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Share your quitting journey

Preparing the the big day and scared

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I quit for 6 weeks once but was in the hospital for MS related stuff and couldn't smoke so I did well with no help from patches or gum from home.  I caved 5 weeks after home for no real reason and kick myself to this day.  So here I am and I find the support and friends here really do help so much.  I've never joined a support group of any kind.  They do so much good as I quickly found out my short time on this site.

It's scary giving up a constant companion, a buddy, a crutch, and all that but I then think about all the bad associated with smoking and the reasons to quit far outweigh smoking even if it was enjoyable.  I'm not quitting until 1/6/14 to avoid the cliche new year's resolution thing and thinking about the quit date stresses me but also relaxes me because I know I still have some time.

My lifestyle will drastically change.  I've let everyone close to me know my plans and they all support me.  I will no longer be the only smoker in my condo building of 4 units.  I won't smell like an ashtray.  I'll breathe better. I have COPD.  I've had pheumonia 7 times.  I have MS.  I live in big pain.  Take many pain meds.  Have pain pump.  Sensitive to weather changes in the slightest.  I'm a worrier.  I'm afraid of weight gain.  I'm afraid of failure.  I'm afraid of letting myself and others down if I fail

I'm stubborn and think that will help me through this process.  Feel silly like I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill.  It's just quitting smoking!  But it's so much more than that.

I will read others posts to see how they are managing and wish all well and I hope to get the same in return which is why we're all here after all, right?  I'll say my prayers for strength, endurance, patience etc. and memorize the Serenity prayer as that will help too I think.  Godspeed to all of us!

Believe it or not, we were all scared before we quit! That's the nature of Nicotine Addiction. The Addictive Brain convinces us that we can't live without our Fix - but WE CAN! What we can't do is live healthy with COPD and smoking! Quitting smoking is the absolute Best, most efficient and effective treatment for COPD! And it's doable! When you quit before you did not have the knowledge of NML and how to SUCCEED! We can show you how. You get to/have to decide to make it so!

I felt just like you 14 days ago.. Im not using any patched or gum.. I am using chantix.. and that has helped a lot.. luclky my ins plan covered it 100%. 

What has really helped me was reading a book i got on my kindle called "Easy Was to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr" he suggests you keep smoking while you read the book.. but i had already quit when i go ti..but it has really changed how i look at the withdrawl symptoms.. rewired my brain if you will.. to accept the withdrawl momemt as a moment to reflect on the fact that i am no longer sucking poisn into my lungs..

Good reading.. i highly suggest it.


Here is a link to a free PDF version of "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.""

A LOT of folks here credit their success to what they learned by reading about what nicotine does to your body and mind.  It also educates you on what it REALLY does for you (the answer is NOTHING!).

Get reading!



you lost it in no mans land like most quitters.

the 100 day period after the first month is the time most people give in.

please go read the top of my page


Stacy, I'm copying word for word what I sent Tricia this afternoon because we were all afraid to quit, when it should be the other way around, we should be afraid to keep smoking!

There is no magic bullet or pill to make a person quit smoking. It does require you make a commitment to yourself to quit.

I was afraid to quit too because I was afraid of failure.

The first thing is to build a good foundation for a successful quit and that means you need to learn everything you can about nicotine addiction. Our addicted mind is in a constant fight with the logical mind. I mean, we know cigarettes will kill us, right? But, the addict in our brains doesn't care, the little nicodemon wants what he wants, so you must know your enemy. This link will help you begin to learn how nicotine affects our brain and creates addiction.

I always recommend to new people that they bookmark this link written by Shawn.

Here's a link to a free download for Allen Carr’s “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking”. It changed the way I think about nicotine addiction.

Quitting is about learning how to live without smoking. Please read, read and read some more. Some of the bloggers here can be quite inspiring! Click on their picture and it takes you to their page, click on blog under their picture and you can read all of their blogs.

Stay close to this site, it has helped thousands of people with the support we need when we quit smoking.


Hello Bernie's mom and welcome!

We post suggested reading because over the years it has helped so many people change the way they THINK and FEEL about quitting from a place of sacrifice to a place of gain… and of course I have my favorite stuff to add!

Congratulations on the best decision you could possibly make for yourself and your loved ones…

Always the MOST important thing you can do is educate yourself about the nicotine addiction by reading, reading and more reading…Please go to the EX homepage and begin the  3 step prep to quit….I only did it for 5 days myself!

It takes the mindset that we aren't giving up anything...we are doing it because we want to and not signing up for a lifetime of deprivation but a lifetime of freedom...that is the personal journey no one can take for us...We will be here for you every step of the way! xo

"YOU are worth SO MUCH MORE than a cigarette" xo

Helpful in the first few days:


Your doing great stuff, quiting now is well worth the effort. Day 10 and I'm still here as well. Have a great night.