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Share your quitting journey

RE-Quit is Not Fun

0 13 34

I am So sorry, but I am having NO FUN at all.  I am miserable.  I relapsed for 3 weeks.  and I did not carry the cigs in my car, did not smoke in the mornings, or during the work day (except for just one cigarette, one work day) and I am fighting this addiction as if it was my first quit, where I had smoked all day every day, everywhere and anytime I thought I needed one.  Anyway,  I'm in the middle of my 4th day.  

The 136 days I had taunt me.  I still feel like I want to throw a big tantrum.  I keep looking at those lost days----coulda, woulda, shoulda.  I don't know how other people that relapsed feel.  I just know I don't feel as good about myself in the re-quit.  The first time, oh man I am all that!  sure it's hard and sure I am suffering, but look at me, miss Hot Shot Quitter.  I don't feel the same about myself.  I am doing it, but not feeling the same inner pride.  I'm just trudging.  And I told a friend that I wasn't depressed, but that I was totally flat. Didn't feel anything.  She said that is also depression.  I miss ME.  Where am I?  Where is my sense of humor?? (one of the good things I had going for me).  And I got compliments on my writing, or how I said things, put them in my Terri-Unique perspective.  That is gone too.  In some ways, how I am feeling and where I am at is worse than same ole same ole depression or anxiety.  

I guess all I can do is take it one day at a time, put one foot in front of the other and have faith that ME will come back, and the re-quit will get easier, and I'll be so happy that I will buy the World a Coke.  

13 Comentarios

Hi Terri.  You are all that.  It is in there.  What you are going through is preparing you to be even better.  None of this journey is wasted. One day you will see that what I am saying is the truth.  Do not give it up.  Now smile and have a good day.  We are here for you.


Firstly, I think you need to stop looking at this as your "re-quit."  Done is done, lesson learnt, we have a lot in common that way.  You haven forgiven  yourself one bit, whereas I have in order to move on.  And yes, you're fighting this instead of be willing as Dale would say.  You need to rethink your thoughts and approach to this, that old you is there, you're just not letting shine through because you're so busy fighting.  Put down the boxing gloves as another wonderful person on this site once told me. 

Sit back and think about this, re-read what you just wrote, but most importantly, you are doing this, so pick your head up with pride and keep stacking the days.

You're still there, you're just not letting the you out.  Be nice to yourself, will ya?


Terri, please, just take each day as it comes and in the morning, thank God for letting you wake up smoke free to do this yet another day! I feel sure that "the real you" will come back in time! You are probably in a nicotine fog. That Demon got back in and thought he was gonna get to stay and you are showing him other wise. You are a great quitter! You already proved that! One foot, then the other! Don't let mr. Demonasty back in! Just keep yelling and screaming at him to get out! That might just help you get your "fire" back!

Congratulations on 3 1/2 days! Keep stacking them up!

Love ya Sista!

Terrie  80  DOF


Chin up my sweet, sweet Terri , your relapse is over and you are on your new quit and you definitely can and will kick ass my friend. I like what you say about buying the world a coke, life is good especially now that you are back with all of us EXERS because we are all here for you. (((((Big cyber Hug from me to you)))))



Nope, it's NOT fun.  But it WILL become fun again.  You just have to build up those days again.  And shake up your mind.  Have you ever read The Artist's Way?  It's kind of a pathway to creativity when you're stuck.  Google it.  May help you, may not.  You might also re-read (assuming you've read it already) the Carr book. 

You'll get those 136 days back, and MORE.  Make that you new goal.  And remember, those smoke-free days are still of benefit to you.  Your body was glad.  And is so even now (even if that gladness hasn't reached your mind yet.)   

Don't dwell in the negatives. 




Terri, you are my hero...You came back right away, you got back on the horse.  You're doing it.  I hate that you relapsed but I want you to understand that you DO help alot of people on this site.  And yea, I do see your wonderful sense of humor shining through right now even if you cant!!!!  I wish I could make your pain go away, but I think you know that even if you have crappy days(I sure do still have crappy days)you are stacking your days up no matter.  I think you told me that once and I think about it when I need to encourage myself.  I want us to continue this journey together.  Please be well, my dear friend.    xoxo  CP


STOP beating yourself up.  You might write down how you are feeling and keep it around for the next uncomfortable time. 

I had a spell early in my quit where I wasn't myself, either.  I just didn't care - about anything!  It was just too much effort to be organized, or prepared, or do any work around the house or yard.  I just thoroughly didn't care.  I think that is a withdrawal symptom that some people experience.

Take heart - I came back to me and so will you!



What Nancy experienced for a little while I experienced for a year.  Whatever it takes my friend.  IT IS SO WORTH IT.


Look at this time as your forever quit. Yesterday is not what matters, what matters is getting thru this day and looking forward to the day when you are you again and it will happen.


I'm feeling your pain.


Terri Can you think of the other quit as a practice run ? I have 5 or 6 past quits and there is no sense to beating myself up for the past failures. Each quit gave me something for the next and has brought me to this one ! I have to say that each quit got easier because of what I had learned from the time before . This does not mean that I advocate relapsing I sure do wish I had made it the first time  which was  in 1989 but I didn't.... so here I am today  after about 4 more tries I even lost count !

I do no the longest I went without smoking was my first quit about 3 1/2 months  until now  I did feel great when I passed that mark in this quit ! So as someone said make that a goal, you have learned a lot so I know you can do it Terri .

You have not lost your sense of humor .....proof being that coke you will buy for all of us ! hahaha ! keep smiling !


You buy the Coke, and I'll do the Dew.
