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Really, really tired tonight

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I worked Saturday and someone apparently added a very large amount of bleach to the mop water (it is not supposed to have any bleach in it).  I could not breathe and I told my son and daughter in law that I HAD to leave, just out of curiosity, I checked my oxygen saturation and it was 70%, I was feeling overwhelmingly tired and dizzy.  Once I stepped outside and took some deep breaths, I felt better but still really tired.  I went home and did what I absolutely HAD to do and then put on my oxygen and fell asleep.  I woke up several times and checked my oxygen sats and they were always high 90's so I figured sleep was a good idea.  

I am going to try to let you see our damaged baby Jesus and Mary from after the fire, I honestly don't know where Joseph came from.  There is also a picture of our tree that my daughter and I decorated...looks a LOT like last year's tree.

Hope everyone has a nice evening, I think I am going to sign off and try to just get some rest.  I did do my work out today and had my son and his wife for dinner last night...yeah, I am tired.


Sleep well, my friends.




Rest well, Ellen.   


Sweet dreams!


Lovely tree!

I love the antique looking creche!  I think it's perfect!

That's AWFUL about the bleach - some people just don't get it - do they???

I am glad you are resting tonight.

I made the D@mn Sugar Cookies today!  I'm done, too!

  We should both rest now!



Wow Ellen 70's sats are really low.  Glad you was able to get out of there and away from bleach smell. Did your O2 come back up?   Love the pic of Mary and Joseph an your tree is beautiful.  We finally put the tree up and 2 strands of the original lights on the tree are out. We went to store and got new lights but didn't notice they were not tree lights they were outdoor ribbed ones.  So back to the store tommorow. Get some rest and hugs.


Beautiful tree, I'm really glad baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph survived the fire get lot's of Zzzzzzzzzzzz's tonight dear friend, dang the bleach and I hope that never happens again!


Goodness, Ellen! Bleach! Oh WOW! 70%? Whoa! Please take very good care of yourself! You've been under a tremendous trauma to your lungs. Do be careful - I know that you as I have to feel useful but we can't do that if we don't put our lungs first!


Sleep well, feel better.  I love your tree!    Take good care of you!


I think there's a lesson and a blessing in what was "saved"  from the fire.  🙂 Merry Christmas.


Sorry you had to endure such fumes from the bleach.  It is great that you are getting rested.  Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus look just fine.  Hope you have a good night rest. 


oH Ellen, do get some rest,by now your in dreamland. I hope you wake up feeling better, I'm right behind you.

Sweet dreams to a sweet lady


I love your tree, it looks so festive. I'm so glad to hear that you are listening to your body, not pushing yourself beyond your endurance and getting rest!



So glad you figured out what was hurting you, and got out of the toxic environment.  I hope you got some sleep!

The tree is beautiful, and you know something?  Your rug is identical with my hallway runners, it is crazy, one day I'll take a pic and share with you

Love you and I hope today is a better day elvan‌!



HI ! I am just seeing this... How are you feeling today beautiful woman ??  I hope BETTER! Please let me know as soon as you can... I am worried about you.

Your Christmas tree is beautiful! I hope your resting and enjoying it.

 ((( HUGS ))) XOXO


Rest well Ellen, we are here with you.


Hope today is a much better day for you and that you got a good night's sleep!  Lovely Jesus Mother and Father.  Lovely tree (nice reflection on the walls!)


UPDATE...lots of coughing this morning,  I think that is a GOOD thing, oxygen sats are in the mid 90's.  I am sure I was reacting to the chlorine...there is no real ventilation behind the register and that's where the mop bucket was.  My daughter in law and son both jumped into overdrive when I told them...I think it's possible that my grandson was trying to help and added some bleach to the floor solution.  The last thing I would ever want to do is to make HIM feel badly.

susan_m , Jennifer-Quit‌, YoungAtHeart‌, shashort‌, MarilynH‌, Thomas3.20.2010‌. stephanie1067‌, JonesCarpeDiem‌, Mandolinrain‌, JACKIE1-25-15‌, Anya‌, Daniela2016‌, Deb-EX‌, Giulia‌, Iamkfaz‌  Thank ALL of you for your sweet comments and your concern...I am sure this is going to pass.  I LOVE out tree, my daughter and I laughed because we think we could take pictures and post the same one year after year and no one would know, I put so many lights on the tree that it's crazy...there is hardly room for ornaments.  The baby Jesus and Mary make me cry whenever I look at them.  They do not get put away at the end of the season, I keep them in my room, on my dresser.  That baby went everywhere with me for over a year after the fire and many people teared up when I told them that I pulled him from the ashes.  He is so little, it was its own kind of miracle that I found him in that pile of ash.  I felt like he was a sign...maybe the biggest one I got after the fire that things would be alright...they would get better, there were still Holidays to celebrate and much to be grateful for.  Thank you all, please don't worry, I am a tough old mule...I am going to do some leisurely shopping today, might even blow off my workout, I don't want to push it. I will plan a nap later.  Naps are healing and my lungs need some love.  Kitty is curled up next to me...well sort of, she's on my bed.  There is a certain comfort that comes from her softness.

Love to all,



Huge but gentle hug coming your way sweet Ellen, I think your manger scene with baby Jesus surviving the fire is a Christmas Miracle within itself and has and does give you a sense of peace, enjoy your shopping and that'll be a good enough workout anyway xoxox.


Sooo happy your OK and taking care of yourself. You're surrounded by love and happiness and that is the best best medicine! Enjoy your leisurely shopping and yea, definitely blow off that workout :-))))



GREAT news!  GREAT plan for today!  Now - stick to it!!!!




YoungAtHeart‌ and Deb-EX‌, and MarilynH KNOW I couldn't really do it.  I didn't go shopping, I really was too tired for that BUT, I did do my ten miles on the bike, just much later than usual.  It made me feel wonderful.  I did some upper body exercises as well and it made me feel like it was okay that I didn't do the shopping.


No shopping is good for the wallet too!!  Glad that working out helped, I've always hated it myself... BUT I think it's the next new thing to try after the New Year. Why not... 


Deb-EX‌ I really don't LIKE it, I just like the feeling I get afterwards.  Believe me, there are times when it is very, very difficult to keep going but I keep pushing and pushing...I really did feel good about it.  Today, I went shopping and shopping and shopping and I am far from being done.  Not having very good luck this year.  Still have my son and his family to do, have my oldest daughter and her family just about done...have not even LOOKED at my baking supplies.  I have to have everything done before the 19th which is when I go to my rheumatologist...they WAIT for me.  I have to be done, freaks me out.  I am sure that once I start, things will get moving and I will not feel so overwhelmed.  I would RATHER work out.


elvan‌ omg, toooo funny! Thats exactly how I feel about my neighbor! She's the baker and every year I WAIT for her tin of amazing Christmas cookies!! Yesterday was my day and I was so freaking happy. It truly is the best Christmas present, but I won't tell my husband that LOL.  I get the freak out part though, it IS a lot of pressure getting baking done on a schedule. I would imagine once you get into your groove, things will go smoothly and it becomes fun, just crank up the Christmas music   Make sure you don't overwhelm yourself if you're not feeling up to it, baking is a LOT of work - hence why I stay away from it and make baking friends!! 


Deb-EX‌ I LOVE seeing the looks on the faces of people when I bring the stuff.  I always make my mother's cream puffs and she was French so her recipe is the best.  Some people get JUST cream puffs but others get cinnamon rolls and cut out cookies as well.  It just takes TIME that I don't feel like I HAVE right now.  I'll get there.  Once I have delivered the last tray, I feel like Wonder Woman...honestly, I could FLY!


Well as a recipient of many baked goods  I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart.. I would rather get a Banana bread with walnuts then pretty much most other gifts. It's always a great surprise and treat - and trust me, we know the work that goes into baking! Cream puffs are another favorite of mine (wee wee) I've always been a sweet tooth kinda girl, whereas my husband and son love SALT! I bet you do feel like Wonder Woman when you're done delivering ... leaving people with smiles.. yea, that's pretty great! Good for YOU!

You will get it all done! Don't overthink like ME


Well, I kept it small this year, and blamed it on my diabetes   And it is true too: how can I bake and give it away without tasting it?  Plus hubby also has type 2 diabetes, and I can't even turn my back to the goodies without him steeling some...

But I also purchased some European sweets from an ethnic store in my neighborhood, so I can round up little bags to give away.  I believe so far I've given away about 20, still need to back on Saturday and mail some to Cleveland (where my son and his wife are spending Christmas with her parents), and give away some more to my neighbors.

As for Christmas at our house, since it will be just mom, hubby and me, we decided of just one thing, and that is the walnut bread mom's specialty.  This is what it looks like (we made these at Easter, 2 years ago)

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Daniela2016‌ Those are BEAUTIFUL!  


They look amazing!   You are quite the talented baker.  Are these recipes from your homeland?



Yes they are, but they are just the Romanian version of a raisin bread.  My mom is way more talented than me when it comes to the yeast based pastries.  I am better with the layered cakes, or the decorations, macaroons, or chocolate mousse.  If the group decides for next year's EX reunion to happen in California (where I can drive and transport them cold) I can make some for your enjoyment  

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.