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Share your quitting journey

Pleasant surprise...

0 7 22

First let me say that I'm not a frequent mall shopper.  When I go and spend  a few hours there every 3 or 4 months it's a treat. Made several trips yesterday from one end of the mall to the other, did a little shopping, a lot of walking and looking.  I could tell that I don't have the lungs of a 20 year old but feel like I did pretty well for a 50-something ex-smoker.

Now I'm looking forward to finding more of the non-smoking life's pleasant surprises.

21 days 9 hours 17 min

7 Comentarios

Congratulations, that is a great attitude, I am really happy for you.  I, personally, hate shopping but maybe  now that I am not ALWAYS trying to find a place to sneak out and smoke, it will be a different experience for me!  I can always HOPE!  I certainly do not have the lungs of a 20 year old or even a 50 year old...I so wish I had quit earlier and been able to give myself a better chance at this point. I am really, seriously, happy for you!

You will find that you can enjoy going to the movies, spending time with family, riding in a car...the list is endless, so much more now that you are not looking for a smoke break.




You are doing great.  I have to say at 21 days I was still white nuckling it.  Stay positive, it certainly makes things easier.  Congrats on 21 days. 


Congratulations on 21 days of freedom.


It will just get better and better, I promise!  You will find you are willing to go places and do things you avoided because ithey presented a possibility of not being able to smoke.

You will breathe better, and smell better and your self confidence will get a HUGE boost because you accomplished such a HUGE thing.

Keep going forward!





Congrats keep stacking the days one by one they add up-and it's like giving yourself a raise by not spending the money on cigarettes.


Good job! That is a huge accomplishment.