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Share your quitting journey

Quit Smoking Poem

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I am really missing a lot these days,

And I think I have it all figured out.

Maybe it's that I no longer have strife,

That is something I can certainly tout.


Maybe it's the fact I no longer stink,

My clothes and my hair and my house just shine.

Maybe it's that my nails aren't yellowed,

With all that horrible nicotine grime.


It might be my skin without the raw rash,

Itchy red twitchy, sensitive and sore,

It could just be the aching blood shot eyes

Of which I positively have no more.


It could be that my breath no longer reeks

And my teeth are not markedly stained,

Certainly all the coughing and hacking

 Are gone with all the unspeakable pain.


How about all the sinus congestion

In the early morning when I awoke,

And what about all the fatigue I felt

Each and every day that I chain-smoked.


You can see that I am missing a lot

But ask me if I genuinely care,

Every day is now filled with much hope

I am now healthy and much more aware.


© Gail C. Berreitter

July 13, 2005

In Celebration of Nine Months of Freedom from nicodemon


No-Smoking is going great--no urges to smoke at all, but still chewing gum! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

5 Comentarios

Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem and congratulations on your quit. You are doing great and you enjoy the rest of your wk end. 



that was great, just to drive a car without the smoke and the non smokers looking at me.


I'm on day

3, loved your encouraging poem!


There is SO much to be gained.  I am glad you are sharing your journey with us.


