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Share your quitting journey

Quit Date: Day 1

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Well, today is my official quit date, but I actually quit as of yesterday at 6:30 pm.  Now comes the real challenge.  However, found out my triglycerides are high so there is some motivation to stay quit. 

I found that chewing on a rubber water balloon really helped....shoot, I remember doing that as a kid.  Can't quite put my finger on it, but something stimulating about it. 


Yea!  But your last cigarette was yesterday at 6:30 pm?  If so, then that is the start of your quit as far as I can see.  What does everyone else think?   Don't forget to come here often!  We're here for you----Julia


Congrats on day one! I'm with Julia Amy - you quit yesterday!! But - then you'll have to do a new clock!! So - that is up to you! Today is your first FULL day smoke free!! Congrats!!! You can do this! Be sure to stay close! Blog - read - blog - read!!!


As far as the Freedom train calculates it is your day 1 today. Still it's up to you! Look at me looking ahead for you! Best wishes - Remember to drink plenty of water!


In a few weeks it wont matter wich day you consider your quit day, what matters is your going to be free!!!! Lots of positive gains will come your way and your gonna feel so much better!!! 🙂 Congrats!!!


Thanks all...just going to keep the clock as it is.  I quit at 6:30 because it was the last cigarette in the pack and with today being quit day I didn't want to get another pack, so took a deep breath and decided to move up a few hours.  So be continued.


Congrats, Ginko! End of day Thursday is my quit time, but I've been cutting down for the past few weeks. One thing that distracts me from smoking is cleaning!


Hi Ginko, just signed up today.  My quit date is Thursday.  I'm a 30 year smoker so its about time.  Best of luck to all of us!  Just curious, how much as cigarettes a pack by you?  Here in Chicago they are around $8.50 a pack.



My quit date is tomorrow, I am actually looking forward to it right now, im sure when it gets closer, I'll start getting anxious, how are you doing so far?


I just smoked my last cancer stick at 10:00pm. I am in a smoking cessation class and my/our official quit day is tomorrow. I have tried 10 times in the past year to quit smoking. I have a 7 month old daughter and I promised her, my wife, and myself I would quit smoking 16 months ago... without success. I have never had a support system mainly beause I am a "closet " smoker, always hiding around corners and behind bushes. So I am coming out. I am putting it out here for your support. I know you will support me as I will support you. We all know this IS the most important decision of our lives. Ironially enough, I have managed to quit many other addictions, including Meth. This IS by far, my biggest advisary. I will be sucessful. 

$8.50 a pack in Chicago? Holy cow. I pay $5.00, I mean, I used to pay $5.00, at the local "smoke for less" drug dealer. Thats insanity. I am going to put the five dollars in my daughter's piggy bank every other day. I will talk to you all tomorrow...Here's to a new life. Good luck and God bless.


Hi Ginko,

Welcome!  You will complete this challenge and enjoy all of the benefits of being a NON-SMOKER!!  We're here to help:)