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Share your quitting journey

Quitting Smoking Using An E-Cig (Personal Vaporizer - PV)

0 39 473

I haven't written here for a while because the past few months have been a bit crazy for me. I'll try and sum it up for you, although now it's a little bit hard for me to remember exactly how the events unfolded. 

At the end of September 2013, I found out that I was pregnant. I was thrilled with the news, of course, even though we weren't trying to get pregnant. A few weeks later, I found out that I was probably going to have a miscarriage. I waited and waited for the miscarriage to begin, and it took a long time. Once the pain started, it became unbearable. I was prescribed Tylenol #3 for the pain, and when it woke me up at 3am one morning and the medication didn't touch it, I set off for the emergency room once my kids left for school. They did surgery that day, and I had a D & C, as well as a tubal ligation. 

My recovery was a long one, and I started smoking again. My husband started smoking again too. 

At the end of January 2014, my husband decided he wanted us to quit again, and although I wasn't all for it, I went along with it. Of course, it only took a few days for me to lapse back into my secret smoking pattern again. After all, I knew how to smoke in secret, and I wasn't ready to quit yet. I just didn't want to. 

My 38th birthday was at the end of March, and I started thinking, "How much longer am I going to do this to myself?" I started praying about this addiction a lot, and I asked God to help take the desire away from me. On March 27th, I finished a pack of cigarettes and told myself that I was done. I was glad I was done, and I bought a Blu e-cig to help me stay away from cigarettes. They had actually started to taste really bad to me, and I felt like I could do it.

I'm not sure if it was out of sheer habit, or just the addiction speaking, but the next day I bought another pack. I was pretty angry with myself. All morning long I just felt disgusted. I was doing the same thing I always did, driving around smoking, and wishing that I wasn't. 

One of my smoking spots was the cemetery across the street from my house. I would frequently drive through the cemetery, or even park there and smoke a few cigarettes. I couldn't smoke outside at my house for fear that my neighbors would see me and tell my husband. On March 28, right around noon, I got pretty fed up. I had about 15 cigarettes left in a pack, and I hurled them behind a fence at the cemetery. I knew there was no way to recover them if I changed my mind. I went home, showered, and kept on using the Blu ecig for the rest of the day. 

The next morning, my cravings came back pretty strong. Wouldn't you know it, I came up with an excuse to go for a "walk". I went back to the cemetery, and I tried like heck to get to those cigs I threw away. It wasn't possible, though. I kept walking, and I even went back to the places I smoked frequently, thinking that I might be able to find some butts that still had some life in them. 

At that moment, I stopped. I thought, "What are you doing? This is crazy, and this addiction has completely taken over your life." I resolved from that moment on that I was just going to focus on today. I just wasn't going to smoke today. Tomorrow could take care of itself. I finished my walk (for real), and went home. I used the Blu ecig for the rest of the day. 

The next day, I woke up and told myself the same thing: I'm just not going to smoke today. I was amazed at how much better I felt already, and day 2 was much easier than day 1. 

By Monday, on a day when everyone went back to school/work in my house, I was amazed to find that I was feeling pretty good. I didn't have any urges to go and buy a pack of cigarettes, and I made it through the entire day without them. On Tuesday, it was the same thing. 

By Wednesday, I started thinking more about my reliance on the Blu ecig. The disposable ones are $10 a piece and they last me about a day and a half. I really wasn't saving much money by using them. I decided to approach my husband about visiting the new vaping store that had opened up in our town. Once I explained to my husband that I wanted to get a better ecig, and that I wanted to use it to help stop the cycle of my secret smoking endeavors, he agreed that it was a good idea. 

The next day I went to the shop, and the owner spent a lot of time with me. He helped me pick out a personal vaporizer (PV), and he let me try different kinds of e-juice. As soon as I started using the new PV, all thoughts of smoking cigarettes just left me. 

My last cigarette was over a month ago now. I feel so much better, and it's amazing how much junk has been cleared out of my lungs. Whenever I smell cigarette smoke now, I feel sick to my stomach. I can't believe I did that to myself all those years. I can't believe that I was so deceptive for so long. My husband now also has his own PV, and we're enjoying trying out different juices together. 

I know this isn't a popular topic for this site among many people. I also know that I've been told on more than one occasion that using an ecig, or a PV, means that you're not really ready to quit smoking, and you should come back when you are. There is so much misinformation out there when it comes to using ecigs to quit smoking. The media has done a great job of making people afraid because Big Tobacco (not to mention the US government) stands to lose a lot of money once smokers realize that these things actually WORK. They're better for you (no, they don't contain antifreeze), and many people have been using them for YEARS, and have remained cigarette free. Yes, nicotine is addictive, but there are so many other chemicals in cigarettes that are just as addictive, or more addictive than nicotine. Nicotine doesn't cause cancer, but those other chemicals do. 

If you've been struggling to quit smoking, and you've tried every method you can think of, I beg you to try using an ecig. I would love to help you find the device that will work for you. 

39 Comentarios

It's great that you don't smoke cigarettes anymore but you still have a nicotene addiction & you're still inhaling foreign matter into your lungs.


I am so sorry about your loss and that time will ease the pain.

I did not get the feeling that the use of the ecig was a temporary measure this time as it was in your Oct 3 blog where you were so excited that you were forgetting to use the ecig at times. To be honest it sounds as if you want to smoke and are rationalizing the use of ecig. I certainly hope that the use of the ecig is short term and you have a plan to discontinue it's use.


To be honest, I'm not sure what my plans are for the ecig at this time. 

I really enjoy vaping. I'm not worried about the nicotine right now, but I know that in time, I'll be able to step down the amount of nicotine I'm getting if I want to. Many people use other ways of nicotine delivery (gum, patches, etc.) for months and months, and they have no issues. 


Because nicotine isn't the problem. 

Right now, Nicotine is being contemplated as a treatment for Alzheimer's Disease and ADHD, as well as other illnesses and diseases. The nicotine is not really the problem. It's the thousands of other chemicals in cigarettes that cause the harm. 

I don't feel as though I'm rationalizing anything. I want to vape. I do not want to smoke. Even though the two things are similar, in that they deliver nicotine and are inhaled, they're different. If vaping were suddenly outlawed, I wouldn't smoke. 

As far as foreign matter goes, I disagree. I know exactly what's in the juice I'm using. It's nicotine, propylene glycol (used in inhalers), vegetable glycerin (found in foods, and used to treat gum disease) and the flavoring, which is organic and made in the USA. There's no combustion, there's no smoke. 

I'm thrilled. 


I'm very sorry about your loss, and what you went through.

I just wish that the lungs could handle the vaping, and that the vapor was harmless....I fear this may not be the case.....

This should be an interesting's see what we learn, I know I still have a lot to learn on this subject.

I just posted this morning about the blue ecig commercial I saw last nite....blew me away....that was the first ecig I saw advertised....I don't watch a lot of television...

I am glad you are not smoking cigarettes thou, and it is nice to see u here : )


I'm sorry you have been through so much. It seems like nothing you have tried has worked for you and I can see that you haven't used the BecomeanEX method long enough to let it work. Now you're still (happily) hooked on another Nicotine elivery System. And unsatisfied ti just being hooked you want others to condone and even try it! That's not what we're here for!

We want to lead you to an Addiction FREE Lifestyle!

Here's some problems with what you write:

Big Tobacco IS the E Cig Business. 

E cigarettes remain unregulated. 

E cigarette cartridges are a danger to children.

E cigarettes contain prpyline glycol. Look it up.

E cigarettes contain metals such as nickel, tin, and aluminum fine particles that you are breathing into your lungs as well as silicate(glass.)

You are still paying money to damage your health.

You are still addicted.

Knowledge is the Key! You can decide to become FREE! Nicotine FREE!

It's worth it!


it's smoking with a battery. You never gave up anything. you traded one form of delivery for another.

See, the problem with quitting smoking isn't the nicotime. The nicotine makes us come back but it's the repetition of the hand to mouth habit that is the hardest. You cannot possibly unlearn those motions smoking an ecig.

There's nothing we can help you with until you are ready to unlearn smoking.

Plenty of vaper gorups who will embrace you and keep you vaping the rest of your life.



From your blog 208 days ago

"I'm excited that I'm just "forgetting" to use the ecig at times. That's speaks volumes about my level of healing from this addiction, I think."

enough said?


from my facebook quit smoking group last night.

"Hi I am 42 I gave up smoking January 11th 2012 I have not smoked since I went on the E- Cig and to be honest I'm still on it Vaping as the say I just can't seem to come off it. "

I'm sure there are millions of people just like you who wanted the easy way out and just weren't willing to do the work or give quitting the time necessary to get through.

There's a sucker on the end of every ecig


Thomas, I want to address your concerns.

Big Tobacco IS the E Cig Business. 

I believe that the Blu e-cigs are owned by BT. However, that is not the case for most of them. BT is losing a lot of money because of people making the switch to e-cigs. 

E cigarettes remain unregulated. 

Lots of things remain unregulated. I hope e-cigs stay that way, but we all know that as soon as the FDA starts making some ground on their plans, this won't be the case. I don't have much use for the FDA, anyway. Chantix causes people to get depressed and they become at risk for suicide. FDA approved. Essure birth control coils are supposed to be the "best" method of permanent birth control for women. Yet, thousands of women have risen against them because of the pain they inflict upon them. FDA approved. 

Right. And the list goes on...

E cigarette cartridges are a danger to children.

So are the knives in your kitchen. So are the medications your doctor prescribes. Common sense is needed here. 

E cigarettes contain prpyline glycol. Look it up.

  Propylene Glycol 
  Propylene glycol is commonly confused in the media (and by well‐meaning enthusiasts) with diethylene glycol as the toxic ingredient found in antifreeze.  (Anti‐freeze is actually most commonly made with ethylene glycol.) While propylene glycol can be found in some antifreeze, it is actually added to it to make it LESS toxic.  
  “Antifreeze typically contains ethylene glycol as its active ingredient, but some manufacturers market propylene glycol-based antifreeze, which is less toxic to humans and pets. The acute, or short-term, toxicity of propylene glycol, especially in humans, is substantially lower than that of ethylene glycol. Regardless of which active ingredient the spent antifreeze contains, heavy metals contaminate the antifreeze during service. When contaminated, particularly with lead, used antifreeze can be considered hazardous and should be reused, recycled, or disposed of properly.” 
  Propylene glycol is a common ingredient in many foods and medicines, such as McCormick (and other brand) imitation food flavoring, toothpaste, cough syrup, hand sanitizer, lotions, cosmetics and more. 

E cigarettes contain metals such as nickel, tin, and aluminum fine particles that you are breathing into your lungs as well as silicate(glass.)

The reports that there are studies that show potential health risks due to e-cigarette use are premature.  In spite of what has been reported, the studies done to date have not only been largely inconclusive, but have actually found that the levels of contaminants detected in e-cigarette liquid and vapor are so low that it is highly doubtful they would even pose a health risk. Most certainly, they are thousands of times less of a risk than continuing to smoke. The fact is, the mere "detection" of a chemical does not mean that a product is hazardous. Every day we harmlessly consume and breathe in chemicals that would be toxic at much higher levels. It is disingenuous for public health organizations that disapprove of e-cigarettes to point to the trace levels found in e-cigarette studies as conclusive evidence of a potential health risk.

You are still paying money to damage your health.

Harm reduction. 

You are still addicted.

To nicotine, yes. To everything else that's in cigarettes? No.


I won't be continuing on this site because of the rudeness of some of the people here. I knew I would get some of these responses. I expected them. However, there are many people out there just like me, who tried to quit smoking cigarettes for a long time, and couldn't. Many of them come here on a daily basis and they post about their failed attempts. They promise to start again tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, they fail again. I know. I used to be one of them. 

E-cigs are not perfect. I'm not saying they are. However, before you turn to patches, before you turn to gum or Chantix, or whatever, why not try something that WORKS. If you don't believe me, check out the Electronic Cigarette Users forum at You might find you learn something about your addiction that you didn't know before. 

For those of you who were able to quit cold turkey, or using NRT's, I applaud you. However, you seem to be unable to remember what it was like to be a smoker trying to quit, and looking for any way possible to make that quit a reality.

I've found it. I'm not a smoker. I'm a vaper. And I'm proud to be. 


Actually e cigs have proven to be less effective than patches, gum, and lozenges. All the information on this subject has all been posted on this site repeatedly! E Cigs don't work for smoking cessation! Statistics aren't rude - they're facts! 

if you decide to become Nicotine Free, please come back1 If you wish to stay hooked, find a forum that will support your addiction.


Not a smoker that's great.....

One who vapes.....I'm not going to even touch that---because I have much to learn about that before I do...

But "proud to be"???  That confuses me......

Good luck to you....seriously, I wish you the best!


This is so sad, you really don't want to recognize the truth.  No one is being rude, only concerned.  Clearly how you have to defend your stance and present your agrument here speaks volumes, you're trying to justify what you alread know, you're addicted. 

We only wish you the best of luck and hopefully some day, addiction free. 


This attitude is the case with most vapers. they want to push this on everyone else because they weren't willing to be uncomfortable for awhile.


Look in the mirror the next time you suck on that thing. Does that look natural?


Dale, my choice method of quitting is really irking you, isn't it? 

I get an email every time I get a comment, so I checked this out of my own curiosity. I actually did just go and look in the mirror. It looks like I'm using my ecig. It's what I imagined it looked like.

I chose this method because I needed to do something different that would get me OFF cigarettes. I know it's only been just over a month, but that's the second longest time I've stayed away from cigs in seven years. I'm happy about that.

I posted this to give other people hope that there is something out there that works. I've tried so many other ways, and I've always gone back to cigarettes. This time is going to be different. If I can help even one person make the switch to something that's less harmful when they've been struggling with smoking cigs for years, then I guess it's worth staying here and taking a little bit of abuse.

As far as all of this being sad, I beg to differ. I've never been happier.

And Dale...I know you've been quit for a long time. I've read your profile. It's good that you were able to decide to quit and quit. Please understand that not everyone in the world is just like you. We're different people, with different mindsets and different issues. If we all could just quit, just like you, then there wouldn't be any need for sites like this one to exist.  


Many who use the ecig go back to smoking. Many will overuse it past the point of what they smoked. Many will get pneumonia from it. It's a crap shoot.


Many who use the ecig DON'T go back to smoking. Cigarette smoke smells terrible to most people who vape. 

Most people also lower their nicotine until they're only using 0 nic cartridges. That means there's more nicotine in the potatoes and tomatoes you eat than what I vape. 

Propylene Glycol is a germicide which has been proven to kill bacteria that causes pneumonia. It's used in inhalers, fog machines, etc. 


Dale, may be, (I'm sorry, I don't know your name) will understand the day she or her husband clenches their chest with a heart attack or rushed to the hospital suffocating because their lungs gave out (a/k/a) me or worse yet, the day one of your children put the poison to their mouths, then can you keep justifying it? Mom and Dad, you do it so you don't have a leg to stand on, oh Nicotine causes that too, lack of circulation.  You're kidding yourself if you think you're children are not watching and learning.  They'll either hate it and be afraid for you or they'll join you.  I have three grown children, well my 18 year old I don't consider grown.  Working with my eldest and his fiance to give up their addiction.  They've seen me choking using my nebulizer and still ending up in the hospital. 

You're still playing with poison my dear and influencing your children.

Best of luck with that. 


Now you're deleting comments? Ill  say it again. You are simply an addict telling people to remain addicts




I didn't say I wasn't an addict. I agree with you. However, so are the people who are using the gum, patches, etc. How much of your wrath do they suffer because they've posted that they're doing great with not smoking and they credit the gum/patches? 

Probably not much.

Yes, I deleted your comment. It's my right to do so on my blog. 

However, you have chosen to attack my chosen quit method because it doesn't agree with your small view of what quitting should look like. I may just keep coming back here and posting so that people can see that ecigs do really work if you want them to work. 

If it's the hand to mouth thing that bothers you so much, why tell someone to use a straw to satisfy that desire? If they use a straw, aren't they just reinforcing the hand to mouth thing? 

I'm not telling people to remain addicts, as you propose. I'm saying that ecigs are a better way to QUIT SMOKING. They work. They've worked for thousands of people, and they will keep on working. 

If you can't handle that because it doesn't fit into your tiny little worldview, then that's your problem. 


Courage, I am much more concerned about my kids watching me continue to smoke cigarettes and deciding to try that out when they're older. If I hadn't watched my parents smoking, I probably would have never started myself. 

My kids are educated about what I'm doing. They know that the ecig is keeping me from smoking. They are happy I've made the switch. Also, I'm breathing better, I'm exercising again, and my doctor agrees that things are looking better for me healthwise than they have in years. It's hard to argue with that. 


This is MY quit. And it's working. 


For the people using the gum and patches, there is supposed to be a planned exit. A time they end their addiction to the substance after they have substantially unlearned the habit part of smoking. You never took the time or made the choice. You decided you couldn't do it from the get go.Every person who tells themself it is going to be hard to quit makes it hard to quit.

No, the straw is not the same thing because most people end up chewing on it not sucking on it like a cigarette. After a while they realize they aren't thinking of smoking after a time and can ditch the straw


Dale, I really don't want to continue to argue with you. This site states that the blog is MY place to write what I want to write about my quit. 

You have your views, and I have mine. I've been trying to quit for seven years. Now, I'm a month + free of cigarettes. If what I say here has helped anyone, I'm glad. If not, then I can say I tried. 

You are not me. You have no idea how much I wanted to quit, and how much of a struggle I've been through to get here. Please stop commenting on my blog. You have an intense desire to get the last word, and you're not going to change my mind. You're not "helping" me as you claim to want to do. You're only encouraging me to keep writing about how much ecigs have helped me. 

Please stop. 


So you're saying you're educating your children on the correct way to become addicted? So you'd be okay when they're around 15, 16 years old at that experimental age seeing an e-cig hanging from their mouth because that's the right way to become addicted to nicotine!? 

I'm so sorry, but you haven't quit, you traded demons.  You found articles and websites to make you feel better about your decision because clearly you have to be hooked on something.

I do find this very sad and yes, you can blog what you want.  Dale is just trying to protect the newbees who signed up to this site and follow it to a T and there is nothing in the steps here that says pick up an e-cig or start vaping.... 

Perhaps another site is where you need to be so you can all validate yourselves.

Good luck, I'm out, but thank you though, you really did help me re-recognize the depth of this addiction.


Congrats on quitting smoking!  Don't let these uninformed people who are against the e-cigarette bother you.  You have my support:)  Yes you are still addicted to nicotine but I fail to see any real harm in that.  One of the great things about E-cigs is that you will be able to wean yourself down to a lower nic level if you choose (you already mentioned this, I am just agreeing with you).

I am amazed at all of the hate for a method that has worked for so many people when all of the traditional methods have failed.  My best guess is that they are jealous that you still get to indulge in a habbit (yes vaping is a habit) that gives more pleasure (yes more pleasure) than traditional cigarettes, is a fraction of the cost, likely has minimal negative health effects (if any) and has such a great community:)

If real peer reviewed science later shows real side effects from vaping; then I will revaluate my opinion.  I doubt that will be necessary as the ingredients in premium e-juice (not the crap found in gas stations) are well known, understood and researched already.  

Again, congrats on quitting smoking!!!


Alto101: Thank you so much for saying what you did! 

When I came to this site just now, I came across another new blog post from someone who said, "I slipped up. I ruined my quit...etc." I feel so bad for them because I know what that's like. I know how hard it is to know that you've thrown away a month-long, week-long, or even two-day-long quit. 

I'm thankful that I don't have to worry about that anymore, and I hope that my time spent here today will help other people say that there is a NEW way to stop smoking and STAY QUIT. 


You both are still smoking. You didn't give up anything. Alto 101 just joined the site to post on this blog? Did you go to your vaper board to recruit them to post here?

Why do you people insist on posting your crap here? There is advertising on all the media about ecigs. If people want to use them, that's fine.

But don't tell them to remain addsicts. That's what you are doing.l

If you want to be slaves forever that's perfectly fine


How long have you been using the ecig Alto?


Congrats on your switch!  I also tried many many times to quit, until I was so disgusted and disappointed in myself that I just decided I'd never try to quit again.  I was convinced to try an ecig in August of 2011 and I've not had a single combustible cigarette since.  I thought I would die a smoker.  Sure, I'm still addicted to nicotine, but I'm not inhaling all the other stuff.  I'm addicted to caffiene too, but that seems to be a socially acceptable addiction.

While it's true that more research can be done on ecigs, current evidence strongly suggests that they are around 99% less harmful than combustible cigarettes.  Nicotine, while toxic at high concentrations is not terribly harmful on it's own.  Propylene glycol, as has been mentioned above is used as a carrier for injectable and inhalable medications and is found in many of the foods we eat.  Am I sure that it's 100% safe?  No, but I'm reasonably sure it's much better than smoke.  For some of us, harm reduction is a worthy goal.  I would never try to convince someone who was having success in quitting to try an ecig, but I think they are a godsend for those of us who have tried to quit repeatedly and failed.  I smoked for almost 25 years.  How much damage could I have prevented to my body if I had embraced harm reduction earlier?  And, accepting that harm reduction is a valid approach does not preclude quitting nicotine completely at a later date.

Since I've switched to vaping, I've reduced my nicotine from 24 mg/ml to 6 mg/ml.  I may continue on to 0 mg/ml and then quit completely, or I may not.  My blood pressure has decreased, my resting heart rate has decreased, my blood sugars have decreased, and my endurance is up.  I don't get bronchitis after every cold.  I feel much much better.  I will never buy cigarettes again, and I will also never buy pharma NRT again.  I'm off of their quit/fail/quit/ fail cash cow merry go round.

Anyway, congrats to you again.  I think you have done a great thing.


ut oh. I see a pattern hre. all the vapers have bee recruited to come post on this blog.


Thank you, Spazmelda!


just slaves to smoking with a battery


Oh, and Dale? 

Just wanted to say that we're not still smoking. Smoking involves smoke, fire, combustion, and cigarettes. 

None of that is involved here. 

Doesn't this site support nicotine inhalers as a quitting method? Hmmm...I wonder what the difference is? 


Dale, I'm going to get in touch with Administration.  Clearly this person (spasm) only joined here to post this blog.  This is the ultimate in childish behavior.  What's the matter ncolwell, you needed some reinforcements for your cause?    Go posion yourselves, no need to take others with you.


BRB, calling Administration now. 


sure polyproplyne glycol is hand sanitizers etc. but you wouldn'[t smoke hand sanitizer would you. set it on fire and inhale the fumes?  I sure wouldn't


wow,  you will vape yourself to death.


Vaping give us the "Illusion" we are doing something about quitting, when we all know's it's BS.

NIC is the hook. Regardless of it's source.  the issue with Vaping it will likely INCREASE how much nic you use through the day because of the steath crap.

Get off it.