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Share your quitting journey


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Hey guys. I really need your help and support right now. I relapsed yesterday. I was sober for 3 or 4 days and then I let my cravings take over. Nicotine is in control of me and I feel like I have no power. I'm starting to lose hope. I don't think I can do this. 


@madison_ziesmer I didn't realize you had quit already (not quit date on the site).  This is a learning process, so don't give up on yourself.   Yes nicotine does control you because it is an addiction.  Your brain actually changes from using nicotine.  But you can take power over it if you learn how to quit.  When I found the Ex, I learned how to quit for the first time after smoking for 50 years.  

Have you been reading material on the site?  Understand nicotine addiction is an important part of quitting.   Also, having a plan in place that includes the tools you'll use, how you'll cope with cravings and creating new association to replace vaping/smoking.   What could you have done instead of vaping?  There are many options, so be creative.   Go for walk, chew on straws, use hard candy, play video games, etc.   And, reach out the Ex before you vape/smoke, not after.  It really works.

This links will get you off to a good start.

Also pledging each day on the Daily Pledge is a great way to keep you on track one day at a time.

You got this, so keep moving forward.





Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

If you didn't put some work into getting ready for this quit, do it before your next one.  I highly recommend you spend some time educating yourself on the addiction. I recommended "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" on your initial post.   If you didn't do it before, get it and read it now!  If you didn't change up your routines to reduce the associations, think about how you can do that now, then do it when you quit.  If you didn't make a list of your reasons for quitting and keep it handy, write it now.  If you didn't think about distracting activities before this attempt, write them down before the next one.

Nicotine is a two part addiction, physical and psychological.  It is not easy to beat, but it can be done.  I thought I was going to be the last smoker standing and I quit.  You can, too - but you will need to put some effort into it and commit to doing whatever it takes no matter what.  Doing some preparation will help with that.

You CAN do this!  



@madison_ziesmer do not beat yourself up over it. Learn and move forward. Accept that it is difficult and that it takes time to adjust without nicotine and that this too shall pass. It then becomes easier. Unfortunately nicotine is an emotional mind game and you have to find a your way to outsmart it and be the one in charge not the nicotine. It is doable do not give up the faith in yourself



That first week kicks everyone's butt. You're not alone. You made it 3 or 4 days so at least you know you can go that long. Gather your thoughts, your motivation, your strength, focus on what you will do differently next time and quit again soon. Keep at it. A lot of people have to try more than once to quit so don't think that giving up your quit this time means you CAN'T do it ever. You can and when you do you will realize how much stronger you are than you thought. You can do it and in fact you are the only one who can do this for you. I hope you give it another go because you are worth it. Yes, the first week will suck. Do it anyway. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

@madison_ziesmer So sorry to hear that, but show yourself grace and get back on your quit journey! It can take many people a few attempts, but don't quit. You can do it. Find ways to build new habits. For example, what triggers you to smoke in the morning? Do you smoke when you get stress? Find distractions for when your cravings hit. 

We are here to support you and cheering you on!

Quiana, EX Team 


I have quit more times than I can count! Keep trying, you have learned a lot from your few days quit that you can use to help you on your next attempt. Read as much as you can on the site and look up the tool on the become a ex site where you track your urges and triggers and make a specific plan to deal with each situation without smoking.


At about 3-4 days when all the nicotine is gone, that's when the addiction cries out to come back. You managed some days without, congratulations on that. Don't count yourself out just because you didn't find a way to keep going. It happens. But you are here asking for help. That is what is important. That you think you can't do it probably means that you need to take some time to set up a complete "tool box" for yourself. That tool box is filled with all the things you promise yourself to do to turn away from craves, thoughts, impulses, temptations etc. To quit, we don't just not smoke, we have to take actions everyday for a while. It gets easier. In the first few days it always seems that it won't, but it does.

Prepare your to-do list. Give yourself credit for trying, let yourself give it a go again. Keep it in one day at a time. Looking ahead is no good, it causes us to fret about how can we keep going, but keeping it in the day allows us to do what we know we can do.

Big hug. You've decided what you want, a quit. Don't let addiction tell you that you can't.


It happens. Have you tried self talk?

it’s just as easy to talk yourself out of relapsing as it is to talk yourself into it.

Only you can make this happen.

make sure you come here before you make the wrong choice.


Gentle hug dear friend @madison_ziesmer 

I smoke and quit smoking tons of times too please know you are not alone

Congratulations one today just for the next 2 minutes and then 5 minutes then 10 minutes and soon you have one day 

Keeping blogging and reading here everyday staying nope with everyone one day at a time

I believe you can do it dear friend 


Dear @madison_ziesmer so sorry to hear the despair in your post, I hope today was a "good" day and it seems to me all we can ever do is keep trying. I don't mean to make this about me but I can't help remembering what it felt like reading your post, gosh it just's so worth it to get here where the cravings are not relentless....I for one can't let my guard down, I must be diligent but that doesn't mean constantly like in the beginning...I'll say it again it does get well and most of all kind to yourself