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Quitting is not easy

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I quit smoking on June 28 th and it has not been easy... I went from 2 packs a day and decided to try the Nico Derm CQ... I was having issues with wanting and needing just a drag I decided to call American Cancer Association the person told me that I should go back and get myself under a pack a day... Well I didn't do it I said there was no way I was going back to lighting up again but now after 8 days I think I should have done it the right way... I haven't smoked one but have came close to it... Today seems to be my really bad day I got the sugarfree cinnamon hard candy, the lemon drops, sugarless cinnamon gum, toothpicks and drinking water, but nothing seems to be helping me at this point... I do not want to slip up I have been smoking for over 30 years and I watched my Dad die from lung cancer... Does anyone know of any other thing that will help me with the withdrawls

My favorite is to take a long deep breath and to sloooowly exhale while Thanking God that I can breathe at all! Maybe that's because I have COPD and appreciate every single Smoke FREE breath I take! But it also sends a rush of clean Oxygen to every part of my body and relieves the desire for the fix!

the american cancer  association told you to smoke? OK??? no! do not. Please hang in there, it will get better, But only if you DO NOT SMOKE!! ok? try like thomas said, do some deep breathing. Or go to his page a read the blog he wrote today, it lists 100 things you can do instead of smoking. To go to someones page just click there picture.

HAng in there. You CAN do this!!

Marcie - NOT ONE HIT SINCE THE DAY I QUIT! Three Months, Two Days, 21 Hours and 19 Minutes, while extending my life 9 Days and 18 Hours, by not smoking 2817 cigarettes that would have cost me $282.76.


You will never regret the one you never light.  Don't smoke.  gum, candy , mints, water, nuts, popcorn, ANYTHING!

Years ago, I joked , when I tried the patches , "they work pretty well , they roll up nicely, but they don't stay lit worth a darn"

It's that smoking HABIT that you're missing right now.  You're getting the nicotine - it's the HABIT you're missing.

Make a NEW habit - I know it's easier said than done - but DO IT ANYWAY!!!

We are all here to keep you going and support you as much as is humanly possible!


There are a number of things that will help with withdrawals---deep breathing, hard candy (I like HALLS mentholyptus cough drops---they completely take away my craves) chew ice chips, run, walk, chew cinnamon sticks...lots of stuff

There no actual "right" way to quit smoking EXCEPT to put them down and don't pick them up again. One thing is certain---if you have quit for 8 days you don't go back to smoking in order to quit a "different" way.

Time will help with withdrawal and with craving....time will stop them completely! Just give it time.


QUITTING is easy  the hard part is not LIGHTING UP!!! You came to the right place,  Track your cigarettes , set a QUIT day and Just Do It, I wore the patch and I chewed SUGARLESS gum. The patch helped me with the PHYSICAL cravings.


distract yourself.

laugh when you have a craving. you will soon see this takes your mind out of a bad place


starting over after 8 days would be going backwards.

don't ever let what they said be an excuse to smoke

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congrats on quitting smoking. You are at the right place to help you continue to stay quit. There is all kinds of support here on the community and there is a lot of great information on the EX. Here is a link to a page that talks about smoking slip ups and how to avoid them.


Hi, I quit smoking on June 19th.....put out my last cig at 7:35pm. I smoked for 28 years. This time I quit cold turkey. I find it is a matter of immediately acknowledging and accepting the "crave wave" that comes over me so I am able to let it go simultaneously. I hope I have explained that alright, this is new territory for me as well.  I have noticed that the wanting to smoke now comes at a time of uncomfortability about anything through the day. I wasn't aware that I would grab a cig before going certain places etc... Things I never paid attention to and now that I am, I have realized that after not smoking each day, I am so much better for it. It is a process and we owe it to ourselves to follow through. I hope this helps some...just go for it and you will just might amaze yourself!!!!!


I find that deep deep breaths and very hard laughing helps the best! It's as I am naturally high!


8 Days means you're finished with the physical withdrawal and now you're dealing with the mental part of the addiction.  If you add nicotine back into your body by smoking or patches, you will have to go thru the physical withdrawal again.  Please go to and take their free course.  You'll learn how to deal with craves/thoughts/desires and get some much needed inner peace.  Most of the successful quitters have taken this course and are grateful they did.  Congratulations of 8 Days!

Welcome to the site! Congrats on your quit! With 8 days - you have quit! Done deal! Please do not go back - man, I can't beleive anyone would tell someone that!!  Many of us here have been helped by a lot of reading  - blogs here, the free course at: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" -
Keep blogging - the support here is great!!

Have you tried the lozenges? I've had so many unsuccessful quits but these have really helped me. I think it's the oral aspect of it, and I started on the 2mg instead of the 4mg and use only as needed. Goofy stuff to help? I got a hula hoop and will hula through, like, one pop song instead of a cigarette, or, honestly, I get one here. I've been trying to keep busy, and I have a big hike coming up at the end of the month (thus my main reason for quitting) so I'm working out a lot - I took a long walk last night after a particularly bad craving - just move yourself, physically, to another "space" and it might help. I am still craving, I promise, but it helps to move myself away from that craving, metaphorically...

Good luck, you can do it, you can:)


*get on here, re: the website. Sorry!


Get the download of the book that Bonnie put up, you won't need lozenges or patches. I thank you Bonnie you may have saved my life. I quit Saturday, have not looked back ....35+ years of smoking I did not think I would ever quit and I read the book and I quit like that. I don't know what it was but I am greatful.



hey hang in there i will suggest why quit its a cold turkey site the info there saved my life i was a 2 1/2 packs a day for 35+ years smoker READ READ READ its the best way to find your FREEDOM!!!!  good luck i hope to see you on the FREEDOM TRAIN!!!!!!!!!