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Share your quitting journey

Redman: Inspire Me

3 12 200

I was inspired by MaryRobin‌ with her "living mantra" and her ripple effect yesterday. The positive ripple effect lead me to the understanding:

What doesn't kill your quit, makes it stronger!

This is what happens each time one successfully overcomes a trigger or urge! 

Though a mild misunderstanding, Amlatt‌ helped define:

It is not love, it is lust!

Amlatt may still not (or ever) agree, but she inspired the thought. It is in reference to the relationship many of us had with nicotine. 

Discussion with Giulia‌ led to the development of the blog‌, which is meeting the great people on Ex that we wouldn't have otherwise met!

In response to a blog, sweetplt‌ stated attitude is important. A community can inspire the right attitude

It Takes a Community to Raise a Quitter!

The Ex inspired that attitude and comes with an espiritu de corpe!

These are inspiring and motivating. This is the stuff that keeps me going, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thrives on it. 

For this blog, I don't want to say anymore, I want to ask all of you, elder or newb, quit or attempting quit, to

Inspire Me

12 Comentarios

WE need to inspire YOU?  How interesting.  YOU inspire ME.  You need to know how?  You inspire me by your attitude.  Your wonderful sense of humor.  Your commentary on blogs and in our silly games and in our "keep moving" blog.  You make quitting FUN.  By just being YOU and responding as YOU. 

YOU are motivating.  YOU are inspiring because you don't whine about the process, you just get on with it.  And you are DOIN' THIS THANG!  (for 3 months now, right?!  Dangerous time, watch your back.)   And I am an inspiration  because I have a 13 YEAR QUIT!!!  Do I really need any other inspiration to prove my point?!!!   lol  


Dang, I though Redman the rapper was going to text me some advice


I triple DITTO what Giulia says above me.


Hi Hon...and Happy Friday...Everyday for me, is a good day without the smokes...Living Life ... on Life’s terms...

Have a great day...~ Colleen 305 DOF 


How about some points?  Will that inspire you?


I have never regretted quitting but I will always regret starting.  It DOES get easier and we actually allow ourselves to grow emotionally, it's not easy but it is worth it.



So, I gather the inspire me may have been taken wrong. I'm not on the edge, I just feed off the stories that everyone has, not the everyday, kind of, but more the specifically hard stories. When I see people overcoming adversity, it pumps me up! 


Jon, hope you are having a great day! I am very complimented that I helped inspire this thread: so cool! 
It was a busy week at work and to top it off with some sugar, my brother got engaged last night!  I have kept smoke/vape free and am feeling good. I have to look at a calendar now to remember how many days it’s been (just looked- Day 11). I have been feeling so in the moment, and so free that I am not focusing on counting, but rather how I am feeling day to day. Every day feels better, really since my “close call”. Every day, I think of a reason that I am grateful to be done with vaping. Today: I can smell things more fully! Food, air, candles....Yesterday, I had a meeting with a woman, and we were sitting next to each other as we talked. She looks healthy and in shape.....but as she spoke, I smelled cigarette on her breathe....faintly, but without question- I know that smell!! So strange, but I felt sorry for her....I didn’t say anything about it; I know what it’s like to use gum, mints, lotions and perfume to hide that scent. But I saw her differently immediately: Not as healthy as I thought.....How many people hide their smoking? How many people smoke and wish they didn’t? I empathize, and although I have no idea what this woman’s story/journey has been, without judgement, I silently wished her well as she left. I know it can be so hard....AND I am glad I trusted everyone here and did it anyway, because it is getting easier and much, much better. My guard will forever be up to protect myself, but one day at a time is working for me right now.:))

Happy weekend!


I utilized today's happiness yesterday! Lol, I started the day nursing a hangover and it is homecoming weekend in a small town, so everyone goes to the parade, football game, and FFA cookout, it has been non stop (and I just wanted to take a nap all day long).

Congrats to your brother, tell him not to do it though! Lol

The smell coming back is great, the flip side is you smell bad better too. The faint cigarette smell and the fact that you went to feeling bad for her says you are getting to a good point! 

You had it in you the whole time, you just needed to believe in yourself and feel good about it. In the beginning, you may have to fake it until you make it! 

There is a number that states about 2/3rds of all smokers don't want to smoke. The other 1/3 may haven't realized they are hooked. With the stigma associated with smoking, I think a lot of people hide it.

What is really interesting is that you vaped, but your smell was affected. I wonder how close they are in how they effect the body and how close the recovery schedule is. 

Here is our last place team for the golf outing! 



"I gather the inspire me may have been taken wrong."  Uh, yup!  When you make a statement like this:  

"I don't want to say anymore, I want to ask all of you, elder or newb, quit or attempting quit, to Inspire Me

One does tend to take it like you're kind of on the edge.  At least I did.

Thanks for the clarification!  You want to hear the hard stories?  Simply read through the blogs of the newbies here on a daily basis.  Or go back and read the Elder's blogs from the beginnings of their quits.  You'll see whining, you'll see sadness, anger, resentment, confusion, sense of loss, but you'll also see steadfastness to their commitment, perseverance, stubbornness, humor, willingness... all those inspiring things.


I am going to change this slightly. I'm going to start to collect them. Quick snips. When a quitter is having a particularly hard time, maybe they can find 1 thing that will inspire. Does a compilation already exist? 


Well there's Quick Quips  but slightly different than what I think you're suggesting.  

Acerca del autor
36 year old in the process of becoming who I was before cigarettes, just a little older.