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Share your quitting journey


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It's hard not to reflect how I got to 399 days. Marilyn, somehow you ended up being my marker because you were about a month plus, (i think) ahead of me and your blogs seemed to ease me foreward when needed, along with the locomotive help of many others. And yes..... ugh, winter is here again. I remember last year.

In reflection, I remember the aha moment of SMELLING the fall air. I think i was a couple weeks into my forever quit. One second, I couldn't function without a cigarette, and the next moment, I walked out the door and OMG...... the FRESHNESS of the FALL. that was my aha moment and I never wanted to miss that again and this fall being smokefree, I have enjoyed that scent all season.

In reflection, I remember the snows of last year, the never ending shoveling and the forever cleaning off the garage roof. I remeber that very well! But what I really remember most is, " I was not taking a cigarette break every 10 -15 minutes". I shoveled and shoveled and it sucked but the fact that I could shovel and shovel and shovel was another aha moment. (And NO.... not looking forward to that again)

For me, I think winter will always be a celebrative season for me, but not without my grumblings.

In reflection, I've been reading the blogs, and I see the same selfless people continuing to offer help support, friendship and ears and I'm reminded the core value of this site is it's people and how you all continue to help each other and anyone that chooses to join and share.

For all us Winter Time Warriors..... Shovel On! But don't smoke, N.O.P.E.


Big Congratulations John.

You've taught yourself alot about what it takes to succeed.


John, so nice to see you and hear from you again! With all that money you have saved from not smoking, buy a snow blower or thrower. Instead of shovelling,  you can push hehe ( i know u probably have one) but couldn't resist! I should add on Christmas eve this year, you will be celebrating 800 days! Great day for a celebration! xo


John, I'm glad to see you!      I know you've been you're showing up a bit more.

I remember last winter and you talking (all the time???) about shoveling the roof!      No shoveling here....I live in an apartment complex.     But I will tell you it is cold today (30 degrees) and I'm already missing the warmth of New Mexico.        Maybe I should retire and move today??????

Stay close by, ok?



What an amazing accomplishment. And not without some revealing moments obviously. thanks for sharing as it helps those of us on the beginning of the journey.



Congrats on your 399 days!!!  You are doing amazing!  I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!!!  


I am sooooooo very happy to see you John and thank you for your kind words to me. Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog and yes winter is creeping up on us YIKES. I have to say that we've had a pretty good Fall and November has been almost Tropical for us here in the Maritime provinces but it's ending as I'm writing this comment to you. I agree with you about all that shoveling and not having to stop every so often for a smoke, I don't believe that I could smoke now out in the freezing temps because I think I might hork up a lung or something. I found I was out of breath alot while shoveling and wondered how I had so many smoke breaks the yr before anyway dear friend a super duper congrats on your awesome 399 DOF and counting WTG my friend. 

Marilyn 493 DOF 


can,t wait to shovel without taking a smoke break.