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Share your quitting journey

Reminiscing on being another year older!🤔

4 16 295

Sitting here sipping on my third and final coffee for the day trying to figure out what to post 🤔 hummm, well it's my 63rd birthday and I'm thinking to myself that I'm so very thankful that I found this community back in June 2014! I had just found out that I have copd luckily it was mild BUT still it scared the living Crap out of me! I'd just got internet in February of 2014 so I was pretty green with doing things on line BUT YAY I figured out how to do a search on quitting smoking there were several sites BUT this is the one I chose AND I'm so happy that I did, I read everything I could find AND I kept on reading THEN I picked a quit date BUT when that date arrived I wasn't ready so I reset it THEN for some reason or another I forgot about this site until around my 18th day when I felt like I was going to crawl out of my own skin UGH! I was ready to jump in my car and head for the store AND buy a carton of cigarettes SCREW JUST a pk BUT thankfully I remembered this site and got on line up until that point I hid in the shadows AND hadn't let myself be known anyway I posted on something AND @moody_9-18-13 whom I haven't seen in years suggested I do a post AND write a little about myself so I did AND here I am living my Forever Quit! There's so many people that have come AND gone over the years! Right now I'm thinking of our very own @Thomas3.20.2010 You are missed more than I can say! Your posts on copd helped me immensely AND they helped me to hang on tight to the best gift that I'd ever give myself THAT any of us would ever give ourselves which is the GIFT OF LIFE! My copd has went from mild to moderate BUT boy oh boy I'm sure that by quitting I've slowed the progression down a TON!!! Our lives are worth so much more than the damned Nicotine Poison that's for damned sure! As difficult as quitting is it's also very Doable! The CHOICE is Ours! 



There's LIFE after the horrid Nicotine Poison AND it's pretty fantastic once you get through the roller coaster ride into that good place in your quit where you realize just how much better life is as an EXer! 

Stick with N.O.P.E ~ Not One Puff Ever ~ N.M.W ~ No Matter what! Vigilance is key to Freedom! 








Oh God. I am so sorry. After drinking wine last night a family member offered me a cigarette and smoked it. Crap. I screwed up bad. Today I start again. I will stay away from wine for a long while. Thank you for accepting my HUGE "mistake" if I may call it that.


I'm so sorry that you relapsed @Pao777 BUT I'm so glad that you are starting your precious quit journey again so quickly! Deep breaths and turn your DAY ONE INTO DAY WON AND keep moving forward stacking up those precious days of DOF ~ Days Of Freedom! 👍 I'm happy you're going to stay away from alcohol it lowers a person's inhibition thinking It's okay to have just one BUT it's not okay! I lost a few quits due to alcohol, here's a saying I really like PLUS it's very true....

I do not think that I should drink for if I drink I do not think!  

Stay close and reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent we're all here to help you in any way we can....


Nice post @MarilynH 




Happy Birthday, Marilyn!!  I hope today is everything you wish it to be😊  You deserve it.  Lovely post from a lovely person!  Enjoy your day!



Not applicable

Happy birthday @MarilynH . 
Hang in there @Pao777 , you can do it .


@Pao777 Glad you're getting right back on track. That's so important when you have a slip.  Don't let it turn into a long time relapse like I've always done.  It would take me years before I would try again, so be proud of your commitment to make this happen for yourself.

Don't beat yourself up.  You can't fix the past, but your can move forward with this journey with more knowledge about quitting than you had before.

Remember to reach out before you smoke.  Just taking the time to receive  some support can be just enough time to refocus your thinking,  It saved my quit several times--it works!

If you learned from your mistake, then it's a lesson well learned. 

Today's a new day!



@MarilynH Happy Birthday youngster!  Enjoy your special day.










Thanks for sharing your story Marilyn!!! I love quit stories, so many do. We need them. Happy 63!!! Big hug. 

Hosta Sketch.JPG


@MarilynH Marilyn, happy birthday! And thank you SO much for sharing your “origin” story — it’s incredibly helpful to those of us who are early in our quits. To know that even my “quit elders” flailed around at the beginning, this is gonna sound weird, actually is a relief. This process of quitting an addiction is dang messy and as you always say, Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? DEFINITELY!!

Cheers, Terry 194 DOF 


@MarilynH Thanks for the wonderful post and the personal story telling as part of the dynamic. Also, Happy Birthday!!!!!! 




Happy BD, young lady!



Thank you @Pao777 @green1611 @SimplySheri @Anonymous @Barbscloud @maryfreecig @tburton1004 @Metroguy @YoungAtHeart and anyone else that might pop in! 




I have been gone all day Marilyn @MarilynH but you have been in my thoughts … I couldn’t wait to come home and wish you the Biggest Happy Birthday …! You are greatly appreciated and loved xoxoxox Colleen 1454 DOF 



@MarilynH I wish you the best month-long birthday and many, many more. Thank you for being here.


@Barbscloud thank you for your support! It means a lot to me and does help. I am still figuring this website out. I'm not sure where to reach anyone when I'm in dire need. I guess right here is as good as any. 

Thanks so much,


@Pao777 Go to Post a Journal/Blog - blue block on the home page and title your message HELP.  As I'm sure you're aware, we're on site when we can be, so make a commitment that you won't smoke until you hear back from someone.  In the meantime, use the tools you've identified when you're having a craving.  

It can just be enough time to help you refocus your thinking.  It saved my quit several times--it works!



About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....