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Share your quitting journey

Ready to quit

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I can do it this time. Smoking is a ritual that has filled my life. When I stop suddenly I don't know what to do. It has taken so much of my time.

I smoke because the pain keeps me from feeling my depression. Smoking has made my depression worse. It's caused so much pain and I need the pain to stop. I can do it this time. I can stop smoking. Tell me that I can do it.


I believed I was going to be the last smoker standing.  I quit  - so can YOU!

I hope you will get and read the book by Allen Carr I recommended, have a plan what you will do when a craving hits (stay distracted!), change up your routines, figure out ways to get some exercise.  All these will help you be successful.

Think about how WONDERFUL it will feel to get this monkey off your back!  Let us know how we can help!




@YoungAtHeart  there is a half hour documentary by the BBC on Allen Carr. I'm going to get his book at the library.

Maybe reading will be my go to during depression and quitting smoking. 

I can get some exercise at school. They have an indoor track that is designed for walking. Ten laps per mile. 

I am looking forward to June. I'm going to pick up a book to read. I am thinking about using the space at the new campus for reading this Summer. Stephen King. I'll look at the library for Stephen's latest. The building was built by Montgomery Wards.

The above link is to pictures of the campus.



 Montgomery Ward based its Eastern Headquarters in Baltimore.  The structure , built by him, was used as a warehouse and later a retail store.  Some pics:

Entrance at nightEntrance at night


Huge building, roughly shaped like a #4Huge building, roughly shaped like a #4 


@j3ffmeadowsgm YOU CAN DO IT!! The sooner you believe you can and start to see what life will look like on the other side of your quit, the easier the quit will get. Believe it and you will receive it! Sounds corny but it freakin' works.


@j3ffmeadowsgm , you can do this! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! And I love Stephen King — he will be a great distraction for you!

And remember to REACH OUT HERE whenever you need help! Post before you smoke!

Quitting is SO worth it — you can reclaim your life!

All the best, Terry 372 Days of Freedom


If I did it you can too.  I smoked for 52 years.  I tried to quit many, many times.  I was not successful until I found this site.  I came here everyday and read blogs and wrote blogs. It will be 10 years for me in October.  It is wonderful not being a smoker. You can do it.  Enjoy your day.


You really can do it! I’ve smoked for 52 years and am on day 4 of my quit. It’s going really well and not too hard at all. Have tried to quit before at least 12x and it was torture. 
I read Allen Carr book. Easyway to Quit Smoking. He tells you to keep smoking while you read the book…as a nicotine addict I’m thinking “I like this method  already “  The whole time I was reading the book I was extremely sceptical that it would work but it did!!!

 I saw you like Stephen King books….too scary for me, LOL. Maybe something more soothing is in order for the beginning of your quit journey. 
Anyway, know you are heard and supported on this site ❤️



Having too much time on your hands is a problem for some! For me, it  was solved by crocheting blankets. It really helps to find something to do with your hands, even if it's just a game on your phone.


@Barbara145  I am starting today to quit. I can do it this time. Every time I quit it only lasts for half a day. I really want this and this is the time. I want to get at least two days quit. if I can get two days I can get 3 and 4 days.



@AnnetteMM I am going to try and stay busy. I missed school this morning because I am too sick to go. It makes me very depressed. I should have gone. 


You can do this. Just take it a day at a time. When that thought of smoking comes, keep pushing it off. I know how hard it is but it is possible. There are tons of great resources here and I credit my success in quitting to this site and the support I received. 

Finding something to do with your hands will help too. Do you have a hobby you enjoy? I did a lots of puzzles and some reading. I didn't smoke in my house and the outside was a trigger so I stayed indoors for a while. 

Good luck, stay strong!