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Share your quitting journey

Quitting Sick

2 11 119

I haven't been good about using this community.  When I should be using it, I tried to quit smoking cold turkey this week and I got really sick.  I couldn't sleep, I had a headache that was so bad that what little sleep I did get was disrupted by the throbbing pain, and by day 3, I couldn't stop crying.  I was just crying about everything.  My eyes were burning and I was exhausted, my stomach hurt and I couldn't eat. I gave up.  

I'm gonna get some patches tomorrow and try again. 

11 Comentarios

How many cigarettes were you smoking a day before you quit cold turkey?


Sorry that you had such difficulty that you gave up.  It is good that you are going to start again.  Hopefully, you will come back and use the community for support.  Keep us posted. 


By all means, if you need some help, get some.  Don't let that prevent you from quitting.


I asked because it's wise to pick the patch that's closest to the number of smokes you were smoking before cold turkey.

each milligram is 1 cigarette so of you were smoking a pack you'd get the 21mg patch.

14mg patch is 14 cugarettes

7mg patch is 7 cigarettes.

Using more nicotine than you were getting right before you quit smoking doesn't make you think of smoking any less.


I really hope that you plan this quit and that you know what to expect...My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX  I am not going to tell you that quitting is easy, it's not and it is also not an event, it is a journey.  I was really sick when I quit so if I went through what you are talking about, I really did not know it.  I did not quit until I was so sick that I really had no choice.  Stay close to the site, read this blog written by JonesCarpeDiem‌ and pay attention to what it says.../blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months   Instead of saying that you have never been good at using this site...CHANGE that and start coming here every morning and every evening and reading blogs and comments and participating.  You will be building your quit before you know it.  You CAN do this.

Welcome to EX



Hi There, I know its not easy to quit trust me I have tried many times before.....but please don’t give and read some more .....I am early in my quit but have a better feeling this time....maybe you just need to dig deep down into your sole to find the answer to the question why do I want to quit or what is holding me back?  Let’s be honest, smoking did not make any of us healthier.....there are so many wonderful people here who are more articulate than I am, listen to them....we are all here for you!



GOOD FOR YOU. I tried TONS of quits too-using patches-gum-listening to people that quit-finally i asked MY Lord Jesus for help and I surrender and he saved ME by giving ME a cold turkey quit-so no worries-you aint the first one to TRY different ways that work for YOU! Thank you for sharing.


I've been smoking around a pack a day, sometimes more, sometimes less.  I've quit before in the past for days, weeks, months and even years at a time.  This is the worst that it has ever been though.


That's most of my reason for quitting is I'm trying to walk more faithfully with my Jesus, but when this battle because a spiritual one, quitting became harder than ever for me.  I'm going to use every resource I can to quit now.


How is "it" worse?

You're the same person you were back when you quit for years, right?

So it's likely a roadblock you are creating?


So, let's figure out what is making you think you can't quit when you've done it for years?