart of those that mourn a relative that has traveled the hanging road. 
  Give them peace.
  I, Soaring Eagle, send my cries to you this day with the breath you have given me.
  I speak no more. 
  I am finished.
  This is for anyone that is in need today. I have been feeling that someone is in need of this......
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9 Comentarios

Thank you Larry.


Thank you Larry!  Going on Day 5 tomorrow.  Your support and everyone else's has made the difference this week.:)


This is always good no matter how your day is going.  

Thank you!


Thank you Larry. 🙂


It's good to see you Larry!


Thank you Larry.


Thank you, Larry, this is always good to read.


Thank you Larry I lost my only child on Aug. 4th. I believe he is with the Great One but find it hard to accept. I thought I could smoke a cig. When I found him but I was wrong. I knew better. So I smoked the mo. Of Aug. and till Sept. 21st I have been smoke free since the 21st. Before this happened ,I had quit on March 7th of 2014. I will carry on with a heavy heart,but I will be smoke free.HUGS to All


PEACE be with you. THere are really no words to express when life hands aperson such a sad episode.But there are feelings that can be expressed. I express the feeling of LOVE to you whichI believeencompasses all the warmth of a heart felt hug and a soft tear exposed for the post person. The soul is alive at all times and I belive is here to comfort us in our deepest points as well as the soulsof us who are still here to connect and make your sorrow a little lighteer. SHALOM my friend. If you will taake the time to look up the definition of theword SHALOM you will be amased as I was what all it implies. So again my friend  SHALOM!!

Acerca del autor
I am a male that underwent coronary artery bypass X3 (triple) on 10/22/13 at the age of 55. I was living on about 20-30% of one coronary artery and my left heart output was only 20% to 25%. I spent a week in the hospital after surgery and went home. Then had to go back a day later for another week because I had pneumonia. Finally a few days because of a slight arythmia. All told it has been about 2 1/2 weeks. I am past the cravings by now and only have the urges to contend with. I really don't suggest that anyone quits smoking using this technique though. I'll have to carry the scars from that day for the rest of my life. The large one down the center of my chest, and the ones from several "silent" infarctions. I came that close to the next world. Never again will I subject my body to that (at one point in my life I was smoking 5 packs of cigarillos a day). I now have to say N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever) every day of my life. TheOldGoat-Joan, I miss you terribly my friend. Elder Lists Guilia's: (/blogs/Giulia-blog/2017/06/18/elders-list-ao-december-7-2016 ) or Smorgy's (Chronological Elder List)