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Share your quitting journey

Rainy Saturday

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Well it's raining so I won't be able to clean the car or finish raking as I has planned today...maybe it will be nicer tomorrow!I am at Day 83 and find myself wanting a smoke ALOT I pray I don't feel like this for 2 years like someone posted!!My next goal is 100 days on June 13th!

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You will make your TDC entrance Trudy!    And then the next milestone and the next!    I just said that each day I try to think of what may be a trigger for me this day and how will I face and beat it!     I think that helps me.     You've met and conquered craves and you will do it today too!      Think of the days that weren't so hard......they come more and more often as we build time.

Stay strong!      

Sharon 264 days of Freedom!


I know, I saw that too about the two years and it sparked anxiety in me.  I think everyone's experience is different, so I don't know about you, but I'm going to let that thought go because everyone's journey is different and I'm going to decide to just stay safe in the day today.

Yes, too bad it's rainy, I so wanted and needed a walk.  Oh well, laundry it is then.

Have a great day,



thinking of smoking at this stage is normal, just don't dwell on it. get up and do something when you think of smoking.

smoking was our reward because we made it that.

all it was was getting your fix


Ok fellow addicts.... try to make it out of NML before you start to worry about 2 years from now.   I can hear little nicodemon ... saying hmmmmm is this really worth it ... you know you want me. 


You're going to be just fine, Trudy!  You are in No Man's Land and that's a tough place to be.  But you will get through it and come out the other side so much the better for it.

I can promise you if (and when) you think of smoking two years from now, it will be as a passing thought, just a anxiety, no urges, no big deal.  It will pass and life will go on with a smie on your face and a very happy heart!!!


There are some bad days in NML BUT there are more, much more good than bad. P. S.  I walked in the rain.  You are doing great!  It will be O.K.


I am terribly sorry that I didn't clarify the 2 year comment. I just realized not everyone knows my friend. I did an add on to my blog. It is NOT going to take you 2 years at all. Most people I know it only took them anywhere between 2 to 6 months to get to that point.The lady I was talking about was fighting many demons in her life and it wasn't only the nicotine one. Her case is very unique I believe and I was thinking she would never get to that point. It scared the crap out of me as I was beginning to think maybe it wasn't worth it cuz it doesn't happen for everyone. The point was it truly does. Even for my friend. If you knew her and all that she had gone through the transformation was a beautiful site. Her road was a long one because of other issues besides giving up smoking. I apologize for scaring anyone. You are doing great and it will be ok!!  You will get there a lot sooner!!!  Never give up and I bet in a couple months you will be reporting you are at that point..One day at a time!

Hang on Trudyd. You are doing this. Dont look Back -easy for me to say right this minute -hah! So I'm sending some of my "change of scene" extra strength to you today!!! I hope it will help!!
One day st a time. Step by step. YES You CAN!

It will get better and won't take two years.  Congratulations you have come a long way already. One day at time -you will learn how to dance in the rain not dodge the raindrops!


congrats on 83 days, just take one day at a time. you are doing great