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Did anyone else experience dizziness after going awhile without smoking.  My quit date is 1 march 2012 and I am doing a new thing where I dont smoke at work and dont bring cigarettes to work with me.  Its been about 8 hours since my last cigarette and have this weird dizzy feeling. I feel like my head is swimming.


Oh heck yes!!! That was the biggest thing I noticed. You are dizzy because your blood and brain are getting more oxygen!!! This is a good thing!!! When I quit, it only lasted 3 days or so (the diziness) which is the amount of time it takes to go through the physical withdrawl from nicotine. 

Sounds like a cigarette buzz. I get the same when I do t have a smoke for a while. It's depriving your body of oxygen, that's the swimmy head feeling

Welcome Jimmy,

It sounds like your on your way... I see you have set a quit date... Come here and read and read so you will know what is coming up and how you can bet this addiction you have, we have... Blog and ask question if need be...  Someone is always here...

NOPE    ( not one puff ever )



Do some reading Jimmy. Knowledge is power!

Yes...for awhile.

No regrets are you talking about when someone smokes a cigarette after they have waited for a long time? I think this person is talking about refraining and feeling dizzy. 

About which I have three comments. 

1. As someone said to me, once it gets uncomfortable to cut down,sometimes it is easier to quit. 

2. It could be blood sugar, nicotine raises your blood sugar, a doctor told me this, as I have low blood sugar issues. Also a good site to read about this is Read what to expect on the first day. And then drink some nice juice, preferbly orange juice. What i did when I quit was eat trail mixes of all kinds to try and keep my blood sugar somewhat even. 

3. E-cigs made me dizzy and gave me a headache, is it possible you are imbibing in these double sworded creatures.? 

You can do this, good question. Sometimes it's hard to respond, because this page takes a long time to load on some peoples computers, but keep trying it is so worth it. And if you are dizzy do not let that make you quit your quit, go to the doctor and see what is up. 🙂