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Please, No More Excuses!!

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I have been coming here almost daily and readi'ng blogs. I have been having terrible breathing problems lately so I haven't felt like blogging or commenting. However, there seems to be this "whatever" going around latley on here and I can't shut up anymore.
(sitting here at the puter this may take me all day to write... but I am going to do it)

A lot of people have lost their struggle and are smoking again or postponing their quits. I seem to be taking it personally and quite frankly I am pissed! I just feel like SCREAMING at the top of my knarled lungs QUIT WITH THE EXCUSES ALREADY!!!!

I don't even know where to start...
Smoking is an addiction. Nicotine will screw with your common sense and reasoning and try and make you think you can't live without it. It makes you believe that you need it to handle stress. It has you convinced that you need it to Mourn a loss, handle a break up, deal with illnesses, or to enjoy the "after glow" of a good meal or sex. It whispers to you when you are in your car, sitting on your porch, waking up with coffee in the morning or entering a bar to have a beer.

QUIT GIVING NICOTINE THE UPPER HAND. Don't give it so much credit. Understand that 3 days...THREE DAYS... did you hear that? THREE DAYS is what it takes to get it OUT of your system. After that don't blame the nicotine or cigarette, blame the addiction. It will take months and years after that to deal with the triggers. Don't be niave' enough to think that you will never be tempted. You ask anyone here with quits longer than a year and they will tell you that out of no where they will get a twinge of that old habit calling to them.

It's what you do with that urge that will determine if you will be an Ex smoker or not. It's up to you. It's not up to stress, or nerves, or illness, or depression.... It's a decision. No one ever told you that this would be easy. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

I quit smoking cold turkey June 4th, that was 105 days ago. Since then I have been diagnosed with a terrible disease, been forced to get a divorce for medical help, lost a dear friend, scattered my mothers ashes (who died shortly before I quit), suffered from depression/anxiety/fear/anger... yada, yada, yada. I didn't give in. I didn't run for cigarettes.

I am very proud of my counter. I watch the days change and out of everything in my life that is uncontrolable that is one thing I CONTROL. That is the one thing that I can take pride in.
For years I was one of those people who made excuses why I couldn't quit. It was never a good time. We're moving, I am starting a new job, I had a fight with my husband, my daughter went into the Military I am worried about her, we're going on vacation, my father died, my mother died... Sound Familiar?
These days I struggle every day for air. I woke up the other night unable to breath. Actually suffocating. I could not breath in or out. It only lasted about 5 or 10 seconds, but I can tell you those seconds seemed like HOURS. I am 47 years old and because of "MY EXCUSES" the rest of my life will include an oxygen tank.
As soon as I quit smoking I was able to breate again. But there is a haunting fear at the back of my mind every day, like a black cloud hanging over me. I wonder when I will feel safe. Will I escape, unscathed? If not, I have only myself to blame.
HOORAY !!!! You tell it like it is, Kellie !!! It takes strength and a sense of commitment to quit smoking !! I am GLAD to see you have found that strength !!
I, like a few other people here, have been SO SICK of the whining and excuses around here lately !! Uf more people understood the addiction, to the best of their ability, they would NOT be having such a rough time...and stop with the excuses !!!
Like you, I went through alot the first few months of my quit !! My Mother passed away one year ago tomorrow...I was 2 months into my quit !!! I didn't smoke !! So many other things happened, and yet I was able (with the help of this site) to remain smoke-free !! I have been having a real hard time giving a pat on the head to someone that fails, time after time, and just "can't" quit !! I won't do it !! It's called; "SUCK IT UP - get over the rough spots, and get your new non-smoking life together !!"
We're all here to support the person that truly wants to quit !! OR - they can go on...on again-off-again...and end up with severe emphysema, like me !!! NOT FUN !!!

Thanx, Kellie...good post !!! Keep up the great work, kiddo !!!
Amen Kelly...RJ...Free at Last RJ - Free and Healing for Two Years, 9 Hours and 44 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 101 Days and 14 Hours, by avoiding the use of 29256 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $6,030.70. One Day at a Time choosing to NTAP NOPE..
I am copying one of my blogs that fits here again. It is below. We have to fight the good fight and try to grab as many as we can on our way. I may too one day have an oxygen tank for the desicions that I made earlier but at least I can say I put up a helluva fight!!! We dont need to go down easy with this nicotine addiction. The ones who have quit and are working it need to KEEP encouraging those who are having a rough time. vice versa, this is why we are here. Dont been afraid to tell me you had a had day. Im with you, I can understand, You smokes wont understand!!!! If you have to stay on the computer ALL DAY to stay away from the cigarettes, PLEASE do it. Here's my post after 5 days of my quit:

Its been five days and I feel like a ball player hitting the addiction lies out of the park. I hear so many. "You gained a pound, its not going to stop unless you smoke and will be worse in the long run" and "you're not feeling good because you quit and it'll hurt you more than smoking" The best thing I have learned so far is how to recognize the lies and dismiss them. That has always been my biggest weakness. If what I'm thinking doesn't encourage me, its a lie. If it makes me feel guilty, sad, regretful, worried or confused, its a lie. Anxiety is a byproduct of the lie so be careful with that one too. Smoking does not make anxiety go away. There, I feel better now.
Amen, Kellie:

It just makes you want to scream, doesn't it? Just as much as current nicotine junkies can't see the trap of their addiction, those of us who have stumbled into freedom can't stop seeing the trap. It's plain as day. Ya try and be "nice" and "supportive" and all the rest, but it is so hard to watch people playing right into the junkie lies.
I am sorry you do not agree with my post. But I stand firmly behind it. You just blogged about slipping. You have been on this site quite a while and frankly should not be posting about excuses or reasons why you "slipped". It is just my opinion, but depression was not the reason you slipped, stress was not the reason you slipped. Addiction was. Smoking did not make the depression better. It did not cure your financial problems. I am sure actually it added to them.
I am sure people will look at this as a "unpopular" response. But it's the TRUTH, and deep down inside you know it.
This site is to help people get to the point of becoming an Ex. No one will get there by using excuses why they need a cigarette.
Kellie...That was a very good blog you wrote! It took a lot of thought for sure. I know how you feel. You spend a lot of time and effort to help them and next thing you know, they've blown it. They just can't get reality wrapped around themselves, because usually they haven't quit long enough to be able to see the truth of the addiction. The addiction is stronger than their desire to quit. I just read an article in Family Circle about teens quitting. The percent of successful quitters is very low. I wouldn't even write down that per cent. The tobacco companies are directing their market towards teens now in order to make up for losing 1000 people each day who smoked. They lost them because they died from the results of smoking and continue to do so. Can you imagine? 1000 people dead each day from smoking!
Kelly, it seems that you stepped on some people toes...OUCH!!!!!

Good Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!

My name is Speedy and I have been quit for 5 Years, 6 Months, 14 hours, 42 minutes and 18 seconds (2,010 days). I have saved $29,854.58 by not smoking 140,742 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Year, 4 Months, 1 Day, 16 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/17/2004 6:00 AM
You have now see that quitting is possible. You know it CAN be done by ANYONE who actually wants to do it. You know that anyone who makes excuses is lying to themselves. Your frustration is NOT unique by any means. I struggle not to be as disgusted with current smokers as I am at myself for having smoked for 25 years.
I never claim that quitting is easy... But it is ABSOLUTELY simple. and I believe in my heart that anyone who relapses and slips simply lied to themselves. I don't think they are bad or weak, I just think they didn't value their quit as much as they thought they did. No matter how desperately you feel you may want that smoke, you KNOW beyond any doubt that it will do NOTHING for you but make you feel exactly the same way an hour later. With that knowledge, you cannot smoke unless you either don't care.... Or you lied to yourself.
It is hard for anyone to admit either one of those.
I understand your frustration.
some make it
many don't

its statistical
I'm with ya Kellie! I totally agree. This is why I wrote the blog post "Just an observation" on September 14. Here's one for ya to try: I've told people if they can come up with a good enough excuse to smoke, I'll give up my quit of 1888 days and light up with you. I've brought up this before and no one has responded to my request. Another fact is that I have another relapse in me, but I may not have another quit! Smoking is a slow form of suicide.
Oh, and this picture says it all:
A person who wants something will find a way, a person who doesn't will find an excuse....
What a hot topic. I think that those who "slip" were just not ready to quit. Statistically it says that it takes the average person an average of 4 quits before being successful. So that means that all those average people have slipped at least 3 times before being successful in their quits.

This is my first attempt and I am only 20 days in, but I think that I am ready and I am hoping that I don't slip. I don't want to have to quit again, it is too hard. I find it easier not to smoke than to start over. But if I do slip, I would hope that those here would help me to get my shit back together kick me in the ass and help me get back on the horse.
In a way you are correct Dawn. But in my opinion, if a person claims to have quit... and then slips... They are misunderstanding the very meaning of the word quit. To quit means to not do something any more... at all... ever.
I may have a drink or two in the evening. I do NOT drink before or during work. I do not claim to have "Quit" drinking the night before. I am just not drinking until later.

Please... Read my blog post "I want you to stop trying to quit."
Here is a quite from it:

"think about a relapse and about having a smoke again… It isn’t as if you tripped over a slipper in the hallway and fell mouth-first on an errant cigarette that had been left on the floor next to the fireplace where an ember jumped out and set the smoke alight while the dog jumped up and down on your back forcing you to inhale. You made a decision that the cigarette was going to fix this intangible stress."
..self-righteous quitters who finally quit cause they had to due to health issues, who ignored the obvious physical warning signs, they aren't any better than anyone else.

That was directed at me. Evidentally I hit a nerve with this post.

I take my "health issues" very seriously, as do I my becoming an Ex. I have done nothing wrong with this post or my response to a friend who re-lapsed then used excuses to justify it.

I will not however be attacked or made to feel like "Less of a person" because I ended up smoking until I had the diagnoses I do now.
That's all I have to say about that.
Isn't there meds for depression?
Way to go Kellie!!!!
GREAT blog Kellie. I agree 100%. You have are just stating your opinion, which this site is all about. You are bound to step on some people's toes no matter what you say. We all know the words you say are true. We are all addicts on this site. There are NO excuses to keep smoking or to start smoking again. I am so sorry that you have health issues because of your smoking. I worry about my health down the line because of my smoking. You don't have to defend yourself about your post. It's a great post. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!
Fantastic blog Kellie!! I commend you for honesty. Sometimes we don't like to hear those things but you nailed it.
Thnak you Kelly,
I sometimes forget that we not just dealing with our immediate comfort but with a deadly addiction that is going to bite us hard down the road.
Thoughts and prayers your way as you deal with all the trials you are facing.
Smoking is so easy to go back to if you dont make up your mind that its over. The mental part is the hardest to win for some. I cant imagine giving up now, what a choice, not in my mind. Kellie, Nice reality check, hope you feel better soon.
Kellie - You certainly DID seem to open a can of worms here....but I am glad you are sticking by your IS a good one !!
Take it from me...there are SO many different people..different personalities here...that we can easily be misunderstood when we voice our opinions !! I voiced MY opinions, way back when, by way of attacking one individual. I was supported by many people here - but THAT didn't matter. I lost several friends here, and fences have never been mended !!
People go thru many phases when they quit smoking - - and some can be very "touchy" when you hit on something that they feel is directed at them; whether it is or not !!! You spoke your mind, didn't mention any names, and what you said could apply to numerous people here !!!
You are doing really well with your quit - and in the face of what you're dealing with, I applaud you for that !!!
Kellie I loved the post because it was honest and not being able to breathe is not a joke and as you know I definitely know what it feels like. I personally feel like screaming please don't smoke, because quite honestly there was never any cigarette that I smoked that was worth the cost I am paying or you are paying, I would scream it to everyone if I had a voice but I no longer do and they are not sure I ever will. If you are like me and I know you are you are angry with the lies we believed for so long and for what has happened, thankyou for putting it in this great blog, ((((HUGS)))
I think that those who "slip" were just not ready to quit.

A lot of people who "slip" are making an intentional, premeditated decision to smoke... and then get mad when somebody calls them out on it.

There really is no legitimate excuse for a "slip". It's really very simple: never take another puff means never take another puff. Start each day with a personal commitment to never take another puff for 24 hours and you will never slip.

Now, that assumes that you have gotten to the point where you have the freedom from the drug addiction to make that choice. That could be a day, could be a week, could be a month, I suppose. It was three days for me, when I knew I could quit and understood all I had to do to stay quit was to never take another puff.
Well everyone has said it all I was like Kellie waited until I was ready for oxygen/24/7 a Dr. told me 20 years ago to just take a 38 and put it to my head and pull the trigger it would save him and I alot of trouble and I was Stupid enough to continue to smoke then one day the doctor handed me a paper with all my health issues on it and my eyes saw the words that was my turning point I knew I had to quit so it took that trigger to make me see the light just words on a paper nothing anyone said to me worked .. So I agree lets all stop the excuses and not be stupid like me but at the same time I think we should support thoese who are really trying Heck that is more than I did all those years and I knew I had lung problems all my life ... Good Post Just a Little Hard ON Some Folks.... ((((HUGS)))) Kellie it had to be said just hope the right people hear it