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Please pray for my family

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My family is trying to be supportive. They smile and tell me I will make it through this. Then they have to turn away and wipe a tear from their eye. Today is my husbands birthday. I got him a card and a pair of jeans, and shirts. As he read the card, he was wiping tears from his eyes. It's so hard to see the ones you love suffer. Oh, Please let this nightmare end.
14 Comentarios
Pat, Hi, I have survived cancer three times. It is never a word we want to hear, certainly never a word our family members want to hear, but you must maintain all the strength for what ever treatment plan that is in store for you and keep your body strong and free of as much stress as you can. It is a scary thing, but medicine has come such a long way, and hopefully this is something that was caught early on. Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.~~~Peace!

praying for you Pictures, Images and Photos
Bill is so right Pat...
Treatment is getting better everyday.
It is so scary to hear the word Cancer.
I had female cancer at 19... I was so afraid.
But here I am 35 years later .
My cousin had breast & brain cancer
She was given very little hope.
She has been in remission for 2 years.
You must be positive.
Praying for you and sending ((((Hugz))))
Hi Pat. Patty sent me a note and told me of your situation. I'll let you converse with her about who I am and why I am here. I have read your blog posts and the comments there upon. I want you to know first that God loves you. Second that everyone I know on this website has one thing in common. They all will lend you all the support and collective wisdom that they can. Everyone of us shares one thing in common, we have all made a decision to quit smoking. You are welcome to go to my page and read not only my profile, but the other blogs I have added. It is always hard on us personnally and our families when we receicve potential devastating news. We always seem to think the worst and concern ourselves overly with what might happen. I am a relativly young old fart and have learned over the years that we tend to spend 90 % of our time worrying over things that never come to pass. As long has you have life, you have hope. I did not see here where any of the medical professionals involved in your case have told you your cancer is terminal. We are fortunate to have the best medical care ever availabe in the history of mankind. I too and struggling with the financial fallout of serious medical problems, but I am not going to let it keep me up at night or ruin my day worrying over it. God never promised any of us and easy life or a life without strife and tribulation. He did however promise us that He would be there to help us through out troubles, if we will let Him. He will not intervene uninvited. I might suggest that you invite Him into your problem, let Him take over and accept what ever He decides should be your outcome. I wish I could say without any hesitation or reservation that with God's intervention you will be cured of your cancer, but that is not my decision to make. That decision belongs to God. I, like so many others, will hold you up to God and ask that He decide in favor of your being able to overcome. I will also ask for comfort and peace for you and your family and friends, because even though I haven't meet you before, I can tell you are very loved and cherished by those close to you. I might suggest that you ask God for acceptance for both you and your family that no matter what the outcome, everything you do wil be done for HIs glorification. Tonight when you lay down to sleep, thank God for this opportunity to allow Him into your life, for His guidance, and for HIs love. Tommorrow morning before you open your heart to Him with petition, ask Him what you can do for Him today. I do every single morning. If I have a problem, I mention it to Him, ask for HIs guidance, assure Him that I will accept what ever outcome He decides, but most importantly I ask Him what I can do for Him today. Then, as I progress through the day, I simple wait and watch for HIm to present me with the oppportunity to serve Him. Apparently, He has once again answered my prayer, for I am doing what He has presented me to do today. I, like so many others, am here to help you in any way that I can. You are most welcome to join my little band of friends so that I can better keep up with what is happening with you. I can only pray what I know is happening. Pat, you are important to God and all of us. Do not give up hope. Do not stop fighting back. Teii your family that instead of thinking of losing you to this disease, you would rather they reach out with support to help you beat it. Cancer has been beaten by many people. Your fate has not been decided, so don't give up on yourself just yet. I leave you now with God's love, my prayers and big HUGS from Arkansas...Jeff
Jeff said it so beautifully and so did Patty....know that you are being prayed for and that we have strength that we never realize we have until something like this. I am facing serious health issues myself and I have given it to God and I know he loves us enough to be there and hold us in his arms. ((((HUGS))))
When the going gets tough the tough get going...Just stay strong and you will overcome any obstacle
Hi, Pat....You have got some beautiful words of encouragement here...listen to them !!! We have quite a few here, who have overcome MAJOR hurdles - including cancer !! Your family loves you - but as well-meaning as they can be, you might want to talk to them and tell them you're NOT dead; or dying !!! Keep them informed of what the doctors are telling you, so they won't think the worst !! There is hope - - - there is ALWAYS hope !!!

I will pray for them - and you. Best I can tell you right now is to re-read your own blogs. They are strong, and full of resolve. We will all be here for you...keep blogging, and posting !!!
Blessed Be !!
Pat, thinking of you. i've been reading your posts. Jeff said it so well. Let Go, Let God.
please keep us posted on how you're doing. sending you prayers...
Hi Pat. My prayer for you is that you believe that God can heal you. There is nothing too hard for God. He loves you and you have all of our prayers going out to you and your family. Don't give up. Have faith that you will be healed. I have a sister in law who is going through Cervical Cancer. I said through because I do believe that God will lead her to where he wants her to be as he will for you too. I'm praying right now that your family will be healed also.
Hi Pat, So many people here have had such good advice I don't know what else I can add except for that my thoughts and prayers are definitely with you!!

I am sending you a picture of one of my favorite's. Thinking of you
Hi Pat, Patty let me know of your situation and i extend to you my thoughts and prayers. I came to this site after suffering a stroke and having been told i needed to quit i did with everyone's help frm here. Jeff wrote so eliquinitely(sp) that i don't think i could add to that except to say my friend was dx'd with stage 4 kidney cancer and that was two yrs ago! with the amazing medical treatment she received her last CAT scan was so good the dr said in another 6 months if she's still good he'll call her in remission. I also worked with a young gal who had melenoma (1 % survival rate). anyway she just passed 5 yrs and is going strong. in other words - don't give up. You never know when the next miracle is around the corner and i know God has one waiting for you to receive it! I will pray for you and your family. God Bless and hugs to you D
Aw, Pat. You have no idea how much good energy is flowing to you and your family from all your friends here. You'll get through this and it will probably bring you and your family even closer together.
Wow, Pat, there is so much strength emanating from so many of these posts. I can't believe some of the stories...and yours can be one of them, too! Good energy is right, hwc. I literally feel something in my chest I can't quite identify, but I think it's hope from all the stories of what people have overcome.

We're here with you, Pat, whenever you need us. It will take some time for all of you to digest this news, but I hope that your family and you will be able to rally soon.

Love and hugs,
