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I have never tried to quit in 10 years and I am trying cold turkey now. I use to smoke 8-9 smokes a day. I am having very bad shakes and upset stomachs. I went and bought the lil 72s and take a puff of one once. I don't know what to do and I don't know if I am going threw withdrawls. Please Help

Oh I just smoked a full cig. and now I feel so guilty..My husband quit cold turkey a year ago but he wasn't addicted. I feel so bad and a failure that I can't do it.

I am going to not smoke when I have my kids around me which is all the time seeing as I am a stay at home mom and go out side to smoke.
Oh I just smoked a full cig. and now I feel so guilty..My husband quit cold turkey a year ago but he wasn't addicted. I feel so bad and a failure that I can't do it.

I am going to not smoke when I have my kids around me which is all the time seeing as I am a stay at home mom and go out side to smoke.
Hi nice to meet you needtostop, quitting is not easy but you must remember that the craves will not kill you but the cigs will.I have been there and so have many others here we will try and help you any way we can you can do it!
First of all - BREATHE !!! Drink lots of water...cold as you can get it !!!

Yes, you are going through withdrawals. You are addicted to nicotine, and it will take 3 days to a week for the chemical to leave your body. Adding a puff here and there is only going to slow down the withdrawal will take longer to get your system clean.

I used the gum to quit....and after chewing the gum for about 2 weeks, and slowly cutting down, I was nicotine-free in about 3 weeks total. I could not do cold turkey...some do, and are fine with it.

The stomach problems and the shakes are just as much your mind getting freaked out, as it is your body getting the crap out of your system.
I am online...write me and let me know how you are...OK ??
Shakes and nausea are not commonly associated with nicotine withdrawal except in the movies. I doubt that those are physical symptoms from not smoking a cigarette today.

You may have an unrelated illness -- stomach virus, flu, etc. Or, you may simply be tying yourself up in knots with anxiety over quitting. In that case, education about quitting will help tremendously in putting you in a positive frame of mind that allows you to quit.
hey -- I quit cold turkey, too. But quitting means not to smoke at all. a puff here or there isn't going to let your body get over the physical addiction. after the first couple of days, you'll be free of nicotine, then the addiction will be only a mental one. it's mind over matter from that point forward.
stay strong... if you need to stop, you will
Hiya Needtostop,
I'm glad you came on here to get the support you need. The shakes and nausea are from anxiety. It is quite common to be anxious over quitting. It is the fear of the unknown and the fear of an expectation that it is going to be horrible. While I'll admit it is not comfortable, i'ts not going to kill you. Instead of feeling guilty.....just get back on the wagon right now and keep going with your quit. I would suggest that you go to which is a site for people who go cold turkey. There you can learn about your adictive behaviors you learned while you smoked. The behaviors are a major part of the problem of it will help you to read about them. Also, there is a book by Alan Carr, I believe it is called "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking". Many have said that this book is very helpful. Get rid of the pack you have by putting them under water. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and just do this. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Believe in have more strength in you than you are aware of. Call on us for help when you need it and DECIDE to Go Through It....Quitting is a CHOICE! Do you really Want to Quit? Make up your mind....what is it that you want? Marcus Seneca said...."It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare.....It is because we do not dare that make them difficult. It's easy to come up with excuses. Isn't it better to have the possiblilty of success by risking, rather than the certainity of failure by sticking with what you are doing...
I'm here for you...we all are. Make the can't sit on the fence.
Hi. I quit smoking on Monday with a mix of "cold turkey and hypnosis". The first two days I was nautious on and off throughout the day as well as light headed and cranky. Drinking lots of water and breathing deeply helped me to not crack. Taking little walks when I felt like smoking helped as well. Telling yourself "I don't smoke, and I don't even think about it" helped me too. It takes 72 hours to get the nicotine out of your system. Once you do that, then there won't be any more physical withdrawl symptoms. If you can get through the first 3 days, then it's all down hill from there! You can do it...don't give up!!
The shakes and the nausea could also have been the result of low blood sugar. Smokers are used to going all day without eating. The nicotine releases stored fat into the bloodstream instead.

When you quit smoking, you can't do that anymore. You have to eat something or drink some fruit juices or your blood sugar levels will plummet, causing all kinds of symptoms people mistakenly attribute to withdrawal.

Start your learning about the first 72 Hours HERE
Thank you to all of you that are here for me. I really want to quit and by goodness I am going to do it. I think I just need to keep my self busy and not have any sitting time and I will get throught the first 3 days. I WILL QUIT.
Thank you to all of you that are here for me. I really want to quit and by goodness I am going to do it. I think I just need to keep my self busy and not have any sitting time and I will get throught the first 3 days. I WILL QUIT.
Good For YOU!!!!! We are all here to support you!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! HUGGGGGGGGGGGGS!!!!!!!