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Share your quitting journey

Quit date 7 days

0 13 68

I'm really, really getting nervous about this now. I have never even tried to quit before, so I'm already setting myself up for failure.  ( thinking I'll never be able to do this) I've been reading like a mad women, sticking close to the site, going on every site that someone recommends, practicing triggers, and it seems after I read it makes me feel like I need to go out and smoke more.  Am I doing this, because I mentally know that next Saturday, I need to stop, or am I not ready to succeed like all of you. I'm thinking I should move the date, but then I'll just keep moving the date. I've got to do this.  I'm so envious of all of you, your so lucky to be able to do this, I'm so jealous.  This is hard, and I want to be on your side of the fence, but I'm scared, I will never be. I've read about the fear, and I have the fear, not quite sure I can beat that. My fear should be of dying from these things, what the heck is wrong with me. Thanks for listening, Debbi


I know it's hard to do - try to picture yourself without all the back-and-forth arguing with self, "wanna quit, gotta quit, need to quit, wanna cig! WAAAAAHHH!"  

Imagine yourself at peace just being additives.

You can do this!


"You have nothing to fear but fear itself " When you make up your mind to quit the withdrawal is different then when you run out of cigarettes and you want one real bad , that feeling used to scare me off from quitting . It levels off it doesn't get worse and worse . Also using a patch and;or other nicotine aids really helps to taper off . Sending up prayers for your success and for me too !


Don't be jealous of anyone...join them in living smoke free!!  If we can do it, why not you?  Of course you can.  Get excited about are saving your own life!!  Think of how many people need you.  Think of all you'd be missing if you weren't here.  There is so much to live for!!

Don't fight your quit. Embrace it.  Welcome it.  Live it.  You deserve to be free of this awful addiction.  Best wishes to you!! I believe in you.


It's normal for you to be fearful and it's normal for your head to start playing games with you.  Once your quit day arrives you will need to reinforce your quit.  Pledge to yourself I will not smoke.  It that feels overwhelming...pledge...this Morning I will not smoke.  It's a process and baby steps are needed in the beginning.  The auto pilot to reach for that cig can be broken, but it will take some time. Right now try and focus on all the benefits you are going to get out of your new life.  There are so many benefits.  We are all here for you!!  NOPE!


It takes only about 3 days for the nicotene to get out of your system.  I drank alot of water and juice and did alot of resting and reading.  A crave really only lasts a few minutes.  There really is nothing to be afraid of.  You can do this, you really can.  We are all here to help.  We have all been where you are at.  Get a positive attitude about this quit.  You will be able to breath better, you will smell better, you will have more money, you won't have to worry when  your out where you can go to grab a stinkerette.

Read all you can and come here daily!


We were all scared to quit, we were scared mostly of having to tell people that we failed at our quits and having to admit how addicted we really were/are.  I won't tell you that it's easy but I can tell you that it is not as hard as you might think and we would love to have you on this side of the fence.  We have lots of room over here and just think, you won't have to worry about running out of cigarettes, you won't have to deal with the dirty looks from people who have never smoked and who don't want you anywhere near them, you WILL be able to put away money that you would have spent on cigarettes, and you WILL be able to get to know the real you, the one who is not hiding behind cigarettes, the one who is not stuffing will seriously become a stronger person, a person you respect more than you could imagine.

Craves do not last and they go away whether you smoke or not...remember that and remember that you do not have to give them power over you, each time one passes and you did not smoke, you get stronger.


Hell Week is history! Way to go Debbi! That's awesome!

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Debbi, Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.  Tip toe if you must, but take the step !!!


keep calm and carry on




The fear is that nicotine brain trying to scare you into continuing to smoke until it kills you. Remember, a craving will only last 2-3 minutes and then it will go away whether you smoke OR not !  Seriously!  So you might as well just not. As you go through each day, those moments of craving get fewer and farther between. And this happens a lot sooner than you would think. You do not have to be afraid of or a slave to that bundle of weeds wrapped in a piece of paper anymore.

You have absolutely NOTHING or lose and EVERYTHING to gain. Join us. We will help you every step of the way.


Mind games. !Don't welcome any of them. I really can't believe I finally quit for good!!! I just keep telling myself CIGS are not an option anymore. Who needs them? Not me and neither do you. You can do this.I bet your stronger than you think,I know your stronger than the addiction.We can continue to do this together.Stop worrying -it doesn't do us any good.. It's quite fun after ya get over the first few days. I reward myself so much. It's awesome using the money for me.I buy little things that make my days a little brighter. Like a plant,Massage!-Candy,Candles,New c.d.-New under garments...etc. etc. It's fun also. I have sooo much time to get into some new trouble.I'm proud of you. Debbie's are very stubborn people. Get your mind in the right place. Were all here.Keep reading,writing,venting. It works..I'm at 55 days today-Now that's unbelievable to me!!!  Tell the world.You go girlfriend..


OK---so BREATHE DEEPLY. You may be in danger of seriously overthinking this. If you have done the reading and are using the site....just relax and jump on in on your quit day.

It is like getting into cold water....the more you think about the water, the cold, getting wet etc.etc. you get all worked up But if you just dive in and start swimming, you find it wasn't as cold-----or as hard-----as you thought.

C'mon in----the water is fine.


Just breathe and think of peace and a beautiful are doing great


Everyone has a different opinion.

I've quite at least 6 times in the last year. Cold turkey, patch, Chantex and then after the withdrawl was over, went back to the bar, or being around others that smoked.  Those 2 factors were the biggest trigger for me and I am avoiding them totally this time ... for at least a month or so.  If I get around that socail atmosphere and feel the urge, I'm leaving.

Here's my suggestion.  Don't move your date.  Stick with Saturday!!  If you must, go get an eCIG or a vape.  They are temporary fixes but should help you stop because they aren't "natural" cigarettes.  I was a menthol smoker and in the past had bought a different brand, like Parlament that were terrible and weaned myself off of them.

Whatever you do, stay away from the cigs.  One way or another, you're putting off the inevitable.  We all know, smoking is BAD, very, bery BAD.  If we want to live longer, fulfilling lives, we gotta quit and stick with it.

I wish you the best and come to the site if you need help.  Distract yourself from the craving ... take a nice hot bubble bath, have a piece of cake, hell, make a cake!!  Throw the cigs away, empty the ashtrays, and trash containers that have buts.  If you don't have them, you can't smoke them.

Trust me, I know what you're going through!!!  Do this thing!!