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Quick update on call from doctor

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The chest xray I had shows two broken ribs and very thin bones...yeah, knew that part.  It also shows a possible early pneumonia, did NOT know that.  Blood work shows pancreatitis.  Doctor said to stay on clear liquids until nausea already passed.  Pain on one side is just horrible.  Last night my oximetry was very low and my pulse was very high...I did not realize that is common with pancreatitis.  Using incentive spirometer...I have an ultrasound Friday and then see the doctor two hours later.  I called my son and told them to take me off the schedule for Saturday since I cry out in pain when I move and I don't want to hurt myself or scare anyone.  I am not being treated with antibiotics for the pneumonia so she either thinks it is viral or she wants to see if I get better without them.  I do not have a fever, I AM incredibly tired but that could be from any of the things they found.  

Love you all...going to bed, I rested all day.  I am worried about moving that one rib into my lung and really causing trouble.  


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Dang, elvan‌ , what is going on???  You better take BETTER CARE of YOU!!!!!!!! 

You are in my heart and thoughts to rest and keep the crud from building in your lungs.  Good grief, you are an absolute mess.  You are worse than I am. 

Love you,

Irish Rose


I am sorry to hear this.  I hope you are better soon.


IrishRose‌ I AM an absolute mess...have to admit that you made me laugh out loud saying I am worse than you are...not sure WHY I found that so funny but I DID and I DO.  I will get better, it's a JOURNEY, right?  Sometimes it is harder than others and sometimes it seems like I am just wearing out.  I am SO TIRED.

Thanks for your comment...honestly, I LOVE being a mess...




Thanks MargUcci‌, I THINK I am getting to the worst of it...not PAST it but TO it, I can almost see the other side of the mountain.




(at least I HOPE so!)


elvan     No Skateboarding For You! 


JonesCarpeDiem‌ NO CHANCE!


How are you feeling Ellen?


Very sore...the left rib is terrible.  I will have the ultrasound today and hopefully will know something by Monday, I doubt that the radiologist will read it today but I see the doctor after the ultrasound.  Thanks for asking...I will be glad to be able to bend over and turn without crying out and I will be really happy not to dread every sneeze I feel coming, particularly since my allergies are horrible and a sneezing fit is enough to set me into orbit.



I'm so sorry that your are in this pain Elvan! Sending you (gentle) hugs and good energy!



I pray that you feel better soon. Let me know when you get results. Thinking of you


Sent from my iPad



I am so sorry to hear about your bodily troubles. These darn bodies of ours, programmed as they are to dwindle as we age, it certainly is frustrating. I am sorry that you cannot go to work as I know that that adds structure to a life. And you have to fill those hours with something. But we can both Rejoice that we don't complicate it more with smoking anymore. Tomorrow is my 5 month anniversary. Is there a way to get recognition or something on the site? Take care of yourself and arm yourself with some good books, lots of fluffy pillows and Netflix!


Put up blog Gma_Bernie and you'll get lots of recognition!  Also, sign up for the Freedom Train, if you haven't.  What's your EX Quit Date?     Kudos on your 5 months!  Stay the course!


Thanks, I will.


The daily freedom train is a good place to celebrate your milestones. I have noticed that you haven't signed up.  Here is the link.  I will let ShawnP‌ know in case you have a problem.  Congratulations!

Register for Freedom Train


Jennifer, I have not signed up for the daily Freedom Train because I do not

want daily emails. I have a hard time cleaning out my email box and I have

read some of the Daily Posts on the Freedom Train and it does not edify me.


On Sat, May 5, 2018, 8:28 AM Jennifer-Quit-05-01-14 <


This is just to get you on the list so we know when you hit a milestone.  But I will make sure that ShawnP does not add you if that is your wish.  I have opted out of emails and receive none from Ex in my personal email.


I have to reply this way since on phone. U can be added. U wouldn't get emails unless u were mentioned for a milestone or if u comment on the train. But I believe after u comment, u can choose on blog not to receive further notifications. Can someone confirm this? If u do change ur mind, just fill out the form n I will get u added. Happy Saturday to all

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


Thanks Jennifer.

On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 8:37 AM, Jennifer-Quit-05-01-14 <


Hey all, it was a rainy day and my pain level was miserable but it is going to get a little better each day...I sincerely hope the left rib starts to improve soon.  

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and your concern.




Im so sorry this has been so ongoing for you. I sure wish we were neighbors so I could help you more. Your in my prayers. lol, I see we are texting at same time so will go back to texting  xoxo


Torture on Saturdays

and 6 days to recover


I'm sending up good thoughts and prayers for you sweet Ellen for a speedy recovery for you but I know from personal experience that it's probably be at least six weeks please take it easy so your body can heal huge loving hug coming your way but very gentle xo.....


The right side is actually starting to heal...I can touch it without crying out, the LEFT side, not so much.  It will get better...I didn't work today so that helped but I did need to drive to the store and getting in and out of the car was HORRIBLE!  I am resting now and about to call it a day and a night.

Love and thanks,



HI Ellen, Glad to hear your right side is starting to feel better. Glad to hear you didn't work today and trying to take it easy.  I sure hope you start feeling back to yourself soon. Sending you prayers and big hugs.


Ellen, I once  had pancreatitis and liver inflammation related to a massive Crohn's flare that I wasn't really acknowledging, because there was so much to do. I was in such pain that I was constantly on the verge of tears. I can't imagine adding broken ribs and other complications on top of that.   I'm also terribly impatient, most especially with physical limitations, so I know the broken ribs must be driving you insane. Because, nothing but patience  will make those babies better!  So, my wish and prayer for you is to have so much patience: with laundry that may build up, with refusing to get up and go unless it's absolutely critical,  with not being able to really do anything but lie down and rest and heal.  You are so important to so many. We need you. Take care of yourself, please! 


Bdwallhau Thank you...I am trying, really trying.  The left rib is just not getting any better, I coughed this morning...a harsh cough and I brought up some mucous and blood...more blood than mucous.  I called the doc...first xray had shown early pneumonia...I can't afford to let this progress.  I have an antibiotic that was given to me as a reserve, just in case of respiratory issues.  She said to start taking it, apparently the intercostal nerve is causing the pain to be so bad and the pneumonia MAY be progressing so I need to stop it in its tracks.  Who knows, maybe I will feel better in 24-48 hours.  At the moment, I don't seem to be able to stop crying.  Thank you shashort‌ and MarilynH‌ and everyone else.  I really appreciate all of the support more than I can possibly tell you.  This WILL get better.



Ellen, let it out.  This is a lot to deal with physically and emotionally.  It's your turn to be pampered.  



I’m sorry I couldn’t help u shop. Please rest and help yourself to heal. Barb

Sent from my iPhone


elvan‌ , sooooooooooooooooo....... are you relaxing???  I do hope so.  You are not in good condition to do anything but FOCUS ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BIG ((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))) to my friend, my buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Irish Rose  


Went to store, had just a few things to get but my husband can't drive because he can't see...kind of important.  I am relaxing now...every breath is painful, there is no doubt in my mind that this is the intercostal nerve because it is EXACTLY what it was like after my lung surgery.  I am using the incentive spirometer...sorry to say that I am not doing as well as I HAD been doing and my oximetry drops with activity but it DOES come back up with some focused breathing.

Thanks for the love and the hugs Barbscloud‌ and IrishRose




you need to have someone else do your shopping. you are scaring me.

People are helpful, trust me. I did all my family's shopping on one of those electric carts at 6 in the morning for the three years I was on crutches but I'm certain you could make a list and someone like me who can shop 3 stores in an hour and be home would be glad to do it early like that.


there is efficiency in shopping when no one else is in the store. 🙂


 JonesCarpeDiem  This was a really quick trip and I have to keep moving...laying down all the time will make me more prone to pneumonia.  I shop like you do...I get what I need and I get out.  This really was a fast trip and I am hope and I MIGHT take a nap.  I rented Coco because my daughter said it is a "feel good" movie.  

I'll be okay...sun is out now, we got one horrendous downpour just as we left the store, I had opened the windows so it woudn't be too hot...NOT one of my better ideas.

Hugs and thanks,



This is TOTALLY TRUE!  Although I am not a 6:00AM gal----I prefer the 1:00 or 2:00AM shift.....but yes......when no one is there it can be a very fast trip!


Just take it easy dear already have enough health problems to deal with........we just love you and worry.


Just sending a Great Big Cyber Hug [the kind that don't hurt!]

Related image

Think of ordering your groceries online and then you don't leave your car to pick up.

Oh and stay out of the rain, Ellen - tsk,tsk...

You always amaze me!


Ellen - Both Kroger and Wal Mart  have have a program where you can order what you need  and they will deliver and load into your car - free of charge.  Of course you still have to unload them once you get home but it would be a huge help if they have it available where you live.  I have never used it because I am one of those strange people that like to shop but would give it a try if I had a need.  Keeping you in my prayers.


Jennifer-Quit‌ They are just beginning to set that online ordering up here...will be interesting to see if it really works out.  Walmart has a pickup area so they are moving along.

Thank you ALL for your thoughts and prayers, I am worn out and I am going to surrender for the night, kind of early for bed but I get the feeling that my body is YELLING at me now. Sootie‌, MarilynH‌, Thomas3.20.2010‌ and Jennifer-Quit

Love you ALL,



elvan‌ I have heard good reviews of the program here.


I pray that you'll be able to get lots and lots of Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's tonight, rest your body so it'llhave a chance to heal xo.


Sootie‌ , I was only able to hit the "Liked" button once with what you posted; otherwise, I probably would have broken the key hitting it so many times.  Did you hear that, elvan‌ ??????  Good grief, Woman, you've got to chill out.  I had to do it just recently with someone I love.  Enough is enough, and now, "I am out of pocket.  Back off!"  Say that ten times like you really mean it.  Use my Yankee accent to put emphasis on that "Back off" part.  Go for it, Ellen!!! 

Love you,

Irish Rose


Image result for sleep well gif


Be well Ellen I hope you have beautiful dreams!



Sleep well Ellen


Oh dear.  I've been so into myself I didn't even realize you were feeling worse and struggling.  I'm gathering by everyone's comments that you are pushing yourself too hard and not using rule #1.  You can't take care of anything or anyone else if you don't take care of yourself.   Please, please, please take care of yourself.  There's only one you and you are such an important and priceless person.  Get a good night's sleep and remember to take it easy.

Much love,



I don't know what to say that might help.  So haven't said anything.  I just wish all this was not happening to you.  


Coughing up blood is never a "quick trip."


If you were your patient what as a nurse would you recommend?


Please take care of you!! We are all praying for you! I know groceries are important, but there are lots of ways to get food without risking you health and your very life! You said your body was yelling at you, so of course we don’t need to! But, if you listen to your body it would not have to yell!

i repeat(in a quiet voice) Please take care of you!! Because I/we care about you!!  Tommy

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.