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Share your quitting journey

Prayers Please

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I have been hesitant to share what has been going on with me because....well, because I wasn't really sure what is going on with me.

Now I know more and know that the power of prayer and support of family and friends is tremendous.

A few weeks ago I got sick and it was even at the point I missed a day of work which NEVER happens.   I went to dr and found out I had bronchitis.    I can't remember the last time I had that.     Dr took chest x-ray and saw a small spot on lower left lung.   She is thinking it was probably pneumonia (which I've NEVER had).      Radiologist read it and gave the summation that there are 2 nodules (1 on each lung) the size of 10 mil and 13 mil.          Also something on my one rib that could either be metaxtisized CA or from a cracked rib.   Dr is guessing cracked rib as I have had a few of them.

Tomorrow I'm having 2 biopsies (1 on each lung).      Dr said we will hope for the best but plan for the worst.  She is talking like she believes it s cancer BUT we don't know that yet.        If it is she has a dr in mind to get me in to immediately to start whatever treatment he believes is best.     Probably chemo.

Scared?    Yes!

Hopeful?    Most times.       If cancer it is being caught early.     My lymph nodes are clean.     If i hadn't had the bronchitis they never would have found it  and (per dr) "in 6 months it would have been much worse!".

Also.......AND HEAR THIS PLEASE!......if I was still smoking it would be worse!

So, prayers please.      Pray for thanksgiving that there will be healing.     Pray for thanksgiving that whatever is there is being caught early.      Pray that the devil will keep the scary negative thoughts out of my head.

Friend is driving me tomorrow to be at hospital at 7:30.        My son will be there with me.    My sister will be there with me.      And I know that all the prayers and wishes of my family and friends will surround that surgery table.        Biopsies at 9 and 10:30.     This is central time.

I won't know anything until the beginning of next week.     Dr says if it is malignant they will start me right away with treatment and I will probably be done working.     She doesn't "get" that I need to keep working as long as I can.....and I will.

Thanks to all.

Love to my EX family!!!


1000 ++++ DOF



I will keep you in my prayers. 


Keeping you in my prayers

prayers for healing:) love u

You've got an entire Love Army behind you, my dear friend!


Praying for you ❤️


Saying prayer for you!


I will have you in my thoughts and prayers.


Sharon, sending prayers your way!


I will be keeping you in my prayers!!! (((((((((( U ))))))))))) No matter what happens, remember who is in control of your past, present and future!


Knee Mail going up right now! I know that these things can be scary! But I also know the power of prayer! You my friend have given so much to so many, that the outpouring of love and support will be immeasurable!

I think about how much worse this could be (and it is bad enough) if you were a smoker, and I give thanks for the fact that you found this site, and that you are a member of this community!

I will be holding your hand through this! And, I will not turn loose until you tell me to!

If you need some Krispy Kremes to kelp with the emotional side of this, I will happy to send some!

Love you!              Tommy


Thinking of you with so much love and prayers.  You are a strong woman with a strong faith. Let us know how it goes.  Love,  Barbara


prayers being sent your way


Please stay in touch as much as you can and keep us updated.  I will be praying for you during the biopsies and every day until WELL happens.


P.S.  I may even try my first Krispy Kreme in your honor (no - I have never had one!  What kind do you like?)


Sharon you will be in my thoughts and prayers!


Prayers coming...TONS of prayers.  Sail through this, lady, you can do it.  You are so right that it would be much worse if you still smoked.



Oh Sharon

Prayers and thoughts  coming your way my friend.

Keep in touch when you can.




Good thoughts going your way, hugs!



Prayers being said for you.


Ah Sharon.  Prayers going up and Love heading in your direction from Tennessee.  Glad your son and sister will be with you.  And as Storm said, this entire Love Army will be with you. ♥


Sharon, praying the results are, as hoped, "For the BEST" with no further concern. Also praying for peace for you as you await the procedures and results.




Continued prayers, Dear Sharon! You will be front and center in my Thoughts and Prayers throughout the coming Days!

Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!


Auntie Sharon, I am praying for you and thinking of you and sending you the biggest Texas hug possible.  Love you bunches and bundles.  Love, Stac


Sharon you have been on my mind so much lately! I am praying for you and I know you are a strong woman. We are all behind you and love you! Please keep us informed roller coaster buddy!


Hugs and prayers going out for you. Will be waiting to hear good news, that the test results will be minor problems, easily solved. Healing thoughts headed your way.


Prayers of God's love, peace and strength to you Sharon. No matter what - God has a plan and will get you through all if you continue to look and trust in Him. We are not given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Stay strong in your quit and in our God. Stay in touch please, continued prayers. Aloha


That is scary Sharon and I will be praying for you . Starlite is right she said it all ! 


Sending prayers up for you Sharon for strength and healing and for your peace of mind while you're having to go through this. (((Loving cyber hugs)))


Dearest Sharon - You will be in my prayers - tonight and tomorrow and then on from there! We will all be there and I sure hope you truly feel the love! 

God bless you....please continue to keep us posted! 



Sitting here wonderiing how it went, Sharon.  When you can, tell us.  I know you won't know about the results 'til next week, but let us know what you can when you can.  'Cause we're a'settin' here with concerned love.

About the Author
Gone but Not Forgotten. RIP I've thought so many times about quitting, done a few quits with the longest being 9 months. Blamed that relapse on my sister because she broke her hip. This time I feel different 8/5/13:The first day of my forever quit. About me? Well, I'm old enough that I am going to semi-retire (work 2 days per week) starting in October, 2013. I have 2 grown sons, 2 older sisters, 2 cats. I'm passionate about my work, love mystery books. I give all the glory for my work, any successes I may have to God and prayer. I have a lot of people praying for me right now and that is where I feel the strength. I also am finding strength, information and support from this site. I hope I can offer some of that to others when I get past the newbie stage. 9/4/13 30 days today!! I've learned so much since I've been coming here each morning (and sometimes at night). Words: choose, not try-----decision----not giving anything up, but gaining---I'm worth so much more than a cigarette. These are only a few of the pearls of wisdom that I've taken to heart. So many great people. I learn something each and every time I come on here. I'm learning about myself too. I teach clients everyday that feelings are feelings and ok to have, but I've always fought that concept myself. I heard when I was little "what have you got to cry about?" so I learned not to cry. If anger was shown it meant going back and shutting the door 10 times quietly or maybe getting the wrath of my parent. So, I learned not to cry, not to feel anger. I'm learning now that I have those feelings and that smoking pushed them aside and down. They are there and real. Now I'm trying to learn how to show and express them instead of going off by myself for a smoke. I have supporters. The biggest pride is what I feel in myself. With each day I wake up I can say "Today is day ____" and I feel proud. Not the kind of pride like I could never fail. That is a realization and why I need to be aware and conscious each moment. No, smoking doesn't solve anything. And today I am proof that I can go on without the crutch of a cigarette! 8/5/17 4 Years Quit!!! Who would have "thunk" it? I never took responsibility for my relapses, always blamed whatever it was that occurred. So, when I quit on 8/5/13 I knew I REALLY wanted it to work, knew that I needed as much support as I could get but I think deep down I was afraid this one wouldn't take either. So, I did as much positive as I could: Chantix, prayer, atomic fire balls, telling friends AND coming to the EX many times throughout the day. The people here became my friends as well as my family. I could share when I was struggling and get encouragement. Have there been struggles in my life since then that would have "caused" me to smoke in the past? Of course! Life goes on and troubles happen even when you don't smoke. I lost my sister who was also my best friend, my diagnosis of lung cancer and the treatment that has gone on since then (dr tells me "not curable, but treatable"). Would smoking make any of those things better? OF COURSE NOT! But when you're an addict the brain tells tons of lies to you..... Newbies: use the resources that the EX provides to you and you will have major milestones too. I thank my family here and love each and every one of you that have helped me! Too many names to mention.