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Quitting Zyn

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Hello everyone! I have been using Zyn and other brands of the tobacco free nicotine pouches for about 3 years now. Up until yesterday I was using about 1 whole can of 6mg pouches per day (about 15-20 per day). I decided to give it a go with completing cutting it off and going cold turkey. I don’t want to use things like the gum or lozenges because I’m afraid I’ll just replace my addiction to the pouches to those. I am having a tough time today. The random brain fog has been absolutely horrible. I even think I may have hallucinated a little bit today. I have a light but irritating headache. Things that don’t usually bother me are starting to really bother me! Any tips on distractions and things that help with the irritability and brain fog would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!