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Share your quitting journey


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Tommy titled the TRAIN  blog….."it's the “quitting season”. The holidays just seem to want to make people quit smoking. I guess the holidays make us want to be better people. And for a smoker, the “better” part always includes wishing you could quit.

As everyone on this site will tell you…..there is no wishing about it. It takes, commitment, it takes some hard work and some hard days (no sense sugar coating it….it does!). But accomplishing quitting smoking will give you the greatest feeling you have ever had.

This holiday season, I am six + years into my quit. I cannot express to you how fantastic it is not to have to think “I should quit.” Not to have to worry about this cold I had and whether it is “something else”-----as we all did when smoking. Not to have to run in and out of parties to stand in the cold and smoke; stopping people in mid story to say “excuse me for a minute……….”. Not to have to wake up on yet another New Year’s Day morning not having accomplished putting the damn things down!

If you have joined in the spirit this year and decided to quit, you have made the best decision you could ever have made and you have given yourself and your loved ones a present that never ends. We are so glad to have you with us here at EX. Please do all the reading that has been suggested……it is one of the keys to success. Come to the site often and read what others have to say……new or experienced quitters….all words are valuable. And REACH OUT on this site if you think you are going to give in and smoke……..someone will be here for you. Listen to them!

WELCOME! Stay Strong.

About the Author
I quit smoking in 2009 after years and years of addiction. I just became sick and tired of the whole smoking thing. This site was a lifesaver with the support I as you can see, I hung around to help others. I became friends with many people....some are here now and some are gone. Welcome to anyone who is new....this is EX....we are all here for each other.