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Ready to do this! (again)

0 9 35

Ok, so i have one cigarette left in the pack and i am READY TO DO THIS AGAIN!

again, of course so many things going through my mind.... anxiety kicking in big time but i know i can do this!!!!!!!!!

Wish me luck, pray for me and send all the good vibes you can! 🙂


You got it fancis!


Good luck this time around .... anxiety and fear are your worst enemies.  Anxiety can start in one of two places ... in the body because your system is out of balance or from your head because you are afraid.  If the anxiety comes from the body then your body might need help to cope.  In some places you can get free nicotine patches ... American Lung Assn gives them out is some areas, of course you have to participate in their plan.  If the anxiety is from the mind then deep breathe slowly  4 in, 4 out and 4 rest - repeat 5-10 times.  Don't breathe too fast or you will get light headed.  Also meditation that seeks to channel the urge to somke into a non-smoking urge.

As for me, I'm still in my pre-quit under 10 today ... and sometimes the urges are really stong to have a cig out of step with my spacing.  I exercise, take a bath, meditate, etc.  My pre-quit has not been easy.   I just hope what I'm doing is good preparation from my bit QD.

Don't stop believing ... you can get it done.


welcome back... prayers sent your way. You can do it girl...

Bury that cigarette and say GOOD BYE FOREVER...

a friend told me thats what she did when she quit, sounded like a great idea huh?

stay close to the site...

very good to see you back



You'll be perfectly fine's just an ugly,disgusting, disease-filled addiction...not to mention smelly...think of all the good things instead...if I'm not here tamale it's cus of my computer....I'll take your good vibes on that and give you GREAT vibes on FREEDOM...xoxo


OK burn the last one. Quit smoking them and the good vibes will follow....Promise


You can do this! You already have and you have learned such a great lesson!

I hit the 72 hour mark today, which means that the nicotine is out of my system. I want this for you too!!! Find some inspirational quotes and keep them nearby....I like, "If you're going through hell, keep going." by Churchill. Truth be told, this quit has not been nearly as anxiety provoking as last time. I really think it is because I paid attention to cutting my caffeine in half since I don't need as much now for the same effect. Remember, the crave provoking situation will pass whether you smoke or not. 

Best wishes to a great night!


Go get it! 🙂


if you want, you can, hang in there


Francis - I KNOW you can do this because I remember what a great, positive attitude you had before! You know it too! Stay close!