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Share your quitting journey

Quit. Save. Reward. Repeat.

0 10 19

I'm a carrot chick, all the way!  A stick doesn't do anything for me, never has, never will.  I raised my kids on carrots, treat my staff with carrots, and believe sticks belong on trees.


Knowing that my prior quits have broken down and ended at around the three-month mark, it's time to put the carrot to work.


I've drawn up a list of 100 Things To Do and I'll start on it next Monday, the tenth day of my quit.  It's a simple plan, so if you're a carrot lover, this may help you, too.


All you do is make a list of 100 things you'd like to do.  They can be as simple as gettng a manicure, renting a movie, going for a bike ride, whatever it is that you would like to do, that would give you joy and pleasure, even if that involves cleaning out your cabinets or your closets.  Some things may appear twice on your list (manicures, facials, registering for 5K races, etc.) and it doesn't matter, as long as it's YOUR desire.


Some of the things you come up with will cost you nothing, others will require cash.


All the things are to be financed by your savings (money you've saved by not buying cigarettes), so plan accordingly.  If you're on the first day of your quit, your piggy bank won't have much in it so that luxurious dinner at that snazzy restaurant you've been wanting to try may leave you eating croutons and drinking water.


Everyday you remain smoke-free, choose something from the list to do the following day.  Your list can be 10 items or 30 items, whatever works for you.


The idea is to reward yourself and do something for yourself.  We're often so busy doing for others, that we forget to take time for ourselves.


The timing of my list ends at the four-month mark.  If I have to come up with a new list at the end of that time and carry this through for another 100 days, so be it.  But knowing how good carrots are, I think I'll see it through this time.


The visual of 100 cool things I get to do for myself is powerful.  Equally powerful was the imagery that my new EX buddy planted in my head yesterday:  this is a marathon, push through the wall, the finish line is right around the corner.


That's a LOT of things to come up with!!!  Perhaps we can all participate and name a few (and try not to repeat!)

Go to the park and sit a moment in your favorite spot

Take time out to read a magazine with a cup of your favorite hot beverage

Watch the birds at the feeder (if you have one)

Take a long tub soak

Play fetch with your dog

Go for a walk





Register for a March race

Register for an April race

Register for a May race

Tour Johnson & Wales

Go to Boston for a day with camera in tow

Go to NYC for a day with camera in tow

Register for a marathon

Buy new running shoes

Hike Bluff Point

Treat my daughters to lunch

Take my husband out for sushi

Start a fitness blog

Volunteer at a soup kitchen

Donate to a food pantry

Plan my vegetable garden

Order vegetable seeds

Wintersow 20 containers

Spend a day on my scrapbook

Order photos from Shutterfly

Mount photos for stairwell

Read "The Kite Runner"

Get a haircut

Ride my bike along the shoreline (bring camera)

Get teeth cleaned

Give myself a facial


Good. Have you made a list of all the reasons why you want to quit?  If not, do so and refer to it often.  It served me well to do the same.


What I know for absolute certainty Wendy is that your bountiful spirit and joyfullness + creativity and down right gorgeousness are creating a lovely smokefree life. I am honored to witness it first hand! xo


I got your message and I am so glad I was of some stay strong. We'll all be here if you need someone to "run" with.......................

This is your race to run.................many may run it with you...........but no one can run it for you.


Very awesome idea. I like your thought process. Read to kids at a school. That is always a great time. Wear a cape all day, and pretend to be a superhero. Not a vampire. Make bird food and a new birdhouse to put it in. Paint something just because. Oh yea, I have a new hobby to keep me busy for a while. Thank you 🐵


Birdhouses are so much fun to make, paint.  And I like the idea of reading to kids at a school.  Maybe I'll add that to my list, visiting a nursing home, or a hospice.  🙂


I'm liking this idea, Miss Wendy!  


Missed you, Moody.  Let me know when the group is up and running so I can find it and JOIN!


Wear the cape to the nursing home. That will make them laugh. Or take one of the therapy dogs there. I took a therapy dog to one of the childrens hospitals before and it was an amazing experience. I never wanted to leave.