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Share your quitting journey

Quit Blog Day 3

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Day 3!

Yesterday, my oldest daughter (8yrs old) asked me when is the next time I am going outside (for my smoke break)!

I told her that I don't need to go outside anymore

But boy, I thought I was opportunistic... I guess she learned from the best. A wake up call to me that they notice EVERYTHING! I would always find those moments that the kids are distracted, in bed, I'm all alone, and grab it whether I really needed it or not. And it comes out, that the girls would grab the opportunity of being unsupervised, to dig into the "goodies cupboard" to sneak snacks! 

8 year olds make great accountability partners. They are very observant, have memories like elephants, and they WILL rat you out. No secrets in our household! She tells everyone everything, even the cashier at the grocery store!

I need to be a better role model for these girls. I am their #1 example as a wife and mother. What a shame that all they have seen is that life is so stressful, that I need a cigarette break many times throughout the day, I get frustrated when practicing spelling words runs into my break, and I never seem to have energy to just havefun with them!

That all changed this week. It's never too late to reverse learned behaviour, or make positive changes in our lives!

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7 Comentarios

After you have been quit a bit, you will understand how your daughter knew.  We STUNK and didn't realize it! 

You will be SO happy you don't smell like that anymore!

Keep going!  Have some fun with those kids - they grow up TOO fast!


Welcome to Day 3... you will be an example to them "not to smoke"...Happy Friday ~ Colleen 102 DOF 


You are doing super fantastic with your awesome quit journey, keep moving forward and stacking up your precious DOF  - Days Of Freedom so each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON......


Congratulations... it is amazing how much we thought we were getting away with. Kids will not cut you any slack....


Wow, so neat that she noticed!!  I am so glad when you did smoke that you went outside.  I didn't when my girls were small and i regret that so badly.  Yep, 8 year olds don't forget.


They're going to have such a wonderful example in their lives now.  Kudos!



Congrats on 3 days keep stacking them.  Quitting is doable.  NOPE no matter what.