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Quit with Champix

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Hello fellow anti-smokers. I quit again a couple weeks ago with Champix and then promptly went off the drug. For those of you out there still using patches, sorry to rain on your parade but - using nicotine to beat your nicotine addiction is kinda silly. It works for some but, it is way too easy to quit and start, quit and start. Anyway this is how I found the patch. I abused in for a couple years...For myself the big problem is being addicted to starting up again. It became a thing with me.. I guess it always gives a better drug hit when you start a fresh addiction again. Anyhow, Champix was great - not an anti-depresent, non narcotic. Less side effects than anthing else I've tried (believe me I have tried every smoking cessation product). Oh, one last thing. I found coffee was a good temporary replacement for nicotine. Let me know what you think.
I think using coffee as a "replacement" for nicotine is...well...silly !!!!

Different strokes for different folks...remember that !!! What works for some, doesn't work for others !!! I cringe when I read people using CHANTIX (observe spelling !!!) Some people have everything from nightmares, to suicidal thoughts, to heart attacks on CHANTIX !!! Others swear it's what helped them quit !!! And if you think it has less side effects, you haven't done your reading !!!

You want support to help you quit ?? Don't be all judgemental on others !!!

You want a free way to quit ??? Make a decision...and STICK TO IT !!!! No caffiene or nicotine involved !!!!
Thank-You Carlie!
I am using the patch and it is working for me. I know what it is like to go about my day without reaching for my little 'buddies'. and what is wrong with re-learning how to go about your day without a cig in you mouth? Plus you cut the nicotine down over time...I don't understand your post. Are you with us or against us....we are all in the same boat here.
CHAMPIX is the brand name in Europe. The FDA wouldn't let them use the name when the drug was introduced here, so CHANTIX was used in the US market. Same product.
I used the patch the first 5days of my quit,and then stopped,and somehow(after being nicotine free for 24hours) I started the stupid gum. So far, I am addicted to the gum. As far as chantix,(i thought ppl were purposefully calling Champ-ix), I tried that years ago. I had a horrible side effect, I got HORRIBLE acne. It left scars. It was disgusitng, covered with Deep giant pimples. I went to the dermatologist at the cleveland clinic,and he told me it had changed my "chemistry". Only time would tell when my body decided to "change back".(it did 6months later!!!!!!!) 1% of ppl who take it get acne...I was lucky! I started smoking again at 21 days. This time I am at day 19 and going strong, using a NRT. I hate the NRT, but I am convinced that not any 1 thing is what "makes" you quit. In the end, its how bad you WANTED to quit to begin with. Because now that I am doing good, I could easily sit here and say the NRT is what made it so I could quit. But this is BS. And now that I quit this time, I realized the ANGER,MOOD CHANGES,IRRITABILITY,SLEEPING PROBLEMS,ECT. that I had when using Chantix was not b/c of chantix at all. This time when I quit, I had the EXACT SAME PROBLEMS. It was the Nico-withrdawl!!!! So, now I look back years ago, and realize Chantix didnt help me for much of anything. It was all in my "mind" that this is a miracle drug. I had the same symptoms then that I did this time!! And I went on to smoke for 3more years, until 19days ago. As far as coffee, I quit drinking coffee the 1st week,b/c if I was to drink that, you can guranttee I woulda started smoking again. My dad had tried to quit,and drank extra coffee. So, "whatever trips your trigger" is the point here. Btw, my dad still smokes and has empheysema,and does not ever plan on quitting again. My point of this whole post is, NOTHING works, except for WANTING to quit. That is what will get a person through till the end, regardless of WHAT they use. Who's to even say I make it? Only time will tell. I like to think I will make it.
I think you need to stop raining on other peoples' parade and take care of what's in your own backyard. What works for some may not work for others. Everyone here on this website has the right to quit in a way that works for them. I did the lozenges and that worked for me. Some recommend cold turkey and that has worked for them. This website is to offer people SUPPORT in their quit and offer suggestions. Not to tell them that the way they quit is the only way.
Thank you, Edith...and you're welcome, Carenda.....GEES !!!!!!!
Totally agree with all the above comments! I have tried to quit repeatedly and found that the methods were not the problem. I never followed through with any one method, I only used them for very short periods no longer than 2 or 3 weeks but I never really follow directions to the T about anything, that's just me.

This past 90 days I have, I used the 7mg patch for a week during my slip period because my husband went back to smoking and it got over that little edge that I needed.

I did find like Kristi said that it really isn't about the method, it's more about how badly you WANT to do quit and stay quit!
Part of me wants to scream, that one statement reminds me of all the people telling me not to use the e-cig. That soooooooooooooooooooo pisses me off because had I used it those 5 or 10 times I slipped and I say slipped (since I did not resume my old consumption) I would have way more than 92 days. Not one person here really knows me but me and I can tell you that that e-cig would have gotten me over the edge when having to deal with my husband going back to smoking. I was one of those people that thought I could never stay quit if he didn't either. Just for that, I feel like resetting my clock back at this point to my date of March 15.

Your quitmeter isn't there for anybody but you. If you want to set it to a different date, that's nobody's business but yours.

BTW, congratuations on three months! That's fantastic. I hope things are getting a little easier as you go along.
Hello...I know for me the chantix worked...but I feel everone has there own way to quit and that should not matter....we should help everone that is what this board is for...not to tell them which way is best they know there bodys not us....we are here for SUPPORT.........SUE C....I USED IT AND QUIT AND WAS STUPID AND BEGIN AGAIN BUT NEW QUIT DATE IS MON....
Whatever works for you is what is best for you... and since we're all different... it stands to reason that different methods and timings will work differently for us. I quit after failing at everything and finally trying Chantix. It's nothing short of a miracle prescription!

I only had minimal side affects like nausea if taken on an empty stomach and no one I know in person who's used it has had more than that and some dizziness. But I also know people who have quit by cold turkey, using the gum and patches. So... just be grateful that there are multiple methods out there. ❤️